35 | Part 1 : Massimo's birthday

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Serafina Ricci

It was quite hard looking for a way to make Massimo feel less guilty. I knew that it was something I couldn't change. He was battling his own emotions and thoughts. It's completely out of my control.

With his birthday coming up I wanted to do something special. Make him aware that despite his strong emotions I wasn't planning on going anywhere. Since he was back to his own house I wanted to celebrate his birthday at his family house. A place where not many good memories were made.

"Mom?" I called out for my mother. Knowing she would be very excited to help me prepare everything for Massimo's birthday.


"Massimo's birthday is in a few days. You wouldn't made helping me prepare everything right?" I asked her as I hugged her from behind.

"Sure honey." She answered.

Perhaps a surprise party would be great however Massimo was very busy lately, so if I wanted him to actually attend his own birthday I'll have to inform him about it. Especially since he mentioned how he didn't really celebrate his special day.

I grabbed my phone and attempted to call him. It took him a few minutes to answer.

"Hi Massimo." I greeted him and he did the same.

"I wanted to celebrate your birthday at your family's house. You like the idea?"

The other line was quiet for a few seconds. It took him some time to probably find his words. "Yes that's fine."

"You sure? It took you some time to answer. If you don't want a big party we can do something else for your birthday. I mean-" Massimo's laugh invaded my ears. Stopping me from finishing my sentence.

"Bellezza." He voice alone made my heart skip a beat. I could actually imagine the smile that graced his face. "You can do whatever you want for my birthday. I'll agree to everything." Massimo spoke making me smile.

"Anything?" I asked for confirmation.

"Anything." He reassured me.

The tension was already thick through the phone. I had to cough to remind myself that I couldn't take my car and go to his house in this very moment. His embrace would have been very pleasant causing me to recall his wet kisses and warmth.

"You aren't having dirty thoughts, are you?" Massimo wondered through the phone.

Taken back I found myself laughing. "Dirty thoughts? Me? Please Massimo." I scoffed which made him only more amused.

"Well, seems like you were. What were you thinking about? How much you like my hands between your-"

"That's enough Massimo. Goodness, my mother is right next to me." I whispered through the phone panicking.

His laughter invaded my ears again. Making me smile in the process. Wishing and hoping that he will continue to smile like that. Live a life filled with love and care.

"Okay, I'll call you later amore. I have a meeting to attend." He spoke which caused me to grow a little curious.

"Meeting? Didn't know drugsdealers have meetings." I spoke amused which caused him to chuckle.

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