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If there was anything he liked about hospitals, it was that if you asked to be left alone, the nurses made sure of it. The recovery for everyone had been different: some fast, some slow, some... unknown. Amajiki had heard through whispers and mutterings the situation. The child, Eri, was safe... but Mirio's quirk. Something had happened to it. It seemed Mirio had gotten the worst of it for those who survived. Sir Nighteye... Amajiki could only wish him a peaceful rest.

Everyone had suffered in some way though. Amajiki found himself asking why it wasn't him who suffered more, why it wasn't him who took the biggest burden. But, he knew he needed to continue on. Fatgum had already given him more pep talks then he'd ever need in his lifetime. Even his kouhai, Kirishima, had gone out of his way to try and cheer him up.

Amajiki was done with hearing about anything and everything related to the incident. He wanted something else to come into his mind. He wanted... to escape this horrid situation by any means possible.

Looking back, he wished he had chosen his words better when he made that silent wish.

He paced down the hallway, trying to find some kind of quiet space. With so many of them starting to get dismissed, the recovery rooms were filled with noise. He needed quiet. That was the only thing that would calm him and settle his social phobia at this moment.

He was looking for one of those patient rooms that every hospital had a few of. One of those rooms that were put aside for patients who were well enough to walk and not be constantly monitored by nurses. These rooms usually were quiet and had some books, puzzles, etc to pass the time. He wanted to find one of these rooms and take in the peace.

The further he walked down this hallway, it got quieter and less filled with other wandering people. So, when he picked up the muffled sound of an angry voice coming from one of the rooms he was approaching, the teen froze in place.

Whoever that way sounded really ticked off. A shiver went up his spine thinking about what scary person was in there. As his nerves subsided for a mere moment, he realized something else about this angry voice. It was feminine and... he recognized it.

Amajiki gulped, slowly walking over to the door. He felt like this was a very bad decision and that he should keep walking. The door was closed and she obviously was really mad. He didn't know if he'd be able to survive if her angry face was scary.

But... Mizuki was his friend. And... his friend didn't sound happy. He... needed to at least check up on her.

If it was him, Amajiki knew Mizuki would have rushed in at the first sound of him being upset and offered her help and support. He needed to at least show the same care back! He needed to show that he cared about her and her feelings as much as she clearly cared about him and his own feelings.

Despite his fear and anxiety of what could possibly come from this, Amajiki slowly cracked the door open. The appearance of not one, but two of his classmates appeared to him, but it seemed they had not yet noticed him or the door he was hiding behind had cracked open.

"You sure have just left me!" Mizuki was screaming at Nejire.

"You were poisoned!" Nejire cried back, tears brimming along her eyes.

"I healed myself! I would have been fine!!" Mizuki screamed back at her with even more rage. "It's because of you that he's running around doing who knows what!!"

"That's not fair!" Nejire told her. "It's not fair or kind to make me feel bad for choosing my best friend's health and safety over anything and everything else!!"

Recollection (Amajiki Tamaki x OC) (Commissioned Series)Where stories live. Discover now