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He could understand it. He really could.

Knowing that the man who tortured you and took your mother away from you had escaped prison was intended to not only pick up his former crimes once more but also finish his job from ten years ago... he could understand why Sato was so upset.

But, her own conclusion on how to remedy this situation was what was really bothering him at this moment. He was conflicted himself. Would it be okay for Sato to kill a man? Was it okay for Sato to have this desire in the first place? Was it okay for heroes to kill? Was it okay for heroes to kill in a situation where it wasn't life or death, but rather revenge?

Amajiki didn't know and the questions had been rolling around in his head for the last week. He worried about where Satou might be right now. He was at this internship this week so there was no telling if the snowy-haired girl was out and searching for Chudoku or if Nejire was keeping an eye on her and making sure she stayed not only out of trouble, but stayed in line with Sato's own morals.

How could things have gotten so bad in less than a month? First Mirio had lost his quirk. Than Nejire and Sato were on the outs. And now, Sato might do something she'd come to regret or cost her the career as a hero she so desperately had strived for. The career she followed to make her mother proud... that could fall apart because of her wanting to avenge her mother.

And he stood by and was unable to help. The most he did was allow her to talk about it a bit, but Sato still was hurting. He could tell that from the look in her eyes when she admitted to her desire to end Chudoku's life. She wanted to kill him... because in some way, he killed that innocent child from ten years ago.


Amajiki tensed up and glanced before him. The two first years Fatgum had taken on were in front of him. Kirishima had been with them for a while now, but Tetsutetsu has recently added thanks to Kirishima talking both Fatgum and Tetsutetsu into the idea. Amajiki was just glad that Kirishima finally had someone with his temperament and attitude to keep him company... as Kirishima often exhausted Amajiki from just a ten-minute conversation.

"H-huh?" Amajiki looked utterly terrified. "W-w-what is i-it?"

"Fatgum put you in charge of leading us, but you've been walking behind us and not giving any directions." Kirishima laughed awkwardly. "S-so Tetsutetsu and I have no idea where we are going to pick up the agency's catered lunch."

Amajiki nodded and hesitantly started to walk forward. He hated the idea of people watching him from behind him, but he also hated it when people stared at him and tried to seek his advice with their undivided attention. So, Amajiki had decided to finally take the lead, hoping Kirishima and Tetsutetsu would chat and leave him alone for the sake of his nerves.

That happened for about two blocks before it looked like his pair of kohais started to drag him into their conversation and also ran up to walk even closer to him. Amajiki wanted to go home... these two first-years were way too much and constantly.

"Amajiki-senpai!" Tetsutetsu asked him and Amajiki jumped. "Is it true that as interns we are in charge of getting the agency's catered lunch everyday unless said otherwise?!"

"Y-Yeah." Amajiki managed to squeak out. "F-Fat thinks t-that doing this not o-o-only helps us learn about a-area, but a-a-also let cit-citizens know we're around and r-ready to h-he-help them."

"Fatgum is pretty smart, huh?" Kirishima boasted. "The guys knows that even if we're not out fighting villains, we can still help people by simply walking down the street!"

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