04 | Annoying encounter

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Massimo Revello

Watching her from afar is what many would consider creepy. The small computer I had in my office, showed footage of what was happening around the house. She somehow made my most valuable guards watch romance movies with her.

To say I was surprised was an understatement. Never in my life would I had thought I would ever get to witness such change of events. What had gotten more of my attention was how easily she warmed up to them. Offered them a smile, laughed at their jokes. Told them things that were quite personal to her, and she hasn't even known them for 24 hours.

Not sure if I was jalouse or simply irritated. Perhaps both, because I couldn't figure out why in the world she would trust someone that easily. Maybe she was comfortable with them, after all that was Corbin and Aldus goal.

"You know, instead of watching her through a screen. You could just go and talk to her." Angelo suggested as he sat in front of me.

"Any news from Mr. Ricci?" I asked him as my eyes were still glued on the screen.

"No but Romeo said something along the lines off 'don't try anything funny'. He seemed quite annoyed at the news of her staying with you." Angelo informed me and a smile found its way on my face.

"He was the one that suggested it."

"Oh I know, Romeo was just worried." Angelo replied but the playfulness was quickly gone. His eyes shifted from the screen to my eyes.

"Romeo wasn't the one that was supposed to get shot." Angelo broke the news to me.

"For whom was the bullet meant?" I asked curiously.

"From what I understand, the bullet wound was supposed to be a warning. So whoever shot him, didn't mean for him to die. However if anyone shot Serafina, from where she was standing her wounds would have been fatal."

"You sure, I was standing beside her. The bullet could have been meant for me." I stated.

"True, however your protection is my main priority. Nothing would have went under my radar, if anyone tried to shoot you I would have known." Angelo answered confident.

"But why shoot Romeo if Sera was right there?" I asked as I watch her through the screen. Her smile as bright as ever.

"People like us don't have soft spots for anyone..." Angelo stated and than realisation hit me.

"...unless it's someone that we know personally." I finished and Angelo nodded.

I stood up from my seat and made my way to the living room. Sera was too deep in a conversation to notice my presence. Her voice was soft, almost like silk. Her laughter was what I imagined heaven to sound like. But I shifted my gaze and focused all of my attention to my guards.

"Hi boss-man." Aldus spoke with a smile plastered on his face. "You need me to handle something?" He questioned.

"Find Angelo, he'll explain the situation." I spoke calmly, he nodded and stood up from the couch. Corbin following right behind him.

Sera was uncomfortable, and I could tell. She sat quietly on the couch, unsure of what she was supposed to do. She would make sure our eyes didn't lock. Her fingers were constantly touching her bracelet, that I was sure costed a fortune. Yet eventually her eyes met mine.

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