12 | Old acquaintances

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Massimo Revello

At times I can't find the right words to describe what I'm feeling. In fact searching for words was new. Most of the time every word I have wanted to say gets stuck inside. Resting on my tongue waiting to be freed.

Angelo just shared some crucial information and I didn't know how to react to it. Somewhere I felt angered, i felt irritated. Why harm or bring someone in a story they have nothing to do with?

The life I live is filled with unnecessary violence. We kill to get a message across. We threaten people because we can, and we harm whoever do us wrong. When there is no one to stop you, anyone can become invincible. Anyone can be powerful.

Even in the mafia there are rules. Laws we have to respect. Don't betray other members, sharing intel with the authorities gets you killed. Don't harm children and women, and if you do all you have left is faith. Pray to whoever you believe in that those kids or women aren't connected with a member of the mafia. If they are, your body will most likely never be found.

Those are rules Rodrigo and his beloved father have broken. This wasn't just a disagreement between two fathers. This wasn't something they can talk out while sipping some wine. They have declared war and that's probably why Romeo send her to stay with me. He probably knew all along what was happening yet he had wished for his suspicions to be wrong.

"Romeo is aware of this I assume?" I spoke out loud and Angelo nodded his head.

"Serfina won't be able to return home even if she wanted to. They wouldn't want her to be in the middle of all of this." Angelo replied.

"What do I do now?" I wondered out loud as a sigh left my lips. The Ricci's without a doubt don't need my help. They can handle this mess on their own. However I would've loved to show my support in more than one way.

"Just do what he asked of you Massimo. Keep her safe." Angelo advised me. Before I could reply I could hear some commotion coming from the hallway.

"Sera what are you-" A muffled sound followed and it didn't take a genius to know that she has been standing outside of the door eavesdropping.

Angelo laughed amused as he stood up. Reaching the door and walking away. A very puzzled Sera came into my view. Her hand on Corbin's mouth didn't move either.

"Ew." She shouted as she finally removed her hand. "Stop licking my palm Corb." Before Corbin could give any smart remarks he practically ran away. Not wanting to deal with this situation any further.

It was quiet. Sure I could give her an earful about eavesdropping, but she probably didn't need that right now. Sera just found out she won't be retuning home. Her family is in danger and only God knows how this would end.

"You heard everything." Sera nodded her head and walked past me inside of my office.

Sera sat down with her arms crossed and I could tell she was very unhappy. "I don't want to stay here." She voiced her opinion and I listened.

"You have no say in this Sera."

"Massimo!" She shouted clearly offended.

"I just want to go back home." Sera spoke this time in defeat. Her hands in her hair, eyes closed as she tried to hold it in together.

"It's not safe." I reminded her and she finally opened her eyes to look at me.

"I'm safe here?" She wondered with raised eyebrows.

It was a tricky question because it had no right answer. If I said yes, I would be admitting to her and myself that her safety was my responsibility and if something went wrong I would be the one to blame. If I said no, she wouldn't understand why I'm the one that is supposed to keep her safe. If it wasn't safe here she might as well go home because at the end it didn't matter where she resided.

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