02 | Ballroom

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Massimo Revello

A cruel world we lived in. A world where everything was about power and money. Even when you already have everything you wanted, we humans always wanted more. We craved things we didn't have, and sometimes it gets you killed.

Having blood on my hands was inevitable.
Something that just came with my line of work. Yet I didn't regret it, these things just had to be done and I had no choice. So I suppose I could be referred to as a monster. My eyes roamed the piece of paper my friend had send to me. 'Serafina Fabiana Rosa Ricci' written in bold letters, making it hard to miss.

Glancing at the picture of her I had on my desk. A family picture of her and her older brother. They seemed genuinely happy and it had woken up questions in me, I know I won't get answers too. A frown appeared on my face when I saw at what age she was adopted. At the age of 3 Serafina got adopted by the Ricci family but no where in the file did they explain what had  happened to her own parents.

She had a dark complexion, her curly black hair that barely reached her shoulders. Eyes as dark as the night, yet I was sure I could see stars and galaxies in them. However from all the women I have been with, never have I seen anyone with such a beautiful smile. A smile that was directed to her brother when I had let her go. A smile that I was sure will never be meant for me.

"Mr.Ricci would like to meet you." Angelo, my close friend had walked in. Bags under his eyes and on the edge.

"I'll be downstairs in a minute Angelo." I answered back. "Go to bed please, you need to be well rested." I told him as he trailed right behind me.

"I'm planning on going to bed right after Mr. Ricci leaves." Angelo had answered and I wasn't surprised about his loyalty to me.

I was met with familiar dark brown hair and dark eyes. A suit that was worth more than a few cars I owned. It was clear to me now who Romeo took after. Romeo's father was intimidating, he held authority. He seemed powerful and he hasn't even said a word yet.

With my hands in my pockets I approached the man. Held my hand out for him to shake. His gaze never left mine, he seemed to be taken in his surroundings. Looking at every detail in case anything went wrong.

"Good evening, I heard from my son about the incident that happened between you and my daughter." The man spoke, his tone wasn't harsh or cold. In fact he seemed to be very calm.

"Yes, very unfortunate."

"Well I could have called but I wanted to apologising face to face and settle this without violence being involved." The man spoke again and I nodded.

"That's a smart move Mr.Ricci and I fully agree, let's settle this without any violence."

"Would you be interested in coming to a ball my wife is hosting? It's my way of apologising to you and it's a win win situation. It's a great way to meet new potential business partners." He had said and I nodded my head in agreement.

"Yes perhaps it is a good idea. I'll attend the ball, on one condition..." A smile slowly appeared on my face. Knowing that this man never let anyone near his daughter.


"I want your daughter as my date."

Mr.Ricci laughed, it was the first time that his calm demeanour was slowly crumbling away. His eyes darkened and I could tell he wasn't happy about my proposal.

"My daughter?" He asked wanting to know if he heard it right.

"Yes your daughter Serafina."

A sigh left his lips as he briefly glanced at me. "You can have anyone, but not my daughter Massimo."

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