22. Krishmini - Krishna's Panchal Visit And Rukmini's Wait (Single Part)

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Chapter 1 :

Krishna was about to reach Panchal. Not a single moment had passed since morning when he had not thought of Rukmini. Krishna was worried for Rukmini. On the other hand - Rukmini was also sad without Krishna. Although this was not the first time that Krishna had gone to another state for work, but Rukmini was feeling very sad this time from inside.
As soon as Krishna reached Panchal, Maharaja Drupad and his wife Prishati welcomed him. Maharaj Drupad said with folded palms "Pranipat Vasudev Shri Krishna, welcome to Panchal". Krishna nodded his head and said "Thank you Maharaj". Prishati performed the aarti of Krishna. Krishna then entered the palace where he met Dhrishtadyumna, Panchali and Shikhandi. Drupad introduced Krishna to his children and said, "Vasudeva, this is my son Dhrishtadyumna. And these are my daughters Shikhandi and Draupadi.
The three Panchali, Dhrishtadyumna and Shikhandi touched Krishna's feet. Krishna blessed them all. Drupad gave Draupadi the responsibility of arranging for Krishna's living. Draupadi happily said yes. Krishna and Drupad talked for some time.
After the meal, Prishati said to Panchali "Putri (Daughter), you drop Vasudev Shri Krishna to his room, and take care if he needs anything". Panchali nodded her head happily
Panchali came to drop Krishna to the chamber and reaching the door of the chamber said nervously "If you need anything, let me know". Krishna happily nodded. Before leaving, Draupadi said to Krishna "Can I ask you something?". "Why not, definitely ask" Krishna said with a smile. "I don't know you much, but as far as I have seen you. You handle everything so well and stay so calm, how do you do it?" Panchali asked. Krishna laughed and said "Nothing like that, I only act according to destiny". "Impossible..." Draupadi said in surprise. Krishna said "If a man's mind is under control, then anything is possible for him, Panchali". Draupadi smiled and said "amazing". Draupadi further said "One more thing, what shall I call you?". "You can call me whatever you want I have many names." Krishna said with a mischievous smile. "Okay, I will call you Govind, but you should also give me a name," said Draupadi.
On this, Krishna said with a calm smile, "I consider you my sister and you are my friend, that's why I will call you 'Sakhi'..". Panchal happily said "Govind, as you like, I promise you that this friend of yours will always be with you.". On this, Krishna said lovingly "sakhi, I also promise you that I will always be present with you whenever you need it in life". "Thank you Govind" said Draupadi happily. Then Draupadi left from there.

Chapter 3 :

After Draupadi left from there, Krishna came inside the bedroom and lying on the bed started thinking about the future. Krishna said in his mind with a slight smile, "The first phase of the establishment of Dharma in the entire Aryavrata will start soon". After the thought was complete, Krishna again started worrying about Rukmini. Although he could see Rukmini with yogic power every moment, he was a little worried about not being with her. other side - Rukmini was not feeling well. She was sitting alone on the sofa in the chamber. Rukmini was feeling very lonely without Krishna. Rukmini had a peacock feather in her hand, seeing which Rukmini started crying and whispering "Arya, when will you come back?". Here - Krishna could feel Rukmini's pain. As tears started falling from Rukmini's eyes, Krishna got up and sat down looking at his palm and said "Calm down Priye (dear) Rukmini, this is not the right time for you to worry". After sometime, Rukmini somehow calmed down and then fell asleep, but Krishna used his power to change Rukmini's dream according to his own wish. Of course, Krishna was not physically with Rukmini at the moment, but he was with her every moment. Rukmini saw Krishna in her dream, Rukmini felt a different peace in her sleep. Although Rukmini also knew that she and Krishna could never be separated. Rukmini and Krishna reside in each other's heart. But Rukmini's changing mood made her cry this time.
Next morning - Rukmini woke up from sleep. Rukmini slowly opened her eyes. She had a slight headache. She got up and sat on the side of the bed and kept her feet down from the bed and as soon as she started standing, she felt dizzy. Rukmini got very nervous, she sat down on the bed again. Rukmini was blinking and looking here and there towards the floor. She said worriedly "I felt dizzy... and that too suddenly! Why did this happen?". Rukmini started getting worried about her health.
Then suddenly a servant came and said "Pranipat Maharani". Rukmini nodded with a slight smile. The servant further said "Maharani, Maharani Revathi is going to come back from her maternal home today, you have been called by rajmata Devaki to prepare for her welcome". "I will come in a few moments," said Rukmini. That servant left from there.
After the servant left, Rukmini got up from the bed with courage, took a bath and quickly completed her makeup. But before leaving the chamber, she felt dizzy again. Rukmini holds herself by leaning against the wall. Rukmini got very stressed.
Then Rukmini slowly started walking towards the hall. While walking she was thinking in her mind that maybe she is getting dizzy due to fatigue. On the other hand - Krishna could feel Rukmini's condition. Feeling this condition of Rukmini, he said in his mind, "Priye (Dear) Rukmini, the reason for your dizziness is not fatigue". Krishna was thinking while standing in the balcony when Panchali herself came to invite him for breakfast.

Krishna - Rukmini (Krishmini) Mahabharat 2013Where stories live. Discover now