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"Hey! You've reached Hadou Nejire's phone! I wonder why you're calling?! I really want to know... but can't right now! So leave me a message and I'll call you back before you know it!!"

Amajiki bit his lip and pulled the device away from his ear. He quickly redialed again, pressed the phone back to his ear, and continued to run down the crowded and lively streets of Shinjuku.

"Hey! You've reached Hadou Nejire's phone! I wonder why you're calling?! I really want to know... but can't right now! So leave me a message and I'll call you back before you know it!!"

Amajiki repeated his actions again. If he rang enough... Hadou would have to pick up... right?! What would she be doing on a Saturday night if Sato wasn't with her? She had to be around and she had to hear her phone!

Hadou had to know what happened and get down here to help him find Satou before it was too late!!

"Hey! You've reached Hadou Nejire's phone! I wonder why you're calling?! I really want to know... but can't right now! So leave me a message and I'll call you back before you know it!!"

Amajiki felt himself growing frustrated, but more so than that- he felt himself getting scared. He was used to being nervous and anxious but not scared. He had faced some of the worst villains and had helped his friends and allies through the worst fights! It was rare for him to get scared.

And he was terrified right now.

Sato wanted to kill this man. She put all rational thoughts aside when she saw she might have the chance to do so. And Chudoku knew that! He knew that Sato wanted revenge for what he did and thus knew he could lure her towards him with ease. And into what was more than likely a deadly trap!

He had to find her. Sato could be fighting for her life right now while he was frantically making phone call after phone call to Hadou. He inhaled and froze as a huge group of people surrounded him.

They called happily and drunkenly as they passed by him. Some bumped into him and others looked him dead in his eyes and gave him intoxicated smiles. Amajiki tried to stand his ground but even he had a limit. And with the number of people around, the noise they made, and that he was already in a tense mindset- he found himself shutting down quickly.

He crouched down, one hand gripping onto his chest and the other gripping onto his dark locks tightly. His breathing was quick and ragged and his eyes scanned the legs and shoes of people who were still passing by him in huge amounts. He felt like he was going to drown among this sea of people.

He couldn't do this.

He was the worst person to try and give moral support or be a rescue hero in a situation like this! All he could do was shut down and obsess over how he would be failing not only Sato, but all he stood for. All because he was too much of a coward and couldn't even overcome his own personal roadblocks.

He wasn't a hero. He was pathetic.

The thoughts stopped suddenly as a ringtone sounded and Amajiki threw his phone upwards accidentally. He fumbled his phone in his hands for a few panicked moments before he managed to catch it safely and answer before the person calling him was sent to his voicemail.

"H-hello?" He breathed out brokenly.

"Jeez you sound bad, Tamaki-kun!" Hadou's voice chuckled. "Was the amusement park that crowded or did Mizuki do something sweet that's gotten you all nervous? Huh? Tell me!!"

Hadou. Thank the Gods.

"H-Hadou." Amajiki's voice was slowly starting to come back to him. "Hadou! Something happened!"

Recollection (Amajiki Tamaki x OC) (Commissioned Series)Where stories live. Discover now