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"Oh! Let me do your hair like this! Or this! How about this?! No! No! This!"

Mizuki chuckled as she watched Nejire select every hairstyle she saw under the search images. Who knew searching for 'cute long hairstyles' would pull up so many results? Mizuki was slipping on a pair of sneakers, much to Nejire's disappointment. The periwinkle-haired girl had really wanted to dress Mizuki up as a princess, but when Mizuki had further explained the situation and what was going to come out of it, Nejire settled on just doing Mizuki's hair.

Amajiki had asked her a few days ago to tag along to a get-together that his kouhais from Fatgum's agency were throwing. Apparently, he was too nervous to go alone with two of his kouhais and apparently the girls they were inviting along. So, Mizuki agreed, saying she'd love to help ease his nerves a little and maybe take some attention off the dark-haired boy from his rowdy kouhais.

She knew this wasn't a date or something similar... but it was hard to keep her mind from wandering to that idea! Not only did Amajiki invite her over Nejire who he was around more than her, but he invited her along to what sounded like a plus one to a set of girls that she assumed the kouhais had an interest in. So, she'd go with the flow, and maybe if those adorable first years wanted to go on some kind of slower ride... she'd try to convince Amajiki to go on as well and sit next to her.

It wasn't a date. But... that didn't mean she couldn't trick herself into thinking it was instead something like a trial date. As if she was seeing what it would be like to go on an actual one with Amajiki.

"Okay! This!!" Nejire finally settled and slapped Mizuki's desk chair a few times. "Now sit! It'll take me a while and you have to meet Tamaki in thirty minutes!!"

Mizuki shook her head but smiled widely at her best friend. Nejire started to twist and pull her hair gently as she got to work and Mizuki closed her eyes. Nejire always had this way of making her feel relaxed, especially if the girl was doing Mizuki's hair. Nejire just had that mysterious ability, so it often led to Mizuki closing her eyes and letting her mind wander while her hair was being fussed over.

The last week had passed by fairly well. Mizuki had finally settled down enough emotionally to speak with Nejire once more. They had spent a long time talking about how each made the other feel, promised to be better, and made up with a bear hug. They fell back into their usual rhythm nearly right away, as any pair of best friends who had known one another for nearly ten years would.

Mizuki was glad to be laughing and spending time with Nejire again. Her mind was still focused on Chudoku more than she wanted to admit to herself and certainly wouldn't admit it to anyone else, but she needed a break. She wasn't going to become obsessed... no, she'd wait for him to make the mistake of attacking her.

He had said it himself... Mizuki was his target and once she was taken out, then he'd go about his serial kidnappings and murders again. So at least... she knew he was only looking at her. No more kids would have to suffer, because she'd make sure that threat wasn't of this world soon.

But seeing as the murderer had yet to show back up, Mizuki decided to go out and see if she'd be able to lead him out. Despite that, she hoped he wouldn't show up today. She wanted to take him on by herself and not have anyone she cared about at risk of getting hurt. Plus... an amusement park trip with Amajiki made her want to squeal and so, she wanted Chudoku to stay as far away from her head as possible!

Today was about her happiness. Taking her deserved me time after all the training and preparation she had done this week. Today was her day off. Her 'me time'. Her day to act like a teenager with a crush. A day that was rare for her, thus she wanted to enjoy it as much as possible.

Recollection (Amajiki Tamaki x OC) (Commissioned Series)Where stories live. Discover now