13__It may take long.

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کاش تم میرے ہوتے
اور کیا غذب ہوتا
اگر یہ الفاظ تیرے ہوتے

Izad was standing in front the class.
I wasn't talking to him, and I'm not going to.
He needs to stop wasting his life.
I quickly walked inside the class, without sparing him a glance, and sat in the corner, so he couldn't barged between Fatima and I.
I could feel Izad's eyes on me, this whole time. Well, I can't risk trouble because of him.

Fatima and Arham left for a date, after our class and I was walking to cafeteria when Izad pull me to the corner. "Are you mad at me? "

"Leave me Izad." I seethed.

"No, first tell me. What's wrong." he is extremely stubborn.

"I don't wanna talk you." I spat.

"Why? " I turned to leave, but he tightened his grip and pulled me close. His strong cologne filled me. "I deserve an explanation." he wisper yelled.

"I don't want to be friends with you anymore. Your this, alcohal problem, is troubling me. " I confessed. Izad looked at me puzzled.

"I never hid, anything from you." He mumbled. I turned my face away. "It's been a year we have been friends. You knew all this, but you never beawailed. Why now? " he argued.
I was under investigation now.

What should I say?

Hey, Izad I like you, or maybe I love you, and I know you don't feel same about us.

"I'm waiting, Rayna." his voice got heavy and stern all of sudden, I looked up as he raised his left brow in a scolding manner. "So you aren't gonna answer." Why can't he just let it go.

Allah please. I don't want to embarrass myself. He jerked me towards him and dragged me to his car. "Izad, please. Leave." I begged. But he wasn't listening. Shoving me beside the driving seat, he applied child lock. "Now, we are not stopping unless you open your little mouth. "

At first, I kept the promise of being quite, but he drove for two hours and surroundings hot unfamiliar to me.
"Izad please, stopped where are you going." I babbled. He turned his enraged eyes to me. I felt my whole body shudder. "You are scaring me Izad, please." I lightly stroked his arm and felt his muscles relax under my touch. The car slowed down.

"Did I do something wrong? " He sighed. "Tell me what I did."

"It's not you, Izad." his eyes stick on me, and I didn't have encourage to meet his. As of reading my mind he said.

"I won't juged, I won't be mad at you say it." he insisted. That's the thing with him, he can read people, effortlessly. I was still hesitant.
Whenever I imagined myself confessing my feelings. I always expected him to be mad.

"I.. I" he rubbed my hand, with a feather like touch, so light yet to powerful. "I have feelings for you Izad." his movement on my hands stopped.

Allah, please. Don't make him angry to me.

"Look at me." he commanded. It took all the courage in me to meet his eyes.
They were blank, they didn't radiated anything and thankfully not anger.

"That's why you avoided me.?" I nodded my head.

"l know you definitely, don't feel same Izad. I" he cut me immediately..

" If your talking about, being lost in you, or thinking about you everytime I went to bed. The excitement that run through me, when I wake up and imagine to meet you in college. Or the sparks that run through me when I touch you, or the peace I have when we lock our fingers." He intertwine his finger with mine. " Or the urge, I have to kiss you, when you gawk at me." I was crimson red by now. He moved his face close to mine. " Are you talking about these feeling, Rayna" he whispered, in a killing sexy way. I nodded my head. "You want to kiss me.?" my heart stopped at his words. Do I? Like, I don't know. He is alluring, but. I felt my hands shaking and Izad definitely felt it too, as his smirk came back. "I think it's too early." he chuckled.

We both sat in the car, quite now. Izad hands folded on his chest and eyes closed, he had a peaceful smile on his face. I hated him in that moment. I was recovering from an adrenalin rush and be was extremely relaxed.
I drop a punch on his chest, his eyes jerked open and he turned to me. "You okay? " he sneered. I threw another punch
"Why didn't you confessed first." I yelled, I was suffering this whole time. I have cried to bed almost for months now and how cool is he. I heared his chuckle that irked me more. I raised my hand again but he caught it this time.

"Relax. I'm the who confessed. You just told cuz I forced you." I turned away looking out of window. Izad got of the car, and walked to my side, he opened the door. "Out. Now." I turned my face to the other side. He tugged my arm and pulled me out.
"Leave me Izad." I shouted. "Shhh." he warned, and snaked both of his arms under mine and hugged me. I locked my arms behind his neck as he snuggled into my neck. "You have no idea for how long I wanted you like this. In my arms."

"You'll stop this, right. All of this. For me." I was hopeful.
"I promise. Anything for you." I tightened my grip around him, and he did the same.

Next month, Izad went for his rehab.  We were sitting on the same park, he took me when we first became friends. I looked down at him, his head rested on my lap. " I'm scared Rayna." My heart wrenched, at his confession.

"Why Izad?" He looked at me, and turned his face hugging my stomach, I rubbed his back and massaged his hair to ease him.

"You don't know, how hard it is." He mumbled.

"We'll get through this Izad. I promise You'll get through this." His face still hid in my belly. I heared him sigh.

"You'll wait for me right? ." He said, as if asking for some assurance. 

"Ofcourse. Gladly." His eyes met mine, they were wet.
Was he crying?  "It's just 6 months Izad."

"It may take long." He sat this time, facing me.  " it may take years for me give up this addiction." 

"I'll wait even if take decades. You have grown on me. Jaan, It's not possible for me just leave you like that." I held his face in my hands.
His hands traveled around my neck and grabbed my chain, with the initial, Z and a Taurus ♉️ symbol attched. Izad looked at it and then me. " It's my Dad's name Zouq and his star"  Izad rested his head on my shoulder as I runned my hands through his hair, I looked at his beautiful face, the sharp jaw and light beard, thick lashes and naturally shaped brows. His hazel eyes again stuck to my black ones, He bent a bit and our lips met, he just sucked a bit and pecked, leaving me longing for more.  "I'm glad you are with me, Rayna."
His arms wrapped around my neck, and I locked mine behind his back, inhaling his scent for the last time.

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