Chapter 15: Missing

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King had developed a talent for running long distances without needing a break. He managed to make it to the wooded area of California without stopping. He came to a holt when he heard a bunch of kids laughing near a water stream. They were kicking rocks and listening to music. King bent down so that he didn't startle them and unzipped his bag. He took out his phone and ordered his drone to strike the kids. By the time they figured out what was happening, they were all on the ground fighting for their lives. When the job was done, he ordered the drone to return to his bag and then he continued to run. He traveled to the beach where he hid behind some trees and everyone that lounged around, he ordered his drone to shoot them. The little buzzing device zoomed throughout the beach like a bee, killing everything in its path and then it flew away as if it was never there. The innocent people never saw it coming.

Other people in a distance watched as their family and friends dropped like flies without warning. As they ran toward them, they never saw the device as King was smart enough not to bring it too close to the ground. He always kept it huddling far away in the sky. That's why everyone talked about the buzzing sound, because the wings were at a distance and flapping at a rapid speed making it sound like a buzzing bee. From there, King started shooting at people in their backyard as they stood around on their property. If a person was outside on his path, they were shot. Eventually, King became bored with shooting innocent people and decided to take a break. He wanted to hurt those who hurt him the most. He wanted revenge for his sister and to make his so call parents feel what he felt. He came up to a barn that looked disserted and began to search Maria Hernandez on his phone. As it turns out, she has been living one city over all of his life. He pulled her up on social media and discovered that her girls went to St. Mary's Catholic school. He felt an even bigger rage as he was never introduced to religion except through Cathy, but the girls were Catholic. He called the school and asked about their hours of operation. Foolishly, the school answered and King started jogging in their direction.

He hitched a ride half way and walked the rest. When he came close to the school, he hid his bag behind a bench in a park. He walked up to the school gate where he saw Esmeralda playing. He called her name and out of innocence, she and her sister walked over to the fence.

"Hi, do you remember me?" King said.

"Yeah, you were yelling at my mommy," Esmeralda recalled.

"About that, I am sorry. It's just that your mommy is my mommy, but she gave me away when I was little like you. Do you want to go to my house and play? I can show you how much fun big brothers are," King offered.

"Sure, can I bring my sister Josefina?" Esmeralda innocently asked.

"Of course, she is my sister too remember?" King replied.

Esmeralda skipped over to Josefina and whispered in her ears. The two of them ran with joy out of the gate without any of the school staff seeing them. They grabbed King's hands and skipped down the street. King knew that he needed to get them away from the area quickly or someone would see them. So, he stopped near a new model BMW with the code to operate on the door. Then, he used his decoder on his phone to unlock the doors. He told the girls to get in as he disabled the tracking device used for locating missing vehicles. Luckily for him, he opened the glove compartment and found a spare key fob. He started the car and pulled off as if he owned it. He stopped by the bench to pick up his bag and then he drove the girls to a rental shop about an hour out. There, he rented a vehicle leaving the BMW parked on the side of the street. He made sure that he wiped it down as best as he could and then he set it on fire. This way, no one could tie the theft to him or his sisters.

He drove the girls to a cabin out on the lake about four hours away from their parents. He bought them all of their favorite food and toys. The girls were so happy and comfortable, they didn't ask about their parents or going home at no time. As he laid them in their beds asleep, the television had an emergency message flashing across the screen. It was a missing child alert reporting the girls missing. King decided that he needed to disconnect the cable to the cabin to keep them from panicking. He knew that he could hide in the woods for a very long time, before anyone would catch on if he did it right. After all, he just wanted his parents to feel what he felt all these years and that is the pain of not being able to love a family. The pain of not knowing or being able to hold them. He sat in a lounge chair on the front porch, crossed his legs, and placed his hands behind his head. He rocked the chair in a pleasing manner for all the pain and grief he has caused Maria and David. 

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