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Amajiki inhaled and exhaled several times, really trying his damn best to get his breathing under control. Despite knowing that Suzuki- erm... Sato- had given him her okay for him to ask her a few questions, his nerves never left him for long.

Currently, those nerves were making it hard for him to not only remember the few questions he had but also find his voice to communicate those questions with Sato. All the while, he could feel her eyes on him. Always soft and kind, but knowing he was about to pry into bad memories, her cordial look at him felt uncomfortable.

"If it helps, you don't have to look at me, or even face me." Mizuki told him and saw Amajoki's pointed ears perk up a bit.

"R-really?" He looked shocked but managed to find his voice finally. "I-I don't want to be rude..."

Mizuki waved him off. "We're both having a discussion about something that neither of us likes. So, might as well make it as easy on both our nerves as we can, right?"

Amajiki lowered his head but nodded. He couldn't let his nerves win right now. Sato was letting him ask her about this time. She was putting up with the scars of that trauma for him... so, he needed to at least find his voice.

He'd freak out when this was over, but right now... it was time to try and act a bit like Mirio. Like Hadou. Like Suz- Sato. Amajiki inhaled and calmed himself as best as he could. With that and looking at the ground, he by some miracle managed to mutter his first question to the snowy-haired girl before him.

"D-Does anyone else know... w-who you are?" He gulped and glanced off to the side. "A-and h-how does Hadou k-know?"

Mizuki hummed and then moved for a moment. She sat down on her bed and glanced up to her ceiling. Amajiki remained looking at the ground while sat at her desk chair. A short passing moment of silence before Mizuki's gentle voice replaced it.

"The only people who know the truth... are me, you, Nejire, my father, a few government officials, heroes, and police officers. Oh. My father as well." She told him. "There were a lot of people who got involved after my mom died. Her old friends, classmates, co-workers and of course my father."

Mizuki exhaled, the noise sounding strangely annoyed. Amajiki finally dared to lift his head and gaze at her. Mizuki's gaze was far off and she looked to be swimming through thick and muddled memories. Yet, she still continued on.

"It was decided that my mom, above all else, would want me to be safe. So, after a week of arguing... my father relented and allowed the state and a few hero organizations to erase my former identity and give me a new one. Despite this, my father's wish for me to keep my given name was allowed. Mizuki... was the name my mom picked for me." Mizuki felt liquid pooling at the corner of her eyes.

"Your given name has the kanji for 'beautiful' and 'moon'." Amajiki commented.

Mizuki nodded and let out a tiny embarrassed chuckle. "My mom always thought the moon was one of the prettiest things a person could see... so I guess she wanted me to hold the same meaning the moon was to her. 'Beautiful.'"

Mizuki wiped her eyes and then shook her head. "Sorry, I got a bit emotional and distracted. Onto Nejire I guess? Well, I wasn't allowed to live at home anymore, so I was moved elsewhere and a few police officers and government officials would handle my needs. It just so happened Nejire and I would go to the same elementary school when my new life started."

Mizuki's lips turned upwards and she started to chuckle gently. "Nejire found out 'cause as kids... she really loved the candy my dad's company made. I, like a stupid kid, told her I would one day own the Sato brand and she could always get free candy for being my friend. Since than... she's known and kept it between us."

Recollection (Amajiki Tamaki x OC) (Commissioned Series)Where stories live. Discover now