1. Krishmini - Two Lives One Soul (Single Part)

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Chapter 1 :

Vidarbha :

Worried Shuddhamati went to search for her daughter
because she didn't see her daughter since she came back from temple.
Rukmini.. Putri Rukmini.. where are you Putri ?" Shuddhamati asked.
'I am here mother' a voice came from behind.
Shuddhamati looked behind.
Rukmini was stand there with a bowl of kheer in her hand. "are you alright Putri ?" Shuddhamati asked with smile, "I'm absolutely fine mother" Rukmini replied. "I was making Kheer for you and father" Rukmini told her mother.
Suddenly King Bhishmaka entered and said to Shuddhamati "i was telling you that our daughter is so talented see today she made Kheer for both of us". than he put his hand on Rukmini's shoulder and said "Putri we are so blessed to have you".
"even i am very blessed to be your daughter in this birth father" Rukmini replied to her father.
"Arya where is rukmi" asked Shuddhamati to her husband. "he had some work so he said he will return to palace before dinner" King Bhishmaka replied. Shuddhamati nodded. Rukmini gave the bowl of Kheer in Shuddhamati's hand and said "mother i have to go because my friends are waiting for me". Shuddhamati nodded with a smile. Rukmini left for garden where her friends waiting for her. Shuddhamati looked at King Bhishmaka and said "Arya sometimes i feel that how i will able to live after Rukmini's marriage" Shuddhamati got emotional. King Bhishmaka turned his face towards his wife and said "you are absolutely right my dear, our daughter is so sweet, it will be much hard for us to live without her.

Dwarka :

At lunch time. Krishna returned with Balaram at palace from royal court. Devaki and Rohini came to them and said them to sit for lunch. "Mata, didn't you cook any sweet for lunch ?" Krishna asked
with a cute mischievous smile. Devaki and Rohini gave an angry look to Krishna. Dau laughed so hard at this. "at least you should be at my side dau" said Krishna with fake anger look. "ok ok i'm sorry kanha but sometimes your love for sweets. make me think that after marriage how will your wife manage because you are foodie kanha. both Devaki and Rohini laughed at this. both Devaki and Rohini laughed at this. Devaki said to Rohini "Jiji we will have to find a perfect bride for Kanha". "Yes devaki" Rohini replied. "no.. no mother you don't need to find perfect bride for me" Krishna said with nervous smile.
"why Kanha. did you already choose a bride for you ?" Balaram asked moving his eyebrows towards Krishna. "no.. no dau there is nothing like that" Krishna said with a great smile. everyone laughed. after finishing his lunch. Krishna went to his room.
but thoughts started come into Krishna's mind. for the first time he started thinking about his future wife and he said to himself "maybe world not know her right now but i know her. she will be the perfect bride for me. the princess of Vidarbha. my future wife. my Rukmini".

- The End -

Krishna - Rukmini (Krishmini) Mahabharat 2013Where stories live. Discover now