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5 years back.

Rayna POV.

"Hello " I rubbed my eyes attending the call, what is the time?

"Is this Rayna?" A man it was. " It's Zafar actually. I'm Izad's friend. He's not attending my calls and Arham is not in the city. Can you please check on him? " I can't leave home. It's 1.00 am"
"I don't think so. Where are you? "

" I'm out of country actually. Arham told me contact you, if I need to." Arham told him. Well, Izad and I were friends and I have told that to Fatima and him. But I didn't expect it to turn out like that. "He must be with Rana. "

Rana? As if Haseeb Rana. He was suspended last month, as he came drunk and shooted cars in the parking area. Izad never told me, he was friends with him. "I can't go. I'm sorry" There's no way I can leave my home, at this time. Mom will shoot me. Zafar apologized and cut my call.
What the hell is wrong with Izad?
He had plenty of friends that can take care of him. I didn't need to risk my life. I laid down, don't think about him. He would be fine.

He drinks

He take drugs

He's definitely not fine.

He's a bitch.

Removing my blanket off me, I wore my jeans and black sweatshirt. Izad would kill me one day. Wearing my white sneakers.
I booked uber. It dropped me at Rana's place. Everyone knew about his place, after college function many people come here for after party.

I walked through the cars and entered the mirror door, and the bitter rotty smell of alcohal filled me, I felt like gagging. It was a huge lounge, most of the people were passed out, some on the couch and other on floor. Lights were bright enough to itch my eyes, empty alcohal bottles were, all over the place. Three guys were surrounded by a table that was covered in white powder, they stuck straw in their nose and inhaled it.
There wasn't anyone from our college, all of them were new faces to me.

A sudden jerk shocked me, my waist was garbbed and someone was pulling me from behind. His hands snaked through by body, as I shouted and tried to push him away.

"Leave her! Rana. She's my girl." The hands were instantly away from me. I saw Izad rushing to him, as he threw an empty bottle to the guy's head, the glass pieces flew around the room, and blood starting dripping from his head. Izad stumbled towards me, he was drunk. He pulled me in a side hug, and draw little circle on my cheek."You oka? " I nodded as he placed a kiss on my head.


We never did that.

He's high af.

"Welcome to Mc Donald's tell me when you are ready for order" A boy stood on the sofa and yelled, he had a notebook in his hand.

" Big Mac" Izad yelled beside me.

"Are you mad." I couldn't believe my eyes for a second, they all were intoxicated and hell amusing. Izad eyes widened in realisation.

"Sorry." He mumbled to me, finally. He looked a bit sober. We need to get out. "Two Big Macs"

I'm done with his shit.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him out, while he was continuously protesting for his burgers. I pushed him to his car. "keys?" I panicked.
No way I'm going back in for keys. Izad fumbled around his jeans and fortunately he had them. I opened the door and drove to the address Zafar gave me. It was a hotel.

"Hey." Can't he just shut up. "Who are you?" So that's what happen when you are drunk, he went from 'she's my girl' to 'who are you'
I decided not to answer until he started poking my arm.

"I'm your friend." I seethed.

"Oh. Hey friend" I glared him. He really needs to shut up or I'll bump this car into something.
Izad got the signal and turned his face to the other side. Thankfully he didn't say anything except for a few animal voices.
We reached at the hotel. I had no idea how to check in and I didn't have any money.

"We are home I guess." He stumbled and opened the car door. I stood and helped him walked towards the huge gate of hotel. The guard greeted Izad. Maybe I don't need to check in. As soon we entered, the receptionist ran towards me and handed the key, it was on the tenth floor.
Izad was a huge man to handle, I walked him towards the elevator. His grip around my shoulder tightened all of sudden as he pulled me towards him, his smirk came back. " You are sexy" I should be scared at this point getting sensual remarks from a drunk man, but all I could do was blush and feel giddy.

We reached and Izad runned, towards the room. "Open it." he said, holding the door handle. He again stumbled and I held him.
I pushed him to bed, and removed his shoes.
"You are a good girl." Izad usually don't talk as much he's doings right now. He told me somethings but you always knew he was hiding a lot. There are times when he just stammered and abruptly shut his mouth, afraid of giving too much information. Sometimes I felt like he wants to talk, he wants to tell you a lot but he can't.
I sat beside him, removing his jacket. His long fingers moved on the side of my neck up to my chin. He moved his lips to my jaw and kissed.
"What you doing?" I scolded, pushing him.
My heart was pounding out my chest.

"We are married."
The hell.
What's going on in his mind.

"No. We aren't." I stated, trying hard to compose myself after his kiss. His eyes scrunched in confusion and he pouted his lips.

"When's the wedding then" kill me seriously what the hell is he doing, and the fact that I'm bearly angery at his words. They just make me giddy all of a sudden.

"There's no wedding." Izad's messy self was a huge attraction for me. He slayed his tangled hair.

"Why? I like you." He whined.
My heart stopped.
I don't know if you say truth while you are drunk or not, but he wasn't himself in the past few hours and I thought I was getting his insights but was it really true.

"You do? " I want him to like me. There's nothing more I want, no matter how wrong this is. "So when I'm meeting your mom." I teased, there no way I'll meet his mom, he'll probably won't remember this conversation in the morning.

"I don't know. I haven't seen her for." he counted his fingers, "Three years."
What does that mean. When we talked about his family in the park, he told as if everything was happy and sunshine.

"Why? " I want to know, I desperatly want to listen what's hidden behind his deep almond eyes.

"She told me to leave. They said, don't come home ever. " His voice got heavy and head dipped on his chest. I grabbed his face, his eyes were wet.
"I'm a dissapointment. They don't want me." he choked on words.

Izad soon went into a deep slumber, resting his head on my lap, he was snoring lightly. Something in me urged to stay, I wanted play with his hair and look him for hours. He looked like a baby, as his lips pouted and hair ruffled on his head, chest rising slowly. It was four in the morning. I needed to go back. I put his head on the pillows, he turned to other side but didn't wake.
I'm glad for this 24 hour uber service.

I don't know what Izad, is doing to me. He has so much power to captivate me, that I can't back off.
Honestly, I think about him all the time, in the morning, at night, in the middle day. It's him. It's always him.
I love his smell on me, even though right now it's mixed with alcohal.

I entered home and saw Mom and dadu, standing there horrified.
"Where were you? " mom yelled.

"I was getting very suffocating, so went for a walk. " she took a breath of relief, and nodded her head. " Relax mama." I massaged her shoulders.

"I have just got extra sensitive about you. " She confessed. "Take care of yourself, I don't want you in any trouble." she kissed my head and went to her room.
No troubles.

'Izad shah isn't a person to think about' Fatima's words ringed in my ear. She was right. Izad is nothing but trouble.
I shouldn't even have been friends with him and now these feelings that I have, they aren't gonna let me anywhere.

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