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Chudoku Busujima, up until ten years ago, had been one of Japan's most wanted criminals. The man had racked up quite a reputation in a little less than three years as well. Not only was he a serial murderer, but he played with the feelings and minds of those he targeted.

His MO wasn't complicated. He'd find a wealthy family that didn't have the best security to their own family and would use this as his means to kidnap the weakest member of the family. More often than not, he would lure the child of the family away. Witnesses always told police the same story: he'd approach the child, say he was a hero and was asked to escort the child home because of a situation their parents were facing. The child would listen, as it wasn't unusual for said child to often be escorted due to their family name.

As soon as he and the child walked away and the number of people who could interfere decreased significantly- he'd strike. A minor poisoning that would cause paralysis in the child. Unable to move or even speak, Chudoku would be able to take the child anywhere he wanted, looking like a father carrying his tired child home or a hero returning a scared lost child.

Everything he did showed professionalism: the hero-esque costume he wore, finding the schedules of the child, to even how he'd greet witnesses that would walk past him and a child they assumed he was looking after. What came after he successfully took the child- was truly the horrifying part.

Photos of said child: injured, poisoned, beaten, chained up, crying would make their way to the parents. Sometimes to their home, sometimes to their place of work. A letter was always attached, demanding a large ransom for the child to return.

Chudoku knew that despite his large sum of several millions of yen, the affluent parents would pull it together to get their child back. He'd wait the amount of days he told the parents to wait until, monitoring them. No heroes. No police. No one aside from them, less the kid would be returned dead. If they followed his instructions, the parents would be given a location to drop off the ransom and when he made sure the money was good- the location of their precious baby would be given. Chudoku was long gone by the time the parents, police, and heroes arrived.

It worked half a dozen times. Half a dozen times... the child would be found having died from poisoning. Even with more rich families learning of the serial kidnappings and killings, a single small mistake or lapse in security was all he needed. He nearly got away with every family he set his sights on. Aside from two.

The Yaoyorozu family didn't let their young daughter wander off without an emergency alarm on her and had given the kid a long talk on the dangers of strangers. That damn smart kid nearly got him caught when he activated the horn and started crying for help when he tried to whisk her away on a walk home by herself. So, the Yaoyorozus narrowly avoided the fate of so many other families.

The other family... was the one that created a grudge that carried on for ten years. Had he known that the brat's mother was a hero- he would have never tried to take the little brat. What that hero did to him, motivated Chudoku these last ten years. His only desire was to finish his last job. His only desire was to kill Sato Mizuki as he had killed her mother. To make sure the child suffered from what she did to his eye and to know that he had not forgotten about her.

Even ten years later, that snow white hair and silver eyes were unmistakable. He wasn't seeing a ghost of that hero though. No, he had finally found the object of his bloodlust. Chudoku couldn't help the giddiness that filled his chest. Nor could he stop himself the moment that he saw that damned brat was attempting to become a hero herself.

It was poetic. Mother and daughter: killed by the same person, in the same way, ten years apart.

"Come on now, little heiress?" Chudoku smirked as he flung another spray of poison towards MIzuki. "Don't you want to see your precious heroic mother? I can send you directly to her if you'd like!!"

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