~obiter dictum~

129 18 38

Aaghyaa's P.O.V.

I was woken up suddenly by a particular ringing right beside my ear.
I grunted sleepily and checked the caller ID before picking up the call.

"Hello?", I moaned, still in sleep.

"Good morning!", the voice cheered.

"Instead, it's not morning, but-", I took a moment to see the time in my phone, "late afternoon."

"Yeah, but you got up just now, so it's 'good morning' for you!", his voice sounded so cheery that I could break his face right now.

"Take your 'good morning' and shove it up your a-"

"Aye! Aye! Stop right there! Dude, you should stop watching CarryMinati. He's teaching you all this.", he said wisely.

He knew how much this nonsense of a theory pisses me off.
I shook my head in disbelief but laughed nonetheless.
Alfaaz always has a way to get under my skin.

"I will stop watching him when you start watching your mouth.", I stated.

A slight chuckle came from his side.
"I bow down to your witty replies, you know."

"As you should.", I said; a smile growing gradually on my face.
I made sure to make him hear the same in my voice.

I can make out very well by his voice that he was smiling too, when he said, "I am coming to yours in ten. I have something for you."

"What?", I yawned.

He chuckled yet again and said, "First get your sleepy-ass out of the bed and open the door for me, then you will know, na!"

I 'hmm'ed in sleep.

Before he could cut the call, I said in a hurried tone, "Achha, listen!"


"Bring your guitar too.", I bit my lip in anticipation.

Two seconds of silence before he answered, "I will."

Thinking that he is going to ring the doorbell once he gets here, I hit my head on the pillow and went to sleep again.


The sound was too loud that I got up from my sleep with a gasp and stood upright on my bed with my arms in front of my face in a lame attempt to protect me.

My eyes were wide awake from terror and my breath was hitching when I saw Alfaaz leaning halfway through the window into my room in a very awkward sort of way.
The thin metal chain around his neck moved from front to back even when he himself remained like a statue in that odd position.

"Fuck, Alfaaz, you scared me!", I heaved a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat off my forehead.

"Hehe, sorry.", he said and hopped in the room.
I noticed a small plastic bag in his hand and his black guitar case slung on his shoulders, which he softly put aside on my table beside where he was standing.

I looked him up and down and sassed, "Did you leave basic human manners of knocking before entering right outside, just like your shoes?"

He looked down at his feet and I followed suit.
"Umm... That's comical, I guess.", he chuckled.

"How dare you enter my room in your shoes?! Remove them! Remove them right now!", I lashed out at him and got up from my bed.

"Because you were so deeply asleep that you didn't even open the freaking door when I rang it a thousand times and so, I had to climb my way up to your room! And what the hell are you doing in your school uniform?!"

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