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Time passed sooner than he realized. A week passed and Amajiki was back at the dorms he'd only be spending six months in. All his classmates welcomed him back with worry and relief to see him. It freaked him out, but Amajiki did his best to thank them for their concern and kindness. As he looked around though, he noticed that he only saw seventeen of his classmates. Their class had the standard twenty.

Meaning that if he counted as one, and Mirio counted as another, there was still one of his classmates not there. As Amajiki met Nejire's eyes when his classmates started to disperse, he could tell she had been waiting to say hello to him last.

Amajiki approached her and Nejire smiled that usual smile of hers. Amajiki once more did his best to smile back, but he still was overwhelmed by everyone who had just swarmed him with care.

Seeing this, Nejire giggled gently lightly and motioned for Amajiki to follow her. They walked down one of the hallways, towards where the baths were located. No one would be using them at this hour, so it allowed for the pair to have a quiet conversation just outside of the male and female entrances without anyone overhearing anything.

Nejire's smile dropped into a worried frown. "They still haven't released Mirio yet?"

Amajiki shook his head. "No. They... want to run a few more tests on him."

It was silent for several moments. Only the sounds of laughter and chatter from back where the couches and kitchen reached them as muffled noise. Slowly Nejire exhaled and then looked towards the ceiling above them.

"I still can't believe it." She muttered. "If we're the Big Three... then Mirio would have been the best one of us three. But now..."

"He's still as positive as ever," Amajiki told her and saw that a tiny smile returned to Nejire's face from that at least.

"Togata Mirio. The toughest person I know and I think that rings true right now more than ever." Nejire laughed, no doubt trying to pull on a brave face of her own despite the circumstances.

"He really is." Amajiki nodded his head in confirmation. "He said... he'll be back in a few days so we're not allowed to replace him in the Big Three."

Nejire let out a genuine laugh at that. "Poor Mizuki! Even without a quirk, Mirio is going to keep his spot."

With the mention of her name, Amajiki shifted and Nejire took notice right away. Her smile wiped away again and she exhaled once more. This time sounding a bit more frustrated than exhausted.

"She's in her room... but she has only come out to grab the odd meal or two before going back up," Nejire told him. "Did you research anything interesting while you were still at the hospital?"

Amajiki nodded and Nejire looked relieved. She inhaled this time and then lightly slapped her face until the negative emotions were pushed to the back of her head once more. She hated how she felt so useless for not one, but two close friends. Even so, Nejire was still going to try to do something, anything, to help them both.

And right now... Nejire was hoping that clueing Amajiki in on Mizuki's biggest secret would bring her dear old friend some kind of way to vent about it all. Not just because Amajiki would have just found out, but also because she knew how much faith and trust Mizuki had in Amajiki.

"What am I even supposed to address her as now?" Amajiki spoke barely above a whisper.

"That's for her to tell you," Nejire told him and then finally looked at Amajiki.

Her stern and serious face made the boy literally jump back a few steps. Nejire raised her hands in apology, saying she didn't mean to spook him so suddenly. Amajiki managed to stop his near heart attack and looked at Nejire with as much confidence as he could muster.

Recollection (Amajiki Tamaki x OC) (Commissioned Series)Where stories live. Discover now