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The bell chimed gently as she walked in and Mizuki glanced around. She had gotten Nejire's text telling her to meet her, Mirio, and Amajiki here when she got dismissed from the hospital today.

It had been quiet the last few days since Mizuki had agreed to Amajiki's request to allow him, Nejire, and Mirio to help her take down the shadow that still loomed over her today. Mizuki had really assumed that those three would have jumped onto things right away.

She adored her friends, but at times she would admit that they got a bit gung-ho about things, especially if it involved hero work or helping out their friends. Even Amajiki would at times push himself too far if those he cared about were on the line.

But it had been quiet. She still was texting them, so it wasn't like they were ignoring her. It had taken her a few days, but Mizuki realized that they were not jumping on this so quickly because they wanted to give her time to rest and recuperate.

Those three knew that while they were allowed to get involved, it was still Mizuki's call on how they handled this and where they went with their plans. So, while Mizuki knew without a doubt that each was still planning, she was glad to know they were giving her time to rest and be ready herself.

She was glad they each knew how serious this was to her and were not doing anything without her permission.

Days passed by and the doctors finally deemed her ready to go out on her own again. She had told Nejire the night before her dismissal and the periwinkle-haired girl had replied that she and the two boys were ready when she was.

Mizuki too was ready and wanted to meet up as soon as possible. So, Nejire jumped on that and sent Mizuki a location. Looks like they all really were going to start as soon as possible. So, once she was dismissed that morning, Mizuki made her way to where Nejire said to meet her, Mirio, and Amajiki.

Mizuki was surprised to see it was a cute little cafe on the quieter side of town, but after a moment's thought should have known so seeing as Nejire often loved to come to places such as this. Be it for studying or planning to take down a murderer... Nejire wanted a calm atmosphere while enjoying a cup of coffee.

It didn't take Mizuki long to notice the three. Even when not in hero attire- those three stood out. Be it Nejire's childlike curiosity, Amajiki's stuttering and shaking, or Mirio's loud positive attitude- Mizuki knew instantly where they were.

So she turned left and walked towards the sound of teasing and whining. She found Nejire and Mirio laughing as Amajiki was hunched over the table, face bright red and shaking slightly. Mizuki cleared her throat and all three looked up to see her.

"Mizu!!!" Nejire called out and was out of her seat in the next moment.

Mizuki sighed but allowed Nejire to not only hug her tightly but also not whine at her for that hated nickname for once. Nejire looked to be overjoyed to see her and thus, Mizuki wanted to at least give her a good moment of hugs after how poorly Mizuki had treated the girl as of late.

But she was ready to reach out. She was ready to listen and take into consideration the ideas of others. All her plans had failed and nearly gotten her and those she cared about killed. So it was time for her to listen.

"I hope I wasn't keeping you all waiting for long," Mizuki spoke and watched as Mirio shook his head.

"Not at all! We wanted to get here a little early and start building a file on Chudoku before you got here. We wanted there to not be any attention taken away from you and your story after all, Mizuki."

Recollection (Amajiki Tamaki x OC) (Commissioned Series)Where stories live. Discover now