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Everything was a whirlwind in the weeks following her stay in the hospital. Mizuki had been treated and told she'd be making a full recovery and a lot faster than the doctors originally thought she would too. Plus, she was never alone for long in that tiny sterile room. When UA would end, one of her three close friends would head over and keep her company. Or... she should be saying two close friends and her significant other.

Nejire came nearly every day that Mizuki was in the hospital. She would often bring some of Mizuki's favorite food, such as cupcakes or strawberries. They would do homework together and Nejire would help her know all she missed out on and would need to catch up on.

Which was why Mirio would often stop by. He was the best tutor out of them all, and thus he would come by every other day to get Mizuki all the info she missed and answer any questions that arose during her lessons with him.

Finally, there was Amajiki. Though, she had been given permission to call him Tamaki now, even if he nearly passed out when he tried to tell her that. He would come by as often as Nejire but would arrive after Nejire did and never wanted to interrupt the time Mizuki was having with Nejire.

So, he would stand out in the hallway and wait, even if Nejire and Mizuki both told him they were fine with him coming in. He didn't though and neither pushed him. But once Nejire left around dinner, Amajiki would come in and have his time with her. They would eat dinner together and share whatever street food Amajiki had brought with him. It was often takoyaki, but Mizuki had found out that she did in fact enjoy the fried battered octopus.

They would eat, chat, and laugh. The more Amajiki got used to the idea that Mizuki was his girlfriend, the calmer and more relaxed he became. Mizuki was the same but had looked to accept that new title for one another a bit faster than Amajiki had. Even so, she was happy to be with him and loved it when they would have long talks about mundane things.

It made her life feel normal again. It made her feel like she could finally have that life she wanted without the internal struggles of what had happened in the past. Especially now with Chudoku behind bars in Tartarus. Not in the deepest reaches of the prison, but definitely in the lower levels that made escape near impossible.

That chapter of her life was finally over and she could move on. It felt unreal, but as she talked more and more with Amajiki through her stay in the hospital, she knew that this was real. That she was free of this guilt and burden she had carried for so long.

It seemed that she wasn't the only one who realized this either. Yesterday, the day before her dismissal, she had gotten a visitor she hadn't been expecting. He arrived with four bodyguards and a lawyer, but Mizuki could still recognize her father. It had been months since she last saw him in person and this wasn't one of their scheduled times to meet, so what did he come to see her?

"With you permission..." Her father had spoken to her. " The government has decided that you can reclaim your last name, Mizuki. You can legally be recognized as a Sato once more."

Mizuki inhaled sharply and she looked at her father with wide eyes. If this was happening, it meant that the idea of a threat to her life was no longer. She would be safe going to see her father again and talking to him and once more acting as his daughter. She had broken down into tears right away but managed to nod her head.

She may have come to the hospital as Suzuki Mizuki, but she was leaving as Sato Mizuki.

Currently, she was back at UA. Her room was nice to be in, especially with her own familiar sheets and pillows. But, she wouldn't be able to stay for long. She had one last thing to do before this entire chapter truly was over, and she intended to do so today.

Recollection (Amajiki Tamaki x OC) (Commissioned Series)Where stories live. Discover now