~of healing and helping to~

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Aaghyaa's P.O.V.


School has been treating me pretty good, I must say. My first pre-boards just got over yesterday, but as I wrote the last word of the last exam, I did not quite feel the rush of adrenaline that students usually feel after writing the last exam. Maybe because a part of me knows that this isn't the last exam of my whole life and there is still the final boards left to give after which, I will finally apply for a college.

Breaking news:- I made a friend at school. Surprised much? I surely am.
I met Pranali at the workshop that my school hosted just before my pre-boards started. She's in 11th grade and was sitting right next to me at the workshop that was conducted for the 11th and 12th standard.
What initiated the rather impossible conversation was our mutual dislike for the topic chosen for the so-called-seminar; Menstrual Hygiene.

It was she who expressed her non-inclination towards the topic and I chipped right in.
For two hours, we both laughed at the absurdity of introducing the topic that we had already mastered in the 4-5 years after we first bled, and the nonsensical fact that there was no point of educating the students now.
The thing that made is laugh more was that only girls were allowed to sit in this workshop, like periods is something that either needs to be ashamed of or the boys were too idiotic to understand the whole cycle of it.
Definitely the latter one.

I also made new other friends; online ones. The fanfiction on Ajey that I have been writing on Wattpad received a lot of appreciation than I had ever hoped for. The very first person to talk to me was writing a fanfiction herself, and it was just matter of time when we became very close.
I found the other two ones later on. Well, to be truthful, they found me. Being the anxious person that I am, I had mentioned my name in one of the replies to the many comments on my book. They took immense amount of stress to find me on Instagram using only my first name. They all sang praises for me during the first week of our friendship, and the moment we got close enough, they started abusing me with all sorts of names because according to them, they haven't seen a fool like me who doesn't attach a link to my profile that takes them directly to my Instagram profile.
Typical friends.

My relationship with Maa is changing, and this time, for the good.
I still remember how a month ago, she patiently heard and understood what I truly felt for Ajey without having any ounce of judgement in her.
We were never close like a mother and daughter is, and I guess we never will be.
But the important thing is, that we are trying. We are trying our best to know each other more, to tolerate each other's difference and I guess, the hard work is paying off, after all.
Although she has became more...kind and accepting towards me after the arrival of our beloved Tuffy, there are loads of mysteries to unravel that hides behind that elegant face she wears.
The day that I got to know that what she is going through, was the day I decided that it won't be about me and my life anymore; that I would do anything and go to any extent to know her whole truth and get her out of her own head, which is becoming so toxic for her.

Opening up to her was my first step at gaining her trust for her to do the same.

Things with Alfaaz has been the pretty same.
But as I am hearing him now, singing another song in front of a small crowd with his eyes closed and his heart open, and this one by Johnny Cash, I can safely say that I have never been happier.

As usual, when he was done he opened his eyes and smiled at me while everyone clapped.
I gave him a thumbs up and grinned back at him.
I am happy being back here.

With his first semester exams nearing, we couldn't stay the whole time watching all the people perform in Bards and Brew and so, after his performance, we stayed till two of them recited poetry, because I wanted to drink a Mocha, and then we exited the cafe.

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