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Rayna POV.

I folded my prayer mat, my eyes roaming around the clock. It's four in the morning, Hammad and Zafar would be in their flight by now, and Izad. I don't know where he's.
Innaya's doesn't have fever now, she recovered before, Izad.
Zafar told me, what they did to Innaya and apologised about it. I still couldn't believe he brought my daughter into all this. Innaya already was having severe pains due to her liver problems and I can't afford her to more sick.
There are times, when I want to cling to Izad, cry over his shoulder complain about my life but I'm afraid he won't hold me, he isn't gonna wrap me in his arms. He'll shove me away, like years before.

I heared the car horn and main gate opening, I couldn't control but rush down and saw driver dragging him in. He was drunk, he haven't left it. He prefered this life over me. Driver dropped him on sofa, passed an embrassed smile to me and left. My blood boiled looking at his, intoxicated state, totally wasted.
I turned to leave, when he held my wrist. "Leave me, Izad." I snarled. He disgust me. He had a weird smile on his face, his eyes fighting to concentrate on me.

"Yogurt." He said. I'm not serving him anything thing, he can get lost. I tried to release my hand, "please" I have no idea what is with him, pleading, I can't deny. I went inside kitchen and took yogurt from fridge, when Asma intruded.

"What you doing so early? " I haven't slept all night, but I didn't say that. I don't want her to form opinions about Izad and me. I just shook my head lightly and pointed my finger at Izad almost passed out. "he's drunk? " I nodded. "Add bit of lemon, It'll help." I obliged, she took a glass of water and left from there.
I went to Izad, who got a bit alerted as I entered. I passed him bowl as he opened his mouth, we kept glaring each other as he arched an eyebrow as if I was the one to be ashamed. "I'm not, feeding you" I scolded. He made his puppy eyes, and kept there waiting for me to give up, and guess what?
I gave up.
Cuz you can't fight his stubborn ass.
I filled spoon and put in his mouth while his eyes didn't budge form my face.
I would have kicked someone for looking at me soo long, but again it was Izad. Hammad never spare me any sweet gestures, our relationships was reatrained to bed. He wants a son and I'm a baby making machine for him.

Surprisingly Izad finished the whole bowl, was he hungry? "You wanna eat anything?" he shook his head. There you go, feeding Izad is difficult than feeding Innaya.
Asma was right. Izad got a bit sober as he was able to walk to his room, I still stood behind him just in case if he stumble. I opened door to his room as he entered, and dropped on bed.
He didn't moved an inch for a solid ten minutes, I walked and started removing his shoes, when he jerked his feet back. He was still awake, "You aren't supposed to touch my feet." it was more like a declaration.

I was about leave when he stopped me,
" don't go" it wasn't an order this time, it was a plead. I stayed. He removed his shoes and glued his eyes on me, shiver ran through my spine as his eyes, roamed around my body. We both were engulfed in an awkward silence but he didn't mind that. "Izad"
"Please." he instantly replied, as if knowing what I'm gonna say.
"Tum tu hoor ho"
"You are an angel"
I almost laughed at his words. I was at my worst apperance these days. I hardly brushed my hair, and here he was calling me a hoor. "You don't believe me do you?"

"I'm leaving Izad." I almost reached the door when he pulled me, closing the door behind us.
"You're beautiful." he murmured, "So damn beautiful. You look like a goddess. Like a warrior. Like you could slay me and you do. Just looking at you ruins me. I love to look at you. I could look at you like this, forever." the truth his eyes held speaking those words, stopped my heart. "Only if you knew Rayna."

"Then tell me."
He shook his head lightly.
"I wish I could." he walked away.

"You can. You just don't want to." I accused. He turned around, anger in his eyes.

"What do you wanna know? That I didn't desreve you? " his voice got harsh.

"Let me be the judge of it." I replied. He dropped on the bed beside the study.
"I deserved a reason Izad."

"You want to know?" he barked, "I'll tell you what a coward I was and you are gonna spit on me and leave."
That's how low he thinks of me.
"Truth is, I couldn't stop. I couldn't sort my life. I was a mess and I wasn't able to fulfill my promise. Leaving my old ways made me more miserable."

"I never forced you Izad."

"You told me to change." he seethed.

"I asked you to leave drugs. I asked you to promise that you'll never leave, I never put a condition on our relationship." I rationalized as he dropped his head.
What was going through his mind.
I walked to him, grabbing his face I made him look at me, and he closed his eye lids and a tear slipped through the corner of his eyes. How had that happened? Never in my entire life I was his eyes wet, let alone a tear. I didn't know but it hovered there on the brink and I was unable to reach up and wipe it away. There was more, there was something huge that I was unaware of.
"What happened Izad." I asked, dropping his head on my chest.

"I couldn't survive, I destroyed my life and I never wanted you to be a part of it." his tears wet my shirt. "I'm sorry. I would have never let you go, if I had a bit of idea about your suffering." Izad tightened his hands around me, just like Innaya, cling to me when she's afraid.
"I destroyed your life."

"No one is to blame, Izad. It was supposed to happen." I massaged his dark, smooth hair. Soon his grip around me losed, and he was dozzed off. I lightly dropped him on bed and streched his legs, removing his socks. I brushed away some hair from his forehead.
Izad Shah was just a name for the world. It felt heavy on the lips and when you see him, you experience a strong successful man, that's exactly what I felt when I saw him walking of his car, with a scar of his face.
Fatima told me he's a trouble.
I wish someone would have told me, how broken he is form the inside.


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