26. Krishmini - Good News (Part 1)

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Chapter 1 :

After 1/2 day - early in the morning Rukmini was sitting on the bed and was thinking about her health. She could not understand why all this was happening to her. As soon as Krishna got up he saw Rukmini was sitting very worried. He remembered that Rukmini had not even slept well throughout the night, she kept on changing sides throughout the night. Krishna knew the reason but still he could not see Rukmini getting upset.
Krishna slowly moved towards Rukmini and while placing his hand on her hand, said "Priye (Dear)...". Rukmini looked at Krishna and said "Arya...". "Are you not feeling well?" Krishna asked. Rukmini became silent on this matter because she did not understand how to explain it. Krishna hugged her lovingly and said "whatever it is you can tell me.. Look, even if I do not understand your condition completely, I will try my best to help you". Rukmini started crying, she told all her situation to Krishna. Krishna asked Rukmini "Did you consult a doctor?". Rukmini nodded her head in "No". Krishna said worriedly "Rukmini.. Priye (Dear).. You should consult a doctor once, shouldn't you?". Rukmini didn't say anything. Krishna said softly "Priye (Dear).. you should take care of yourself". Krishna was explaining to Rukmini that she should take care of herself, she should not be careless towards her health, but she suddenly felt like vomiting, she ran towards the bathroom with her hand on her mouth. "Rukmini... Priye (Dear)..." Krishna went after Rukmini while speaking. Krishna saw that Rukmini was constantly vomiting. Krishna softly placed his hand on Rukmini's shoulder and said "Priye (Dear).. are you all right?". Rukmini turned towards Krishna with tears in her eyes. "Priye (Dear).. you come with me and rest," said Krishna, holding Rukmini. Rukmini didn't say anything. Krishna slowly brought her to the chamber and made her sit on the bed with the support of a pillow. He offered water to Rukmini. Rukmini said "no" But still Krishna made her drink some water And said "Now you rest". Rukmini said in a weak voice "No Arya.. first I will take a bath". "But Rukmini..." said Krishna in concern. "Nothing will happen.. Rather, taking a bath will refresh both the body and the mind," Rukmini insisted. Krishna kept looking at Rukmini at first, then after a few moments said "Okay, okay.. but don't spend much time and take rest for a few moments after bath". Rukmini said with a slight smile "Okay.. as you say". When Rukmini started getting up from the bed to take her clothes, Krishna said "You sit, I will bring your clothes". Rukmini agreed. Rukmini walked slowly and went to take a bath. Krishna started waiting for her, Krishna's eyes were on the door. When Rukmini came back, Krishna immediately went to her and asked her "Are you all right?". Rukmini nodded. Then Krishna helped Rukmini to get ready but later she felt slight dizziness. Krishna picked up Rukmini in his arms and made her lie on the bed. and asked her to rest. Rukmini nodded, Krishna sat by her side holding her hand. After a few moments before going for a bath Krishna asked Rukmini to take rest. Rukmini agreed but when Krishna left Rukmini fell asleep due to fatigue and weakness. As soon as Krishna came back after taking a bath, he saw Rukmini was asleep, he smiled, covered her with a blanket and gave a kiss on her forehead and said "Don't you worry Priye (Dear).. I will take care of everything but you take care of yourself".

Chapter 2 :

When Krishna got ready and came down to the hall, Devaki, seeing him alone, asked him about Rukmini, then Krishna described the whole situation. On hearing all this, Devaki said in worry, "Krishna.. Putra (Son).. why didn't you tell me all this earlier?". Krishna did not say anything, seeing him silent, Devaki said, "How is Rukmini's health now". "It's not very good, but when I came after taking a bath, she fell asleep, then I didn't wake her up," said Krishna. Devaki nodded and said in concern "When she wakes up then I will call the doctor once to know what has happened to her". Krishna nodded. Then Devaki and Rohini started serving breakfast to everyone, then everyone asked about Rukmini. Devaki told them all about Rukmini's health, everyone became very worried. Rohini said "Krishna.. we should call the doctor once". "Yes Mata (Mother).. you are right" said Krishna.
Devaki said to Subhadra "Subhadra.. Putri (Daughter).. After breakfast you go and bring Vaid (वैद्य/doctor) Shashwati". Subhadra nodded "yes". When Krishna asked about Balaram And Revathi, Rohini told that They went to the neighboring kingdom and would return by night. Krishna nodded. Vasudev said to Uddhav Satyaki and Kritvartama "Putro (Sons).. today all three of you together take over the work of the royal court and if there is any important work then tell me, I will help you". Satyaki, Kritvartama and Uddhav nodded. On this, Krishna said "But I am going to the royal court". On hearing Krishna, Rohini and Devaki started looking at each other and Vasudev looking at Krishna lovingly said "Putra(Son).. don't you think you should stay with Putri (Daughter) Rukmini?". "Or Krishna bhaiya, you are not worried about Rukmini bhabhi," Subhadra said with a cute face. Krishna made an innocent face. Devaki, pulling Krishna's cheek, said "Putra(Son).. you should stay with Rukmini, take care of her". Krishna said innocently, "When did I refuse? Mata (Mother).. I am not going anywhere today." Everyone started laughing but Devaki was very worried about Rukmini.

Krishna - Rukmini (Krishmini) Mahabharat 2013Where stories live. Discover now