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Chudoku's eyes met Amajiki's and he could see that there was something off about the teen. His grip was tight despite the trembles. His brows were knit together and his lips pressed together into a thin line. His face had dropped in color and it almost made Amajiki look as if the shadows had started to take over his features and make them something much darker.

"W-what's this? Angry that your little friend is de-" Chudoku started and then was shut up instantly.

Amajiki had turned one of his hands into a tentacle and had used it to wrap around Chudoku's mouth and part of his throat. The suction cups make it impossible to move his lips and make a sound and difficult to breathe with how they covered his nose slightly.

"You know about all the poisons you can create... right?" Amajiki spat out.

Chudoku didn't respond, but as the tentacles started to wrap further down his neck and make it tighter, therefore more difficult to breathe, Chudoku found himself nodding frantically.

"It's the weakest one! So the easiest to treat, right?!" Amajiki asked. "So she'll be fine if the pros and paramedics are here in five minutes!!"

Chudoku didn't respond, but the gleeful look in his eyes gave Amajiki his answer. With a twitch in his brow, Amajik inhaled sharply and once more forcefully pushed Chudoku against the concrete underneath him. His eyes moved around from Chudoku, himself, the collapsed Mizuki, and where they all were at this children's park.

He had to think... five minutes was too long!!

Amajiki's eyes widened and he looked down at Chudoku. The man looked up at him, curious but that look on his face shifted as he saw the dark look on Amajiki's face. That same look that had been on his face moments ago was terrifying.

"Antibodies..." Amajiki muttered and grabbed Chudoku's hand that was limp on the ground. "Anti-venom is made from antibodies of the animal that produces the venom!"

Chudoku's eyes widened and for the first time, he struggled. But, his airflow was cut off and he looked up at Amajiki again. The teen looked at him and allowed him to breathe again. It was clear though... this kid had a plan and Chudoku would be forced to follow along if he wanted to keep breathing.


It was oddly calm, despite how she could hear the sound of something making a noise every second. Her mind seemed to not be functioning at its normal speed, as it took her a few good seconds to realize that that noise was beeping. Not the kind of beeping from an alarm clock or a microwave... but one that would be from a-

Mizuki's eyelids shot open and she was greeted by a white ceiling with lights that buzzed gently above her. She had to shield her eyes for a moment, trying to not let the lights blind her. Her eyes stung, but she managed to open them again once more. She groaned and found it hard to move her body, the most she could do was turn her head slightly.

Lucky for her, it seemed she was able to turn her head enough to be able to gaze at the thing that was beeping. As she had guessed, it was a heart monitor. Her heart beating in her chest in rhythm with the green lines on the black screen.

She was at the hospital.

But... how did she end up here?

Everything in her mind was fuzzy, but she seemed to recall that something important had been happening before she fell unconscious. Her head turned again and looked to the other side of her bed. She blinked gently when she noticed that she hadn't been alone in the room after all.

Recollection (Amajiki Tamaki x OC) (Commissioned Series)Where stories live. Discover now