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Mizuki didn't want to say it out loud, but she was really iffy about the plan that Nejire and Mirio had come up with. It's not like it was half-thought-out or bad. She more so was feeling unsure of it because it would only work if Mizuki didn't do anything.

It wasn't like she wasn't allowed to, but more so that she needed to sell the idea that after that last near-death encounter... she had finally learned her lesson and was no longer actively pursuing Chudoku. Rather, she was back to the normal rhythms of her teenage life. Including hanging out with her friends, studying, making meals, and having fun.

Or at least that's what she tried to show on the surface. Underneath she still was burning with the desire to locate Chudoku and take him down. It was driving her a little mad waiting around for this guy to make the first move.

But what could she do?

Chudoku really did hold the cards here. He got to choose when he would appear before her again and Mizuki wasn't going to run off again and allow him to ambush, out power, or kill her. So, Mizuki, despite her urges to be more active, listened to the plan they had set in place.

She had faith in Nejire and Mirio... so she was trying to also find that faith in their plan.

It made sense when she really thought about it. Chudoku had not started up his usual M.O. and had instead been only focusing on Mizuki since they had been reunited. So, it was for certain that she was his target right now and more than likely would be until either he killed her or Mizuki and company took him down.

Nejire had realized this first and Mirio had done the research into making sure Nejire's claim was correct. When confirmed, Mizuki saw that the pair both knew they were onto something and should Mizuki cooperate- she'd finally see Chudoku be sent to Tartarus.

Until then, she needed to act like a naive and unassuming teenage girl. She played the part well, as UA did have the hero course students practice different personas for the times they'd ever need to be someone else while on an undercover mission. So, Mizuki was acting like an oblivious teenager.

She wasn't alone though. Not when her three close friends each knew she was getting targeted. Thus, she was always with one of them. Two on one was a better plan after all. Mirio, despite wanting to, couldn't be on his own with Mizuki outside of UA. He had been the one to make the decision, seeing as since his quirk was still gone, he didn't want to risk his or Mizuki's life because he couldn't keep up in a fight.

But, that meant Mizuki got to spend a lot of time with the blonde-haired boy at UA. Mizuki had been around Mirio and Eri a lot lately. Eri was very shy at first, but after a little while, seemed to warm up to Mizuki and was always very happy when Mirio would bring her along to see Eri after classes.

During times when both Mirio and Eri were in training and attempts for better control over Eri's quirk to help her bring Mirio's quirk back, Mizuki wouldn't come along. She didn't want to impose. Mirio had enough to worry about and the last thing he needed during those sessions was for him to also be on guard in case of Chudoku somehow getting past UA security and attacking Mizuki while Eri was present.

So during those times, Mizuki would hang out with Nejire. The usual girl bonding activities they had been doing since elementary school such as doing their hair and nails and making and eating too many sweets were comforting and break from the tension. Mizuki even found herself often falling asleep in Nejire's room the past few weeks as the two had stayed up too late binging shows and ranting and gossiping into the early hours of the morning.

Fall came and went quickly and soon the first drops of snow started to come down. UA was coated with the white stuff before Mizuki knew it and the winter uniforms and hero attire was out once more. Life seemed... normal.

Recollection (Amajiki Tamaki x OC) (Commissioned Series)Where stories live. Discover now