19 | Biological parents

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Serafina Ricci

Where we were was such a mystery to me. The house was huge and it felt homey. It gave me the impressing that a family has once lived here but at the same time it didn't. Most of the rooms were covered in dust. Only the living room was spotless.

It became a task to me to discover every inch of this mansion. Partly to forget what has happened a few hours earlier.

The garden was huge. All sorts of plants and flowers on display. They had swings covered in moss. Seems like no one has been here in years. There was a small path that would take you to the woods. Bored out of my mind I decided to follow it. I stood face to face with a grave. It was dirty and unkept. The words written on the gravestone wasn't easy to read.

"Loving mother, loving wife. Eloise Monet."

"She wasn't really a loving wife." A voice said from behind me. I turned around to see who it was. Arthur stood there with his arms crossed. His face void from any emotions.

"Euh...how would you know that?" I asked curiously.

"You will be temporarily staying at my family's house. My mother has been buried here." He spoke with no care in the world. Arthur was so nonchalant about it making me think this was no big deal.

"You think your mother was a bad wife?" I wondered surprised. Most people speak nicely about their deceased parents.

Arthur glanced at me. We have never been in each others company for more than 5 minutes, and I have never really looked at him. His eyes were this grey colour and his hair was slightly lighter than Massimo's.

"Mother was everything but not loved. At least not by her husband." Arthur spoke and chuckled. I wasn't sure what he found amusing. Was he laughing at the situation or his suffering? Perhaps both.

"My mother was everything to me and my brothers. In fact as a kid I was convinced she was a goddess." He spoke his voice steady and not wavering. He stood tall and strong but inside he felt the complete opposite.

Comforting people wasn't something I was good at. I wanted to open my mouth and reassure him but no words left my lips. We just stared at the grave in silence. After awhile Massimo called for us and we returned back to the house.

"Why did you park your car like that?" Massimo asked annoyed.

"I can't keep up with all the cars you own. I thought you were the guys I was chasing." Marco answered with his hands crossed.

Apparently when we were stopped by a few cars it was just Marco. That was a relief of course but I still didn't know who broke in earlier.

"Why didn't you just kill them?" Arthur suddenly asked and I was taken back. Completely forgot that they were wired that way.

"Because I wasn't alone and her safety comes first." Massimo said as he was typing away on his phone.

"I'll heck your security camera's and send you the footage." Arthur said with his hands in his pockets.

"You can do that?" I asked surprised.

For the first time since meeting him he offered me a smile. "I can do anything." Arthur replied and walked up the stairs.

"He is very nice, I like him." I said out loud. Already growing fond of him.

"That makes you the first person to say that." Marco commented and I smiled amused.

"He can't be that bad." I tried coming to his defence. The guards and Angelo suddenly walked inside of the house. Making me wonder if everyone just happen to have a key to this place.

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