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It started off with Nejire not getting her for breakfast like usual. Since UA required everyone to live on campus, Nejire had made it her mission to wake Mizuki up every morning. Her usual words that if Mizuki didn't hurry, Nejire would eat her share of the morning meal. It was certainly something that Mizuki both appreciated and despised at the same time.

On one hand, Mizuki wouldn't sleep in, like she always had a habit of doing before the dorm requirements. On the other hand, Nejire had a habit of banging on her door and near shouting. Nine out of ten times, Mizuki would be so surprised that she would fall out of bed and onto the floor. It was always an interesting way to start her morning, but it was one that always made sure she was on time.

Unlike this morning.

Mizuki woke up, yawning and then looking towards her door. Her eyes widened and a sense of pride was swelling in her chest. Has she finally done it? Had her mind and body finally decided to allow her to wake up early in order to avoid the 'Nejire Alarm Clock'. Mizuki tried to hide ehr glee, and grabbed her phone charging on the nightstand beside her bed. Now to see what time it was and how she was going to get her revenge on Nejire.

The time 7:45 am greeted her eyes and Nejire inhaled sharply. Nejire always woke her up between 7:00 am and 7:15 am. Class started at 8:25 am, but most students showed up at 8:15 am to get ready for the day and situated. Mizuki inhaled slowly, looking up from her bed.

Nejire didn't wake her up and she only had thirty minutes to get through her morning routine and get to class. Mizuki inhaled gently one last time, and blinked. She chuckled once and then bolted out of bed. She was immediately in the shower, counting to sixty five times so she didn't stay in for super long. Then a rapid fire round of brushing her teeth, drying and doing her hair, and then getting dressed and applying however much makeup she felt like.

She didn't even give herself the time to tie her tie, rather rushing out the door, nearly slipping down the stairs on the way thanks to her socks. Mizuki huffed when she got downstairs, only catching the last of her classmates leaving. Breakfast had been picked up, thus Mizuki flew towards the pantry.

She pulled out a piece of bread and shoved it into the toaster. While she waited for that minute, she tied her tie, slipped her socks back up and put butter on the knife. The toast popped up a minute later. It wasn't very 'toasted' but it would have to do. It was still warm and the butter easily melted into the bread... so it was her quick breakfast!

Mizuki rushed towards the door, throwing her bag's straps over her arms and running out. She had ten minutes and if she booked it fast enough, she might make it with five minutes to spare and avoid a lecture from the class rep about not being early.

As Mizuki took a step on the pavement outside of her dorm, her eyes widened. She was only in her socks. She cursed under her breath, running back on, grabbed a pair of her slip on sneakers and then rushed out once more. The strings were a bit detached, but they only had to get her to the main building and to her shoe locker. She'd slip on her school shoes then and dash up the stairs.

Barely toasted bread in her mouth, and no doubt looking like a crazy person, Mizuki slid into UA's main entrance. A few students of various years and classes littered the area, talking and chatting before they were heading up. Some lifted their gaze to Mizuki, but Mizuki didn't pay them any mind. This was UA... they should all be used to weird stuff happening this late into the year.

Mizuki switched her shoes, slammed her locker shut and used her handkerchief to wipe the crumbs of bread and butter off her face. She dashed up the stairs to the third year floor and bolted for her classroom. She slammed the door open and gazed in at her classmates. Her eyes were scanning them all for a certain periwinkle-haired girl who was going to get an earful for ditching her this morning.

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