28. Krishmini - Krishna The Caring Husband

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Chapter 1 :

Everyone was happy to see Rukmini and Subhadra. Revathi went to Rukmini and hugged her and said with great joy "Rukmini..". "Didi (Sister)" Rukmini said smiling. Then Revathi placed her hand on Rukmini's cheek and said "I am very happy for you Rukmini.. The joy of becoming a mother is one of the greatest joys". Rukmini was happily listening to Revathi but she knew that she used to be a little sad sometimes because of not being able to become a mother till now. Putting his hand on Krishna's shoulder, Balaram said lovingly, "Kanha, this child will bring a lot of happiness to all of us". Krishna nodded with a happy smile. After sometime everyone had dinner, Devaki fed Rukmini with her own hands. Then Rukmini and Revathi kept talking for some time, after a few moments Rukmini felt slight dizziness, upon noticing this, Revathi said "Rukmini, are you okay?". Rukmini nodded and told Revathi that this happened to her many times since morning.. "Don't worry, it happens during pregnancy.. I was told by my sister-in-law that it happens due to lack of sleep or due to fatigue".
Rukmini nodded with a faint smile, Revathi lovingly placing her hand on her shoulder said "Let me take you to your chamber, you rest for a few moments and if you feel sleepy then go to sleep". Saying this, Revathi took Rukmini towards her (Rukmini's Chamber) chamber, Revathi was holding Rukmini's hand all the way. Revathi brought Rukmini carefully to her chamber and made her sit comfortably on the bed.
Revathi sat next to Rukmini for some time and kept talking to her so that Rukmini would not get worried due to her health. Revathi told Rukmini that she is already very excited for her and Krishna's child. Rukmini was very happy to hear this. Then after a few moments, Revathi left because she was also very tired due to the journey. After Revati's departure, Rukmini slowly got up and took off her jewelry and placed it on the dressing table, then changed her sari.

Chapter 2 :

Here - Devaki asked the maid about Rukmini, then the maid told that Rukmini had a slight dizziness, so Revathi took her to her chamber. Devaki remembered Shashwati's words and started worrying about Rukmini, she went to Rukmini without wasting a moment. Rukmini stood up from the bed hearing Devaki's voice and said in a very low voice "Mata (Mother)..". Devaki immediately placing her hands on Rukmini's cheeks asked, "Putri (Daughter), are you alright?". "Yes Mata (Mother), I am fine," said Rukmini. Then Devaki made Rukmini sit on a sofa kept near the bed and started asking her whether she was completely fine or not. Rukmini understood Devaki's love, concern, fear, attention for her. On the other hand - Revathi, sitting on the sofa, was tired, waiting for Balaram in her chamber, she was thinking about Rukmini's pregnancy in her mind. Revathi was very happy for Rukmini but her heart was also yearning to become a mother. After a few moments - Krishna came to the chamber and saw Rukmini was alone and she was folding clothes. Krishna went near her and said "Priye (Dear).. Rukmini, why are you doing all this?". Rukmini turned her face towards Krishna and said lovingly "Because I have no work to do, Arya.. and then these clothes were scattered like this, so I thought...." Before Rukmini could finish her sentence, Krishna interrupted her and said, "So you thought that you should do all this". Rukmini nodded with a lovely face.
"Priye (Dear), you should not do all these things in this condition" said Krishna. Confused on this, Rukmini asked, "Why Arya? Exercise is beneficial for the body". Krishna hugging her from behind and lovingly said, "Yes exercise is beneficial but the first 3 months of pregnancy are very delicate and everyone says that a pregnant woman should not do much work in the first 3 months". Rukmini smiled and said happily "I am impressed with you". "Why what have I done?" Krishna asked, placing his head on her shoulder. "Nothing, but despite not being a woman, you can understand what kind of troubles a woman has to go through in her life and To be honest, when a husband understands the condition of his wife, then the wife feels as if she is the luckiest person in the world," said Rukmini, describing her feelings.
Krishna, understanding Rukmini's heart, said, "Priye (Dear), After marriage, the wife leaves everything and comes to a new house for her husband, lives among new people. Treats her husband's family as her own, raises her husband's lineage and spends her life serving his parents, children and other family members. A wife is not just a wife, she is also a friend of her husband. Not only this, even if the wife gets very tired, she forgets all her sorrows and pains and gives priority to the service of her husband". Rukmini kept listening carefully to Krishna's words. Krishna further said, "And if the wife can make so many sacrifices for the husband, then it is also the duty of the husband to take care of his wife, respect her, understand her suffering and whenever the wife needs the husband's support, The husband should be with her". Hearing all this from Krishna's mouth, Rukmini became emotional and hugged Krishna tightly and said, "Arya, you are really wonderful, on one hand, where many people consider women as objects, you consider women as goddesses." Krishna said with a calm smile, "Priye (Dear), everyone should respect a woman.. And to those who do not respect women, my advice will always be that once make the woman of your house a goddess and
Then see that she will make your house a temple". Due to feelings, Rukmini got tears in her eyes after hearing all the words of Krishna.
Krishna immediately wiped her tears and said "Priye (Dear), no.. don't you cry". Krishna somehow pacified her with love. Krishna kissed Rukmini on the forehead. "Okay, now leave all this work and take rest," said Krishna with a smile, pointing towards the clothes. Rukmini said "But Arya, there is only one cloth left to fold". "Rukmini, there are so many maidservants, they will do all this.. Relax" said Krishna. "But Arya, this work is just about to be done" insisted Rukmini.
Krishna said "Okay but only on one condition". Rukmini smiled knowing that her husband would do anything to take care of her and said "On what condition?". "I will count till 10, by then the work is completed then it is okay otherwise you will leave all like this and rest," Krishna said with a cute face. Rukmini started laughing and said "As your command". Krishna started counting and as soon as he said 8, Rukmini immediately came to Krishna and said with a smile, "Arya, before you can count till 10, my work is done". Krishna smiled and said "Excellent". Then Krishna picked up Rukmini in his arms and took her towards the bed. "Now you will relax and don't worry and don't get stressed about anything" said Krishna,
Looking at Rukmini. Rukmini smiled.

Chapter 3 :

Then Krishna made Rukmini lie down on the bed and he himself lay down on her side and started caressing her hair. Rukmini said to Krishna "Arya, I am feeling very afraid". "Why ? Priye (Dear)" asked Krishna. Rukmini moved closer to Krishna and said, "The responsibility of becoming a parent is huge and I am scared to think that how will we be able to do this? Will we be able to do all this as well as our parents did". Understanding her fear, Krishna said, "You are right, Priye (Dear).. to be honest, I am feeling a little bit scared too". Taking a deep breath, Rukmini looked at Krishna. Krishna calmly said "I also agree that the responsibility of a child is huge and it will affect our whole life". Rukmini nodded yes and said "You are right Arya, but". "But what ? Priye (Dear)" Looking into her eyes, Krishna asked. "But this moment is also the best in itself" Rukmini said with a sweet smile. Krishna nodded happily and said "yes, this is the happiness that only heart knows.. and this moment has been possible only because of you". "Arya, only because of me?" Rukmini asked raising her eyebrows. "No.. no.. I mean because of both of us," said Krishna laughing. Rukmini laughed and said, "Yes, now you are right". After a few moments Krishna teased Rukmini and said, "Well, I am afraid of one more thing". Looking at Krishna's face in astonishment, Rukmini said, "But there is no other reason for you to be afraid". Krishna said "there is a reason". Rukmini asked "What is the reason?". Krishna grabbed Rukmini by the waist and pulled her towards him and, looking into her eyes, said, "I am afraid that you are already so busy with household work and the work of the court, and after the arrival of this child, Your remaining time will also belong to him." Rukmini smiled and said "Yes, what you have said is true but I did not see the reason for your fear". Krishna said innocently "There is a reason.and the reason is that we both get so little time to spend together and after the arrival of this child, that remaining time is also gone". Rukmini could not stop laughing after hearing all this, she laughed and said, "Arya, this is the reason why you are feeling scared". "Priye (Dear), what's the point of laughing at this?.. It's really a serious matter," said Krishna with a cute face.
Rukmini sat up on the bed and tried to contain her laughter, but still laughing said "Sorry.. Sorry.. Arya but your reason is so cute". Then Rukmini gave a look to Krishna, Krishna looked at her with a loving request, he loved seeing Rukmini smiling. Rukmini hugged him tightly, resting her head on Krishna's chest.
Krishna also grabbed Rukmini's waist with his left hand and started caressing her hair with the other hand. Rukmini's forehead was touching Krishna's chin, Rukmini said in a loving voice "Arya, don't you worry, all my time will be yours forever.. You are my priority for me, you are my everything.." . Krishna said while kissing Rukmini on the forehead, "Priye (Dear), I cannot live without you at all.. No matter how tiring my day is, but seeing you, all my tiredness goes away. Rukmini felt blessed to hear all this. Krishna further said "Becoming a mother is a very important part of a woman's life and you don't worry at all, I am with you. Just like we have supported each other till now, we will take care of everything together in the same way." "Arya.. Our child will be very fortunate indeed because he will have you as his father," said Rukmini happily. "But our children will be most fortunate because you will be his mother," said Krishna lovingly. "Arya..." Rukmini said shyly. Krishna said "I have told the truth Priye (Dear), You will be a very good mother, I have full faith in you." Rukmini smiled looking into Krishna's eyes and said "I will try my best to give right discipline, upbringing and good values ​​to our child.. Arya". "You will surely do it Priye (Dear)" said Krishna. After a few moments Rukmini fell asleep due to exhaustion, Krishna got up slowly and covered Rukmini properly with a blanket. After giving the blanket, Krishna began to caress Rukmini's stomach with his hand and said in his mind "Priye (Dear), our child will be very charming, he even stole my heart from now on like you did". Krishna kept thinking about his children like this, Krishna knew that Rukmini can take care of everyone but she is a little careless about her health.So Krishna decided that He will take care of Rukmini himself. then after a few moments he lay down next to Rukmini and fell asleep holding Rukmini in his arms.

- The End -

Krishna - Rukmini (Krishmini) Mahabharat 2013Where stories live. Discover now