24. Krishmini - Krishna is Back (Single Part)

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Chapter 1 :

After 2 days - Krishna was about to leave from Panchal. Giving encouragement to Maharaj Drupad, he said, "Have patience, Maharaj, everything will be good". Drupad nodded and said "Vasudev, thank you so much for your support and encouragement". Prishati said with folded hands "Arya is absolutely right... Vasudev, you have helped us so much... we are grateful to you". "Maharani... it's my good fortune that I got the opportunity to meet you all," Krishna said with a smile. Dhrishtadyumna said "See you soon Vasudev, it was great meeting you and I got a chance to learn a lot". Krishna hugged him and said "I am very happy to meet you too, take care of yourself and everyone". Then Krishna said to Shikhandi "Shikhandi, never consider yourself weak... you are a very good warrior, just improve your practice". "Yes I will try my best.. Vasudev, your words have really given me new hope," said Shikhandi with a smile. Krishna Happily nodded. Seeing that Panchali was standing silently, Krishna said "sakhiii.... you have nothing to say to your sakha?.
"Govind..." Panchali said in a very calm voice. Panchali further said "You had just come and you are leaving so soon". On this, Krishna smiled and said "sakhi.... don't say like this please... we will meet again soon". Draupadi nodded. Looking at Panchali, Krishna said "Don't worry about the future... Whatever will happen, always keep positive thinking". "Thank you govind for guiding me," said Panchali. Krishna happily nodded. After some time - Krishna left from Panchal. There was a different happiness in Krishna's mind today, the pleasure of meeting Rukmini after so many days. Krishna was very excited that when he would reach Dwarka. Although he knew how Rukmini's condition would be, but still he was very happy. Here - Panchali was a little sad after Krishna's departure. Drupad said to Panchali "Putri.. Vasudev has become your best friend". Panchali nodded and said "Ji pitaji (Yes father)".
Drupad said "Vasudev Shri Krishna is really the best". Drupad further said, "I am thinking that Vasudev and his wife should be invited to the Swayamvara, after all they have helped us so much, they should join the Swayamvara". Panchali was happy to hear Drupad because Krishna had guided her a lot and she wanted to thank Krishna.

Chapter 2 :

Dwarka - Rukmini was very happy today because Krishna was coming back to Dwarka and her wait was about to end. Rukmini and Revathi were working in the kitchen. Rukmini was making kheer but she was feeling nauseated by the smell of milk. As soon as Rukmini got a very strange feeling, she covered her mouth with her hand. Revathi notices this and, worriedly, placed her hand on Rukmini's shoulder and said "Rukmini... are you all right?".
Rukmini hurriedly removed her hand from her mouth and blinked while looking at Revathi and said, "Yes didi... I am... I am fine". "Really?" Revathi said. Rukmini nodded. But Revathi started worrying about Rukmini again. When all the work was over, Revati said to Rukmini "Rukmini, the work here is completed.. Now you go and take rest for a while.. Otherwise you will be tired". "The work is done here didi.. but now I have to help Mata in the work of the temple," Rukmini told Revathi. Revathi said in concern, "But take care of yourself, Rukmini...". Rukmini nodded happily and left from there. But as soon as Rukmini reached the kitchen door, Rukmini felt a little dizzy. Rukmini handled herself quickly. Revathi notices this, she starts worrying about Rukmini and she said to herself, "Is Rukmini pregnant...? Or is there anything else.... Well, Krishna Bhaiya is coming today, maybe Rukmini will share with him". Although Rukmini was very happy today but her health was equally bad.
She was getting dizzy again and again, was feeling very weak and did not even feel like eating anything, but in the joy of Krishna's coming, Rukmini ignored her health.
Subhadra and Balaram were giving grains to the birds in the garden. Balaram said, "Today's matter is different, since morning only one name is being heard everywhere, 'Kanha'...". Subhadra laughed and said "Yes because today Krishna bhaiya is coming back". "Yes subhdrey.. our kanha is the most beloved" said Balaram proudly. "Krishna bhaiya is the best" Subhadra said while nodding. Uddhav and Satyaki said from behind "Today there is talk of him in the whole palace". Responding to his talk, Balaram said, "Kanha is like this, he keeps everyone together".
Uddhava, Satyaki and Subhadra together happily said "Yes...". Vasudev and Devaki standing far away were very happy to see all this. Devaki said to Vasudev "Arya, Our Kanha makes us feel very proud every moment... because of that everyone is so happy today". "You are right, priye (dear).. Krishna always thought about the development of all," said Vasudev.

Krishna - Rukmini (Krishmini) Mahabharat 2013Where stories live. Discover now