18. Krishmini - New Beginning With Old Wounds (Single Part)

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Chapter 1 :

A few months later - Pandavas and Kunti started living in the forest. After that accident, the Pandavas decided to hide their identity and live in the forest. However, the Pandavas were still surprised that Duryodhan could hatch such a conspiracy for the throne.
In Hastinapur - Vidur and Bhishma Pitamah could not forget the Pandavas. Dushala and Gandhari also used to remember Pandavas and Kunti often. But Duryodhan was very happy because now the path to the throne was very clear for him.

In Dwarka - Everyone took care of themselves slowly but Subhadra had become quite calm after that accident. Subhadra did not even say anything more to anyone now. Seeing this condition of Subhadra, everyone felt very bad. Krishna Rukmini used to try their best to make Subhadra forget that thing.

Chapter 2 :

It was the afternoon time. The weather was a bit cold today. A cold wind was blowing. Rukmini herself was not feeling well but she did not tell anything to anyone. Subhadra was sitting alone in the garden. Then Rukmini brought fruits for her. "Subhadra, fruits for you" said Rukmini, giving Subhadra a plate of fruits. Subhadra said "I don't feel like eating now, Bhabhi I will eat later". Putting her hand on Subhadra's cheek, Rukmini said, "Subhadra, eat a little bit, you haven't even had breakfast today". "But... Bhabhi" said Subhadra. "But nothing, let's eat," said Rukmini while feeding Subhadra fruits. After eating the fruits, Subhadra remained sitting there. Rukmini stayed with her. Rukmini was not able to see such condition of Subhadra. She was feeling very sad for Subhadra. After sometime Subhadra went to her chamber. Rukmini was also getting very tired, so she also came to her chamber and lay down on the bed. But her health was not good, so she fell asleep.

Chapter 3 :

When Krishna came to his chamber in the evening, he saw Rukmini sleeping. He worried about Rukmini because Rukmini never sleeps at this time. Krishna tried to wake Rukmini from her sleep. "Rukmini... Rukmini" "Rukmini are you okay?" he said, placing his hand on Rukmini's forehead. But as soon as Krishna placed his hand on Rukmini's forehead, he came to know that Rukmini has got cold and she has fever. Rukmani had lost her sleep after hearing Krishna's voice. "Arya..." said Rukmini in a very weak voice. Rukmini's eyes also looked very tired. Keeping his hand on Rukmini's cheek, Krishna said, "Rukmini.. Priye you are sick and you didn't even tell me". Rukmini started smiling looking at Krishna. "May I know the reason for your smile, Rukmini?" asked Krishna. "The reason I smile is your love Arya, I just got a slight fever and you are so worried," said Rukmini. On this Krishna said "You are my life, Rukmini, I cannot live without you even for a moment, dear". Krishna held Rukmini's hand and sat beside her. After some time a maid came and said "Dwarkadhish, you have been called by Dau Bhaiya". Saying this, the maid left from there. Krishna said to Rukmini "Rukmini you will rest, I will come in a while". "No no, I will also go with you Arya, I have to help Revathi didi," said Rukmini. "Rukmini..." said Krishna, looking carefully at her. Rukmini said "No I will rest, you go". "Very good," said Krishna laughing.

Chapter 4 :

Krishna came downstairs and told everyone about Rukmini's health. Devaki and Rohini ask Krishna to take care of Rukmini. Krishna nodded yes.
After that Krishna came to meet Balaram in his chamber. Both started talking. Balaram said to Krishna, "Kanha, now Pandava brothers and Bua Kunti are no more, but still we have good relations with Hastinapur, I think we should keep our relations with Hastinapur in the same way". "You are right, Dau, we will continue this relation with them like this," said Krishna with a slight smile. "Anyway Kanha, what happened was destiny" said Balaram. Krishna became calm after listening to Balaram. Krishna did not speak much on this matter because he knew the conspiracy of Duryodhan. Then Balaram, placing his hand on Krishna's shoulder, said, "What happened Kanha, are you well?". Krishna changed the issue and said "Nothing Dau, Actually Rukmini's health is not good". "You take care of Rukmini," said Balaram. Krishna nodded.
In Hastinapur - Shakuni said to Duryodhan "Now soon after talking to Maharaja Dhritarashtra, we will have to make you the crown prince, Mere bachhe (my child)". "What's the rush Mamashree (uncle) ?" Duryodhana said. "Mere bachhe (my child)" said Shukni. Then Shakuni further said "You don't know Bhishma. He will definitely do something to stop you from becoming the crown prince". "Now he will not be able to do anything, you must be sure Mamashree (uncle)" said Duryodhan. Bhishma Pitamah had heard all the words of Shakuni and Duryodhan from afar and he said to himself that "Whatever happens Duryodhan, I will never let your dream come true".

Chapter 5 :

Revati, Rohini and Devi came to see Rukmini. At that time Rukmini was very upset due to headache and was sitting on the bed with the help of pillow with her eyes closed. "Rukmini..." It was Devaki's voice.
Rukmini opened her eyes as soon as she heard the voices of Rohini and Devaki. Devaki, Rohini and Revathi came and sat beside Rukmini. "Putri, how are you doing?" Devaki said while putting her hand on Rukmini's cheek. Rukmini nodded yes and said "I am fine Mata" but it was clear from her voice that she was not well. "Rukmini... you were with me the whole day, you should have told once that you are not feeling well," said Revathi. Rohini said "Putri, you should take care of yourself, don't be careless about your health at all". Rukmini nodded. "And now you will not do any work at all until you are well," said Devaki. "But... Mata" said Rukmini. "But nothing, Devaki is absolutely right," said Rohini. Rukmini was sneezing and had tears in her eyes due to cold. Seeing all this, Devaki said, "You must rest, Rukmini". "Yes Mata," said Rukmini. In the meantime, seeing Krishna came there, Rohini smiled and said, "Putra, sometimes take out some time for Rukmini or you have the idea of ​​giving all the time to work ? ". "Mata.. I give her full time, but she keeps reminding me all the time that this work has to be done, that work has to be done," replied Krishna laughingly.
Looking at Rukmini, Rohini said, "Is this true Rukmini?". "There is nothing like that Mata, but work is also necessary," said Rukmini shyly.

Chapter 6 :

The maid brought food for Rukmini and Krishna. "Dwarkadhish, Maharani Rukmini... RajMata Devaki has sent this food for both of you." But Rukmini did not feel like eating anything because of fever. She refused a lot, but Krishna fed Rukmini with his own hands. After that Krishna asked the maid to take all the utensils from there and gave the command of parihar to all the servants. Rukmini was sitting without a blanket. Giving a blanket to Rukmini, Krishna said, "Rukmini.... Meri Pyari Rukmini (my dear rukmini).... sit with a blanket, otherwise you will get sick even more". "Arya... but I'm fine now," said Rukmini. "I can see how well you are, that's why you didn't feel like eating your food," said Krishna. Rukmini looked at Krishna with a mischievous smile. Krishna laughed and said "Rukmini... I think our child will also say the same thing that Mata does not take care of herself at all". Rukmini said shyly "Arya...". Rukmini Krishna kept talking like this for a while. Then Rukmini said "Arya... can I tell you one thing?". Krishna looked at Rukmini seriously and said "What happened Rukmini, that you need permission to say something". "Not too serious, but about Subhadra," said Rukmini. "Subhadra? What happened to her Priye?" Krishna asked in amazement. Rukmini said "Arya... Ever since that incident happened with the Pandavas, Subhadra remains very silent and does not talk to anyone, even today she was alone in the garden when I had taken fruits for her, how long will this last? Arya... it feels very bad to see this condition of her". Krishna shook his head in silence and said "You are right, Rukmini, it is necessary to explain to Subhadra otherwise all this will affect her health". Rukmini nodded. Rukmini further said, "We all took care of ourselves Arya, but maybe Subhadra still could not forget that accident". Krishna said "Yes, perhaps even today the memories are fresh in her mind". Then Krishna changed the topic. Krishna said "Rukmini, do you remember what is next week?". "No..." Rukmini said. "But how could you forget?" Krishna smiled and said. He knew that Rukmini was joking. Rukmini smiled and said "It's our first anniversary". Krishna said "You remember". "Arya, this is the sweetest day of my life, how can I forget this day". Rukmini said. Krishna hugged Rukmini. "This is also the most beautiful day of my life because on that day I got meri pran priye Rukmini (my dearest rukmini)" said Krishna. Rukmini blushed. Rukmini was getting very tired due to illness. So Krishna asked her to lie down and take rest. Krishna remained sitting next to Rukmini. But Rukmini had fallen asleep. Looking at Rukmini, Krishna was saying in his mind "My Rukmini takes great care of everyone but does not take care of Herself.".

For the next 4/5 days, Krishna took great care of Rukmini and did not allow her to do anything at all. Rukmini's health was now completely fine. Now Rukmini again started taking care of everyone as before. And Krishna was excited for their first anniversary because he has planned a surprise for Rukmini.

- The End -

Are you excited for krishmini's first anniversary and also for the surprise of krishna for rukmini ?

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