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"Please keep your arms, legs, and any other appendages inside the ride at all times." A peppy teen girl with crystals growing out of her skin told the riders. "And with that.... Enjoy the ride!!"

She slammed on some button behind the control panel. The coaster took off quickly, going for the hill it would climb before sending all of its riders down it. In the very first cart, spread out in the first three rows of seats were the UA students who had come to enjoy a fun day.

Kirishima and Haru in the front-most seat. Tetsutetsu and Kendou in the back-most. Amajiki and Mizuki in the middle.

Their screams were a mix of delight and terror when they descended down the tracks and onto the first loop. By the time three more loops, several quick turns, and lots of wind whipping their hair back and forth and the ride stopped.

The group of six all got off and managed to stagger down the steps and towards the path out of the coaster. Kendou was having to help Tetsutetsu walk and Haru was doing the same to Kirishima. It appeared those two had gotten very dizzy very quickly. Mizuki and Amajiki were perfectly fine. Enough training and sparring with Nejire helped keep your head balanced when something shook you around.

"Food, right?" Kendou asked and everyone nodded.

There had been a little eatery with a few different options a bit back. So, dinner would be there. Mizuki couldn't believe how fast the day had come and gone. It seemed like just an hour ago they were transferring train lines at Shinjuku to get on the train to the theme park.

But now, it was dinner time and the sky was starting to darken. Her stomach rumbled and she knew it was time to eat. Mizuki watched as her kouhais all tried to decide on what to eat and Amajiki attempted to order without looking directly at anyone. She eventually came to Amajiki's rescue when he looked ready to pass out when the cashier asked what size drink he wanted.

It was moments like these that had made the day so fun for her. Everyone was calm and in good spirits. The rides provided lots of fun and memories that would stay with her for a while. She had completely forgotten what had been bothering her and was now only focused on laughing and teasing the other five around her.

This Saturday trip to a theme park may have been exactly what she needed. Even if she didn't realize it, the light and joyful feeling in her chest certainly confirmed that she was glad to have been invited to tag along with everyone today.

Dinner came and went by quickly and while Mizuki had been enjoying herself... she was a third-year UA student who was already exhausted from her internship. Amajiki looked to be tired as well, and thus the pair decided it was time to bid their kouhais goodbye for the rest of the evening.

"Are you two sure you don't wanna stay any longer?" Kirishima asked as the group headed out of the park's eatery. "It's barely seven and the park closes at ten."

Mizuki nodded her head. "I think Amajiki-kun and I have had enough fun for one day. But between it starting to get dark and his social anxiety, it'll be best for us both to head out before both of us are too out of it."

Kirishima nodded and then bowed. The three other first years all did so as well. Amajiki and Suzuki waved goodbye, telling them all to have fun but be back by campus curfew. The pair were soon out of the park and heading towards the train station. It was luckily only a few minutes away, seeing as the only thing around here was the park, thus the station was close to the park.

"Did you have a good time?" Mizuki asked gently.

Amajiki slightly tensed up despite it. But, he found it in him to slowly nod his head and look at her. Mizuki blinked for a moment before her eyes closed and she gave him a reassuring smile. It made his chest pound, especially since the pretty lampposts seemed to make her snow-white hair glow in their illumination from above them both.

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