Chapter 18

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A/N I'm gonna be writing a BEN drowned romance next check the a/n at the end of this chapter for more details.

Roses POV

I woke up to see I was in puppeteers arms. 'How the heck did this happen? I fell asleep on L.J I thought I would have woke up with Jeff, Hellen or LJ you know the ones that were actually with me when I fell asleep but no apparently not'

"Hey um puppeteer?" I spoke while reaching a hand up to his shoulder, but before I got near his shoulder he grabbed my wrist.

"So your awake I see, I bet your confused allow me to explain why your here. U see I saved you from them idiots downstairs, they were going to do all kinds of things to you while you slept" he said.

"Hey were?!" I say shocked and sitting up staring down at him.

"Yes I over heard them. LJ wanted to kiss you and Helen and Jeff were going to let him so they could join" he continued. I gasped.

"I can't believe it" I said looking down at him.

Suddenly there was banging on the door. "Puppeteer you better fxcking give her back to us!" Jeff yelled.

Puppeteers POV.

Stupid puppet why couldn't it tie them all up? And why did he have to be the one that got down?!

Roses POV.

"Rose whatever he told you it's not true!" Jeff yelled. "He sent a puppet downstairs to tie us up, it took me all night to get out and Helen and LJ are still stuck now if you don't believe me!"

Puppeteer stood up and sighed. "Ok I'll open the door, but the lovely lady is safe and unharmed, I told you I would take care of her so you 3 could relax a bit" puppeteer grinned as he opened the door.

But unlucky for him as soon as he opened the door Jeff punched him in the face and sent him flying backwards, landing on the floor on his back, puppeteer growled at him. "What was that for look she's safe I never touched her!?!"

"That was for tying us up and stealing Rose from us" Jeff said with an evil grin as he walked towards me, I stood up. Jeff picked me up then he walked downstairs where Helen and LJ were still trying to get out of the strings they were tangled in, just like Jeff had said.

"Oh great you got her now can you help us down?" Helen asked sounding relived. Jeff walked over and tried to cut the strings with his knife but it did no good.

"Oh fxck, so we have to untangle ourself." LJ mumbled.

"Looks that way" Helen spoke. Jeff helped LJ and I helped Helen. Somewhere along the line BEN had came in and started laughing at LJ and Helen, which caused LJ to swear at him.

"Fxck off BEN!" LJ yelled.

"Haha nope!" BEN laughed back at him looking very amused.

"When I get down you are going to regret it, midget!"

I finally got Helen down but Jeff was struggling with LJ. So Helen went and helped. I sat giggling next to BEN.

"Don't you fxcking start Rose!" LJ yelled. Which of corse made me laugh more.

-Time skip-

Everybody was untangled and sitting watching TV when slender came into the room.

"We are going to war with Zalgo tomorrow" he said.

"What!?" Everybody yelled. "But why?!"

"His rules are doing my head in, you can't hurt your own army, ha none of you fear me because you know I can't personally hurt you. When was the last time you killed, huh?" He said angrily looking at Jeff.

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