~strings of a soul~

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[ y'all go and check out the youtube video after the picture at the start of the chapter after reading the chapter. It really grabs the whole essence of the whole chapter. God, I love this particular editor's edited version so much. And more than that, it's edited by ihatedhani (yeah that's the name lmao, she's a jerk but she's a brilliant editor, a breathtaking writer and a terrible friend, lol no dushman). Thank you for this version though and I hate you so much I swear to god :) ]


Anamika's P.O.V.


The shock on her face was pretty visible.
It would be wrong to expect anything else from her.

She wiped the traces of tears on her cheeks and got up in a swift motion.
"What do you mean?"

"I mean...", I said and neared her, "I knew priorly that you are going to findf out about it sooner or later."
I smiled slightly at her and put a lock of her hair behind her ear.

"How- what even-"

"Shh, I will explain everything. But I need you to be calm and understand the whole story without any interruptions or judgements, okay?"

She nodded; her face blank yet still full of shock.

"You know what your name means, haina? Aaghyaa. Fire. Burning. Anger. All these are the synonyms of your name; of you. The day you were so stubborn to hear my story for the first time, I knew it then and there, that there will come a day when you will find out that it ain't all true, and there will come a time where I would have to tell you everything. You are just like your name; stubborn, angry, never backing away from what you want, will do anything and go to any extent to know what you don't..."

"So...so, you knew all along?!"

"Uh-huh...and the day you brought in Tuffy confirmed it all."

"Not-not me! Alfaaz bought it."

"Aaghyaa, my child, I am being truthful, ain't I? I can demand the same from you too.", I smiled.


"I had talked to Alfaaz's mom several times. She doesn't have a single relative who works for an NGO. It didn't take much time for me to piece out the puzzle together."
I, myself, haven't heard such a calm voice coming from me.

"Maa, I was just- just trying to help you! I swear! I swear on you, Maa! I wanted to help-"

"Shh, I know. I know.", I interrupted her frantic defence.

"And I am not going anywhere, okay? I won't leave you, I promise."
She knew what I was talking about and she sighed a little, her shoulders easing a bit.
My hand softly touched her cheeks.
Looking at her shocked, innocent, little face that hid the true, fiery girl that had birthed from my own womb, determined to go to any extent, I feel nothing but grateful for having her.

"You tried, my child. You tried all your best to save me and never give up on me."

I eyed 'The Blue Umbrella' that was kept on the table and said, "And you still are. Don't you think that's something?"

"You knew...all along....", she trailed, her eyes wandering here and there as if trying to piece all the broken bits of the puzzle in an organised manner.

"The day you opened to me about your thoughts and feelings towards Ajey, about a month ago, was the day I knew I would like to open up to you too. I was just waiting for the right time."

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