22 | Empty bed

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Massimo Revello

Every single muscle in my body tried to push her away. Every single fiber in my body tried to stop her. Yet she knew I wouldn't stop her. She had bewitched me and made me obedient.

"You will regret this." I told her and she smiled so beautifully at me. Grabbed my face in both of her hands and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"Really?" She wondered and placed another kiss on my lips.

I pulled her closer to me and rested my hands on her waist. Angelo's voice echoed in the back of my head reminding me of what I wasn't supposed to be doing. Yet it was far too late, I placed wet kisses all over her neck and collarbone. Her nightgown she had been wearing rose all the way up. Not leaving much to the imagination.

I picked her up and placed her on my bed. Left my fingerprints all over her body, as she left hers on mine. Her nightgown was somewhere on the floor alongside my clothes. Someone suddenly knocked on the door, and it made me come back to reality. This woman in my bed was off limits. She wasn't supposed to be mine.

"Shit." I cursed as I realised the gravity of the situation.

"Boss you have a call." Aldus explained.

"I'll be right there." I shouted loud enough for him to hear.

I looked back at Sera and she started to put her clothes back on. I stopped her and she looked back at me with wondering eyes. Probably wondering what I wanted to say but the issue is I couldn't bring myself to say anything. She freed herself from my grip and walked back to her room.

I sighed as I quickly put back my clothes on and grabbed the phone from Aldus. The expression of confusion on his face couldn't go unnoticed.
Probably wondering what Sera was doing inside of my room.

"Hello?" I wondered.

"Massimo how have you been?" Mr. Reed wondered.

"Well I have been good however isn't it a bit late to be calling?" I asked confused.

"Perhaps, but I figured there shouldn't be more time wasted with sharing information."

"Information like what?" I wondered curiously.

"Flavio is in the hospital, he barely made it. From the looks of it Rodrigo is plotting something and I can tell you it's not looking pretty." He commented and I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"How do you know all of that?"

I could hear laughter coming from the other end of the line. "There isn't much I don't know Massimo. We are bussines partners, the least I can do is figure out some things while you are occupied."

"You're keeping an eye on me?"

"Yes, but it's for your own good. Either way whatever Rodrigo is planning I suggest that you proceed cautiously unless you want corpses to bury." He spoke with such a calm tone that it made me confused. There was no stress or concern to be detected from his tone. However if he didn't care why would he tell me to be careful?

He hanged up the phone and I stared into the void for a split second. "Boss, you want me to trace the call?" Aldus asked me in a hurry.

"No it's alright." I answered yet somewhere I was still skeptical.

For the rest of the night I simply laid there wide awake. Unsure of what actually took place. Did I really just kiss her? What was I thinking? I'm a man with morals and self control. Sera wasn't supposed to be in my bedroom. Nor was she supposed to be in my arms. As much as it felt like a mistake it also felt just right.

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