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It hadn't been long since he was last at a hospital. Like the last time, he was the one with light injuries and a dear friend was the one who had suffered the worst brunt of it all. Amajiki couldn't keep his mind off Sato, but he also couldn't bring himself to go and see her.

So, like a coward, replied on Hadou to tell him exactly what was going on with the snow-haired girl and how she was doing. Hadou did her best to stay positive, but it seemed that Mizuki wasn't in a very good place right now.

And it wasn't because of her body.

No. From what Hadou had told him, Mizuki was in a slump. She hadn't spoken two words to anyone since she came out of her treatment. Her life was saved by a single minute. The doctors had told Mizuki and Nejire that when Mizuki had woken up after her emergency procedure. Had he and Hadou taken one extra minute to get her medical attention the poison in her body would have been too far gone and she wouldn't have been able to be saved from it.

Amajiki breathed in and shook his head. Why did this keep happening? Mizuki nearly died and was in a mental prison of her own making. This was bad and it was because of him, wasn't it? If he had paid more attention to what was happening, maybe he would have been able to better shield Sato? Maybe he would have taken Chudoku down if he had held off until Hadou showed up like she promised she would and did.

This was bad and it ate away at him. The feelings here being on pair when he had found out what happened with-

"I heard you haven't eaten anything today, Tamaki!" The door to his recovery room was thrown open and a tall blonde haired boy walked in. "That's no good! And its unlike you too!!"

Amajiki tensed up from the sound of the door slamming against the wall but eased up when he saw it was exactly who had just been on his mind: Mirio.

"Mirio?" Amajiki was in shock. "W-what are y-you doing h-h-here?"

Mirio laughed. "Why are you so nervous? Its just me and i brought you lunch! Got to build your quirk and your stomach back up, right?!"

Mirio grabbed a chair and pulled it with him. His other hand held a plastic bag and he put it onto Amajiki's lap. The dark-haired boy blinked and looked at his best friend. Mirio smiled and nodded to Amajiki. Without a second thought, Amajiki opened the bag and inhaled the scent of the food.

"You picked up a burger?" Amajiki asked and Mirio nodded.

"I didn't want you to be waiting around starving, cause I had a feeling you'd be you... and not take care of yourself when you feel bad about something. So I got you a burger and some fries! I got a milkshake too... but I kinda drank that on the way over cause it was melting and I didn't want it to go to waste!"

Mirio chuckled happily and Amajiki found the strength to smile a tiny bit. No matter what happened- Mirio always found a way to smile and laugh. And it always helped Amajiki know that things were not as bad as they seemed and that things would get better. Nothing stayed bad forever, especially when you worked towards making things better.

Mirio had always shown him that through his actions. Especially right now with everything that had happened. He was a good friend. But more so- he was a good person.

"I heard from Hadou what happened." Mirio spoke as Tamaki started to dig into his food. "You guys are lucky that it turned out like this. Though... I heard that Suzuki is taking things pretty... poorly."

Amajiki paused in his eating. Suzuki. That's right. Mirio was unaware of her real name and what might have caused their usually calm and well-mannered classmate to snap as she had. To get as hurt as she was when Sato had dedicated her entire career at UA improving her healing and support abilities.

Recollection (Amajiki Tamaki x OC) (Commissioned Series)Where stories live. Discover now