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I dumped my thumbing head under the pillow, I could feel my veins pulsing. Headaches are one the things that I can't bear, maybe it's the only thing I hate, calmly I pulled my head out of the pillow and the sharp sunlight peirced through my eyes and my head burnt.
I rushed my head back under the blankets.

I only felt better when a warm pair of hands massaged through my neck to the head, slowly pulling my head out I experienced a calm shadow beside me, shaking my eyes, I figured Hamza.
His hands worked through my head and lips were blabbering something that I was too exauhst to figure.

I got wasted in a pub. I remember zafar yelling and creating a scene, he probably dropped me here.


My hands shivered under the cold drops of rain, I wasn't brave enough to go out and drain under it, but just touching it made me a bit lively.
5 months passed to my divorce, I should probably leave Zafar's place. The problem was just he never came here, in all these months it was just me and his maid, who usually don't say anything, or maybe she wasn't allowed to, and a physiologist comes for my counselling.
For the first time in my life, I was blank I had an empty road in front of me.
Where am I supposed to go, or what am I suppose to do, how am I supposed to escape the utter shadows of past.
Innaya was an innocent part of my life, that's just snatched from me.

The maid knocked to inform that someone was waiting for me in the lounge, but I shook to my bones to see Hamza Shah there, the heavy beard trimmed hair and a brawny body nowhere near he looked like Izad. He slowly straighten his head to meet my eyes, I have seen Hamza in pictures and the only way to recognise him was his eyes, sparkling. Izad's unfortunate decisions are clearly seen in his dead eyes.
"Izad didn't sent me here." Was I supposed to be happy about that, cuz I clearly wasn't. "I'm just here to tell you that I have never seen my brother being so devoted to someone as he is to you"

I almost laughed at his sentence.
"Ask me, I have seen your brother devoted to everything but me."
I crossed my arms, enjoying the little authority in front of him, that I clearly can't have in front of his brother.

"He loves you." He said, belief filled in his eyes.

"I heard he, almost broke your wedding and you two are not in good terms." I backfired.
He shut his eyes for a moment.
"I have made a bigger mistake."

"That was not a mistake Hamza Shah. It was a sin. My daughter paid a huge price off." I yelled, with anger and a string of tears in my eyes.
He was quite for a moment, his chin almost touched his chest, his hands slowly came up and joined in front of me.
"I can't be forgiven I know." He almost choked on his words. "But I swear upon God if I had a tiny bit of idea what was going on I wouldn't have done that." He again tried to say something but lost words. The next moment I just saw his face buried in his hands and long pause of silence followed by a huge hiccup along with his tears.
"I'm sorry, but please Izad got nothing to blame, he genuinely tried. It was. " He took a long pause and took a deep breath. " it was me."

"Get out!"

I stormed in my room and heared Hamza leaving 

The door creaked open as Izad looked behind and saw Hamza walking towards him, he turned his face back and kept looking out of his window, Hamza sat beside his brother and kept his gaze in same direction where Izad's was.
"I'm tired Izad. "
He shook his head. "Can we stop all of this" he turned his face and looked at him, who didn't show an ounce of emotion.

"Leave it bro, forgive me"

He knelt infront of him, and held his ears

"I held my ears, atleast forgive me now, "

Hamza grabbed his hands and kissed them, " I didn't give you money that time cuz I feared you may take drugs from them, again." a dissapointed exhale left, " I didn't expect you to consume alcohal"
His hands furthur went down and touched Izad's feet.
"everything is your's you can have it back, take your buiseness, I don't want it."

"I miss you. " Hamza's voice got heavy as tears brimmed in his eyes.

Izad raised his eyes to look into Hamza's. They weren't like his brother, there was emptiness and rage, he moved his feet back.
"I feel disgusted from you "
Hamza could listen his heart shattering at his sentence.

He again tried to convince him, but Izad shook his head, he joined his hands together.
"forgive me"

After a few days Izad shifted to Zafar's place, it felt more like home to Izad.
Zafar came back from a day long of meetings and was already exhausted seeing Izad, siting in balcony, its been three weeks he keeps staring at the traffic morning till night.
"Izi? Let's crash at Zain's place he's been asking about you." Izad just shook his head.

"So you are planning to sit here for whole life? "
Zafar took a deep breath, calming his nerves when Izad didn't respond.
"Just talk to her once "

"How? I don't have any guts." Izad said looking blank to the busy road.

"So you had guts, to come after 4 years when I was married but not now." I shook travelled through his spine as he heard Rayna, gulping a lump in his throat he turned to see her, standing in a black dress. She dropped her wallet on the bed in an extremely elegant way.
"Your maid got a deterious habit of Stealing " She complained

Zafar chuckled shaking his head, "I'll make sure she returns your stuff."
Saying that he took a leave.
Izad was froze on his spot, Rayna walked to him until they both were close enough to share the same air.


"Do you really love me Izad. " His  nervousness vanished in a second, and a sudden wave of confidence took him.

"Do you really think I don't." Every ounce of me knows he does. He never said it but he showed in every possible way.

"How am I supposed to know when you never said that to me" I retaliated.

"You wouldn't have come here, if you didn't know." Izad bit back, smirking. The same smirk I used to droll years before.

Suppressing my smile, I  continued
"I can be wrong."

"You are never wrong." He said, walking to me covering every distance we had between us. "I love you more than I'm capable of loving anyone"

"Then marry me." I demanded 

"Are you sure.?" Izad asked, with wet eyes.

I grabbed his arms, holding onto my last support.
You can't stop the happenings, but I regret being not brave enough to get out of that house and give her a much better life. "If that didn't happen you wouldn't have realised that"
My counsellor words echoed.
I became a slave to this society and its norms, I forced Innaya to become a slave of it too. I wished i would have changed her life but I couldn't. Innaya lived exactly the life she was born for.
I'm living a life I'm destined to live.
Izad, his life was supposed to be harsh on him. We all lived our stories.

So I'm rectifying myself and I'm getting brave enough to live for myself this time.
"Marry me Izad." I assured him

He leaned down until over lips were mere inches away " I love you." He whispered and kissed.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2021 ⏰

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