~a fragment of hope~

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Aaghyaa's P.O.V.


'Your eyes. Damned be your eyes.'

I shook the pen in between my first finger and thumb.
What else could I write?
Maybe a poem?

A poem on Ajey Nagar.
Wow, okay, this is huge.
And if I do write one, I could include this lines.

People will say I am mad; writing a whole fucking poem on someone who doesn't even know you.
But when have I ever cared about people's opinion when it came down to my thoughts about Ajey?

Maybe I am mad.
But I am happy; only and only because of him.
Why do I have to care about anything else?

Before I could think of anything else to write about him, my phone rang.
I picked it up and said, "Hello?"


"Mein kabki ready hu. But where the fuck are you?!", I screamed.

"Well, I have been shitting bricks out of immense anxiety and due to that, I have already performed my piece at least five times today. Shit, Aaghyaa, I am so scared,", he said in a single breath.

I laughed loudly on the phone.

"Yeah, laugh all you want. And go die please."

"Sure, sure. But only after I see you completely fuck up your performance.", I said in-between my laughs.

"Yaar! Why are you in my life?!", he whined.

"To make it a living hell."

"Wow. I mean-", he stuttered.

I laughed yet again and said, "Come when you are ready."
"And don't forget to pick me up!", I added and cut the call.

After almost ten minutes or so, Alfaaz called me again to inform me that he was waiting for me just outside the main gate.
I adjusted my top and the huge mass on my head, that were my hair, took my phone and went downstairs.

I found Maa sitting on the sofa and looking at her laptop.
She saw me and gave me a questioning look.

"I am going out for a while with Alfaaz.", I said and proceeded towards the shoe rack to wear my white Converse shoes.

"Take care.", she said in a mechanical voice.
I exited the house without giving her so much as an answer.

Last week was pretty hectic for me.
With Maa down with fever and intense cough, I was required to stay at her side all the time. After our little, or big, feud, I never talked to her properly and we went on being our rude selves.
And because of that, I wasn't able to go with Alfaaz to the cultural program, where he was supposed to perform a piece on his guitar.
Good thing that this program is lasting for at least an year and taking place every sunday.

I closed the gates of my house and saw Alfaaz waiting on a scooty for me; his guitar case placed on the front so it didn't bother me when I sit.
I placed a hand on his shoulder and climbed the vehicle before placing myself comfortably on the backside.

"Remind me to teach you, a seventeen year-old soon-to-be a woman, how to ride a scooty.", he sassed.

"Remind me to teach you how to mind your own business.", I answered.

He looked sideways at me and his body shook with slight laughter.

He started the vehicle and vroom-ed outside the main gates of the society.

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