16. Krishmini - A Storm is Coming (Part - 1)

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Chapter 1 :

In Hastinapur - Shakuni was very happy today and Duryodhan too. But the palace of Hastinapur is very quiet today, there is not much happiness. There is a stir in everyone's mind. Because today the Pandavas are going to Varanavat.
On other side in Dwarka - Rukmini got up and stood near the balcony of her room. As soon as Krishna opened his eyes, he saw Rukmini was very silent and was standing near the balcony. He went to Rukmini. "Rukmini.. Rukmini.." Krishna called out to Rukmini. But Rukmini did not reply
Krishna shook Rukmini by the shoulder and said, "Rukmini.. Rukmini.. are you all right?". Rukmini looked at Krishna with wet eyes. Rukmini hugged Krishna and said "Arya...". "Rukmini.. what happened Rukmini? Why are you crying?" said Krishna. "Arya, my mind is very nervous, it seems that something untoward is going to happen, but I do not understand what is going to happen," said Rukmini nervously. Krishna knew what was the reason for such thoughts in Rukmini's mind but he could not tell her that the Pandavas were in danger.
Krishna pacified Rukmini and said "All will be well Rukmini, you don't worry. Worrying too much will make your health worse". Rukmini nodded. On the other hand, Subhadra was sitting alone in the garden looking at the coin that Arjun had given her. Subhadra was happy as well as sad because now she will not be able to meet Arjun for a long time.

Chapter 2 :

In Hastinapur - Pandavas and Kunti take everyone's blessings before leaving for Varnavat. Gandhari hugged Kunti and said "Kunti come back soon, I will wait for you". "Yes jiji" Kunti said with a smile. Pandavas touched everyone's feet and took blessings. "Putron take care of yourself," said Bhishma. Pandavas nodded their heads happily. Then the Pandavas left. Yudhishthira and Kunti went on the chariot and the other Pandavas sat on the horse. Vidura also sent one of his soldiers behind the Pandavas.
Vidur had doubts from the beginning about Varnavat. Here Shakuni and Duryodhan were celebrating because their plan was going to come true. Karna was deeply saddened that he was not able to stop Sakuni and Duryodhan even after knowing their plan.

Chapter 3 :

Krishna was handling the work of the court with Rukmini and Balaram. Satyaki and Uddhav were also with them. Letters and important papers were being handled from all other states. The work was largely over. "Satyaki Uddhav, both of you pay attention to the farmers' problems this week," said Rukmini. "Yes bhabhi" Uddhav and Satyaki both replied. Balaram said "Uddhav, Rukmini is absolutely right, we must do something for the problems of the farmers, both of you go and meet the farmers and find out what kind of help they need". "Okay bade bhaiya.. we will meet the farmers today" said Satyaki. Then Satyaki and Uddhav left the royal court. When Balaram had to get a stamp from Vasudev on some paper, he said, "Kanha, I will get these documents from Pita Shree after getting them stamped, till then you and Rukmini also finish all the work". Krishna Rukmini nodded. Balaram also walked from the royal court towards the palace.

Chapter 4 :

Krishna started looking towards Rukmini. Rukmini was still checking all the papers. Krishna remembered that Rukmini was very sad in the morning. So he thought that he should do something which would please Rukmini. In the palace - Rohini, Revathi, Devaki and Subhadra were preparing for lunch. Rohini said "Devki, let's make kheer today". "As you say jiji" said Devaki with a smile. But the name of Kheer reminded Subhadra of Arjun. On the other hand, Arjun was also remembering Subhadra.

Arjun was also thinking in his mind that when he returns from Varnavat, he will definitely meet Subhadra and will also talk about his and her marriage with her parents. After lunch - Krishna was sitting in the garden. Krishna was also a little sad because of Shakuni and Duryodhan's tricks. But Krishna knew the future, so he was not much worried about all this.

Chapter 5 :

In the evening - Pandavas had also reached Varnavat. There was a deserted forest all around and thick,, very thick bushes. They were all very tired. There they met Duryodhan's messenger. The messenger gave his false introduction and said "You are all sons of Maharaj Pandu, aren't you?". Yudhishthira said softly, "Yes, we all are sons of Maharaj Pandu and this is our mother, Maharani Kunti. Pandavas and Kunti greeted the messenger. "How do you know my husband Maharaj Pandu?" asked Kunti. The messenger replied, "Before your marriage, Maharaj used to come here often and used to help all of us, to pay homage to him, all of us villagers have worshiped his name this year. For this you all were also invited ". Pandavas and Kunti nodded happily. With folded hands, the messenger said, "Maharani, we all have prepared a small palace for you and we wish you all to live there." "You all have built this building with so much love, we will all live here" Kunti said with a smile. Kunti and Pandavas went towards the door. Kunti suddenly stopped. Everyone asked "what happened why did you stop". Kunti said "Putron, it is auspicious to light a lamp before going inside". "Okay mother, you light the lamp, we will all enter with you," said Bhima. The messenger was terrified because the palace was made of lac, so he said in a hurry, "No, wait, Maharani". Everyone looked at the messenger in surprise.
The messenger holding himself said "I mean Maharani, after morning worship, you light a lamp at the door, it will be more auspicious". Kunti fell into thought and then said "You are right, let's enter into the palace". Everyone nodded happily and went to the palace.

Chapter 6 :

Balaram Krishna was talking. Then Balaram said "Kanha suggest some good gift". Krishna said "But why Dau". "I want to give a gift to Revati That's why," Balaram told Krishna. "ohhhooooo......" said Krishna with a mischievous smile. "Kanha, you too.. help me," said Balaram laughing. "Okay all right" said Krishna. After thinking for some time, Krishna said "How will the flowers be in the gift". "Yes Kanha, this is absolutely right, thank you, I will order flowers" Balaram said. After saying this Balaram left from there. "Dau too..." Krishna smiled saying this. At the same time Rukmini comes there and says "Arya..where were you, how long have I been looking for you". "What happened Rukmini, I have been here for a long time," said Krishna. "Arya, Mata is calling you, that's why I came here," said Rukmini. "Okay all right" said Krishna. As soon as Rukmini started leaving, Krishna held her hand and stopped her. Rukmini said shyly "Arya, I have to help Revathi jiji, let me go". "My Rukmini has time for everyone, not just for her husband," said Krishna laughing. "Nothing like that Arya, I always have time for you," said Rukmini. Both kept looking into each other's eyes. Then Rukmini said "Arya, jiji will be waiting for me". "But this moment is only yours and mine," said Krishna. After saying this, Krishna kissed Rukmini on the forehead. Rukmini blushed.

Krishna - Rukmini (Krishmini) Mahabharat 2013Where stories live. Discover now