31 | Unbreakable cycles

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Serafina Ricci

For the last days father had his eyes glued on me. Wherever I went or whatever I did he would be right behind me following my every move.

It was stupid of my for thinking I was being held captive by Massimo. He was no match for my father. If I even breathe too loud he would instantly look at me with raised eyebrows.

Yes, it was very annoying however I only had myself to blame.

"Isn't the beach beautiful?" My mother wondered and I nodded my head.

Since the family was finally complete we decided to spend some time at the beach. We used to do this often back when I was a kid. Father probably felt this responsibility to make my mother happy since she left her family for him. Grandfather was against my parents marriage and that's how they lost contact.

The more I think about it the more this unknown feeling grows inside of me. Would I have done the same for Massimo, would he have done the same for me?

My eyes were glued on the beach waves. It brought tranquility to me, something I haven't felt in quite awhile. Kids playing around and enjoying their time with their parents. Making me realise there was a time I used to be that small. Upset because I should have enjoyed it far more. Now nothing is the same as it was back than.

Somewhere thoughts invaded my mind and my heart grows curious. Wondering what life would have been like if my biological parents hadn't died. Massimo and me would have probably crossed paths as kids since our parents were supposed to be friends. In that entire story it still confused me, sure stealing is wrong especially to a mafia don. Yet he had no prove and they swore it wasn't them.
Why still shoot them?

I scooted over next to my older brother. Romeo glancing over at me with raised eyebrows. "What?" He wondered skeptical, probably afraid I'll bother him about something trivial.

"You read the letters Massimo's mom left behind right?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"There is something I don't understand. Why would his father shoot my biological parents without any proof. What if they were really innocent?" I wondered out loud making my brother sit up straight.

"He was the head of the Revello family. A don needs to protect what is his no matter what. Proof or no proof doesn't matter. If word got out that he let them go unharmed he would have been considered soft. As a mafia leader you can't be soft." Romeo answered, his words made me open my eyes in understanding. It didn't stop me from feeling saddened.

Carefully my eyes met my brother. Unsure whether or not I should open my mouth. Grabbed his hand tightly. "There is truly no end to all this violence." I told him as he averted his gaze.

Massimo and his brother might have been born into it but so was he. He never seemed to complain about anything. Romeo was the type to do as he was told, without asking any questions.

"You're right however that's just life." He explained to me and perhaps he was right.

Complaining won't change anything, it won't fix anything either.

"But do you ever wonder how different our lives would be without the mafia?" I asked him curiously.

Surprisingly my brother shook his head. "No, this is all I have known. It's hard to imagine a life without it." He spoke a little distracted.

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