Chapter 20: Run

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After King spoke with Danny, he was very disturbed with the officer's questions. Between the officers and Penelope, he knew that he needed to run before he had no way out. King stood before Penelope's hospital room contemplating whether or not to enter her room or leave. Just as he was about to leave, he heard Penelope crying. He entered the room and asked her if she was okay.

"How could you do that?" Penelope asked.

"Do what?" King replied.

"How could you hurt all of those people? I need you, we are family. How could you cut our time short?" Penelope cried.

"I didn't cut anything short, I'm here!" King said, walking up to her.

"You have to run, before they catch you. You will get the death penalty, I'm sure of it. You have to run, I can't lose you now!" Penelope wept.

Cathy heard her tears and entered the room.

"Are you okay?" Cathy asked Penelope.

"I'm fine; I'm just talking to my brother," Penelope answered.

"Can you give us a moment, please?" King requested.

"Listen, I think that it is time for me to tell you who I really am," Cathy said, locking the room door.

"What are you doing?!" King yelled.

"Please, don't yell. We don't have much time and I don't want to alarm anyone. It will cut our head start short," Cathy stated.

"Head start, what are you talking about?" Penelope asked.

"Hear me out, before you cast me as a lunatic. I know everything about you such as when you eat, sleep, shower. When you killed that man in the woods for what he did to your sister, I was a mile away hunched down watching you. I saw the look on your face and decided to follow you. I watched as you used your technology to increase fear across this country," Cathy explained.

"Okay, for real who are you?!" King exclaimed.

"I mean you no harm; in fact I want to help you in exchange for your safe passage to my country," Cathy said.

"If you don't tell me who you are, I am going to yell for security," King yelled.

"Do that and I will have to end you and your sister's lives right here, right now," Cathy threatened, pulling out a gun from her pocket.

"Whoa, slow down! We just want to know who you are so that we don't incriminate ourselves!" Penelope cried.

"Look, you don't have time for this dance and who I am is not important. What is important is that you come with me right away or stay here. Risk going to jail and never seeing your family again. It's up to you," Cathy stated putting her gun back in her pocket.

"Let me call my bank," King said, pulling out his cell phone.

"If you don't put that phone away, I promise you I will shoot," Cathy eased her gun back out into the open.

"He's just making a call, what's the problem?" Penelope asked.

"He's not making a call; he is summoning his drone to shoot me. I told you, I have been watching you and I know everything. Now, I can clean your trail and free you or leave you here dead. What is it going to be?" Cathy explained.

"King, don't do it!" Penelope cried as she pulled on King's arm.

"How do we know if we can trust you?" King asked Cathy.

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