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Even with a two-on-one, this battle was a difficult one. When you had two teen heroes who wanted to protect the other and themselves against a villain who looked to not care about himself so long as he killed the pair, it led to a lot of close calls.

Amajiki jumped away as an assault of poison came towards him. He ducked behind one of the structures of the playground, hearing the poison hit the wood and plastic it was made out of. Amajiki's breathing was broken, but he knew he needed to keep moving. Mizuki was still out there and fighting... and he needed to help her!

Mizuki's focus, as expected, was solely on Chudoku. She aimed another beam of light at him, this time missing when she sent the attack towards him. Her eyes widened as a spray of poison came towards her.

Something wrapped around her waist and attached itself to her tightly. She was pulled back and not a moment too soon as the poison struck where she had just been standing. Her vision glanced down at the octopus arm and then to Amajiki.

He looked at her in concern and she nodded at him. He let her go and then took off right behind her when she went directly back to attacking Chudoku. The villain sent a sneer towards the kids and prepared another attack.

Amajiki threw his octopus arm forward, snagging Chudoku. He could feel the suction cups attach to the man's neck and face. With a show of his strength, Amajiki lifted Chudoku up and swung him towards Mizuki.

Mizuki inhaled sharply and waited. Chudoku's wrapped face appeared before her and her pair of eyes met Chudoku's single one. She gave him a stern expression before throwing both her hands forward and blasting him at point-blank range.

A moment later, Amajiki tossed the villain away. Chudoku's throat was still damaged, but his facial expression clearly showed how much of a bad hit that combination move was. Mizuki and Amajiki stood at a safe distance away and watched him with bated breath.

"D-Did we-" Amajiki started to ask, but it was premature.

Mizuki jumped in front of him and a shield of light appeared before her. Splatters of purple liquid hit the light and dissolved instantly. It continued to hit for what felt like minutes but more than likely was only a few mere seconds.

When it did stop, Mizuki kept the shield up. She and Amajiki looked through the light and could see Chudoku standing before them. A deathly expression on his features and one of his eyelids twitching. They had most certainly pissed him out now if they hadn't before.

Chudoku attempted to open his mouth to yell something at them, but he instead heaved in. Mizuki smirked, seeing that her little strike was still causing him not only pain but annoyance. But it wasn't over yet, even if it was clear that it would be coming to a close soon.

"Any ideas...?" Amajiki asked Mizuki and saw her nod.

"One... think you can follow my lead?" She asked him and felt his hand touch her shoulder as his answer.

Mizuki smirked and let the shield fall down. She took off once more and Amajiki followed her again. Mizuki motioned for him to go to the right and she went left. Amajiki did and saw instantly what she was silently hoping he would notice.

Chudoku's attention gravitated to Mizuki more than him... which meant if Mizuki made it look like she was going to attack him but fail... Amajiki still had an opening. He gulped and hoped that her idea worked.

Mizuki lunged towards Chudoku, looking to be attempting to go for a frontal assault. Chudoku was prepared for her though and shot forward a dark green poison. Mizuki inhaled and covered herself in light. Even if it burned slightly, all the poison inside of it was gone. She then smirked as she watched as once more, Amajiki wrapped Chudoku up in his octopus arm and lifted him even higher up into the air.

Recollection (Amajiki Tamaki x OC) (Commissioned Series)Where stories live. Discover now