5. Krishmini - We Are One (Part 1)

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Chapter 1 :

Dwarka : Krishna Rukmini, Arjun Balaram arrived at Dwarka. Devaki, Rohini, Vasudeva, Subhadra, Kritavarma, Uddhava, Satyaki were standing at a main gate of Dwarka. Krishna Rukmini got down from the chariot. Krishna introduced Rukmani to his family. Krishna first introduced Rukmini to Devaki, Rohini and Vasudeva. Rukmini touched his feet. Vasudev said "I have become the father of another daughter today". Rukmini smiled.Devaki did their Aarti and said "Krishna, Putra you have brought me another daughter".
Rohit said "Devki, our Krishna's bride is very beautiful" Rukmini Krishna both smiled. Then Krishna introduced her to Revathi and Subhadra. Revathi hugged Rukmini and she said "Welcome to Dwarka". Subhadra said to Rukmini "I am very happy today I have got another sister-in-law". "But Krishna Bhaiya I am angry with you" said Subhadra to Krishna. "But why Subhadre?" Krishna asked. "Why didn't you tell earlier that you were going to pick up my lovely Bhabhi" Subhadra Complained. "Subhadre please forgive me for not telling you" Krishna said with a cute face. "Okay, I forgive you Bhaiya," Subhadra said with a great smile. Everyone started laughing. Then in the last, Krishna introduced Rukmini to Kritavarma, Satyaki and Uddhava. Then Subhadra said "Will you do all the things at this door only, take Bhaiya and Bhabhi to the palace". Then everyone went inside to the palace.

Chapter 2 :

After some time Devaki called the Royal Priest. And asked him for an auspicious time for the marriage of Krishna and Rukmini. The Priest said "Maharani, 4 days later is a very auspicious time for marriage". "Thank you very much," said Devaki to the Priest. Devaki called the maid and said "Arrange food for the Priest". Maid nodded. Everyone was very happy about the marriage of Krishna Rukmini. Rohini said to Revathi and Subhadra "You both take Rukmini to the chamber, she too will take rest for a while". Revathi and Subhadra nodded and they took Rukmini with them. Arjun saw Krishna smiling and said to Devaki "Mami, Madhav has a different glow on his face today". "Shine will be there, Putra Arjun, after all its his wedding," said Devaki, looking at Krishna. Krishna said shyly "There is nothing like this Parth". Everyone laughed.

Chapter 3 :

At night Devaki called Krishna and said "Krishna, Putra, you eat today only with Rukmini". Krishna asked "But why? Mata". "Because putra Rukmini is new here and Right now she has not mixed much with anyone except you, so I want you to have food with her, she will like it" said Devaki. "as you say Mata," said Krishna happily. "You go to Rukmini, I will send you food." Devaki said while giving clothes to Krishna, "and give this clothes to Rukmini, tell her to wear them tomorrow". Then Krishna went to Rukmini's chamber. In the hall he met Uddhav Satyaki and Arjun. All three started teasing Krishna. Uddhav said "Kanha Bhaiya where are you going?". On this Arjun said "Uddhav Madhav is going to meet Bhabhi Rukmini". "When all three of you get married, then I will take revenge on all three of you."

Chapter 4 :

Krishna came to Rukmini's chamber. He saw Rukmini sitting on the sofa near the balcony, looking at the moon. Her hair was open and straight. She was looking very beautiful in open hair. Krishna gave the command of "Parihar" to the maids. Rukmini heard Krishna's voice and immediately got up from the sofa and said "Arya you are here this time". "I wanted to meet you, so I came," replied Krishna. Rukmini blushed. Krishna made Rukmini sit and he too sat by her side. Krishna gave clothes to Rukmini and said "Rukmini, Mata has given it for you and said that tomorrow you will wear them". Rukmini nodded happily. "Rukmini, did you like Dwarka?" Krishna asked Rukmini. "Dwarka is very beautiful and peaceful Arya" replied Rukmini. Rukmini said "Finally all is well Arya, I did not think that all this would be possible". "How could I have let anything happen to you Rukmini, I love you so much Rukmini, since I heard about you, a different image of you had settled in my heart," said Krishna. Rukmini blushed. Suddenly Subhadra came with food. "Bhaiya, you are also here," said Subhadra, staring at Krishna. "Why can't I be here, Subhadre?" Krishna said with a mischievous smile. "Fine enjoy your dinner with bhabhi," said Subhadra. She went after serving the food. Rukmini Krishna had dinner together. After dinner, Krishna said "Now we will meet in the morning, take care of yourself Rukmini, don't stay awake for long because you are very tired now, so go to bed early". Rukmini nodded happily. That night Krishna slept peacefully after many days. Because for a long time he was not able to sleep due to Rukmini's thoughts. Both Krishna and Rukmini were very happy today.

Chapter 5 :

The next morning, Rukmini woke up early. Rukmini stood in the balcony to see the views of Dwarka. Then Rukmini got ready and came downstairs. She touched everyone's feet. Krishna had also come down after getting ready. Krishna looked at Rukmini and started smiling. Then Arjun saw this and went to Uddhav and Kritavarma and said "It seems that Madhav now sees only Bhabhi". Rukmini and Krishna blushed. Rohini laughed and said, "Now don't tease our Krishna any more." Devaki said to Subhadra "Subhadra, you help Rukmini to get ready for today's ceremony". Subhadra nodded with a smile. And she took Rukmini with her. Krishna asked "what is the ritual today Mata". "Krishna Putra have you forgotten, every bride has to go to the temple before the wedding rituals begin," said Devaki. Devaki further said "That's why we are going with Rukmini to the temple of Somnath, and you should also come with us". Krishna asked "Why Mata ?". "You too along with Rukmini should pray for your wedding life," replied Devaki. Krishna nodded happily. Here
Rukmini asked Subhadra "Subhadra do you know what is today". "Yes Bhabhi today You and Krishna bhaiya have to go to the temple" Subhadra replied smilingly. Rukmini happily nodded. When Rukmini came down with Subhadra after getting ready. Then Rukmini was wearing a yellow and orange lehenga with amazing jewellery. Krishna was standing in the hall. As soon as he saw Rukmini. he said "You are looking very beautiful Rukmini". Krishna also wore yellow and orange clothes. Seeing him, Subhadra said, "What's the matter, Krishna Bhaiya, you are also wearing yellow and orange clothes, very nice". Looking at Subhadra, Krishna said, "Subhadre, you, Arjun, Satyaki, Kritavarma, Uddhav, you all have no work, you all together are teasing me and Rukmini". Subhadra started laughing out loud.
At Temple : Rukmini made a Swastika on a plate. Krishna placed flowers in that plate. Everyone was very happy. Rukmini Krishna lit the lamp and then prayed. After worshiping Rukmini Krishna looked at each other with a smile. Devaki and Rohini went to give prasad to everyone. Because everyone was busy in some work. Krishna took Rukmini's hand and took her to the garden adjacent to the temple. Rukmini shyly went with Krishna. Rukmini kept looking at Krishna. Krishna also kept looking at Rukmini.
other side. Subhadra said to Arjun, "Rajkumar, how did you feel after traveling so much with my Krishna Bhaiya". "Very good, Madhav is very nice, I am very happy for him that he got a wife like Rukmini" replied Arjun. Then Arjun said to Subhadra "You too find a good husband for yourself". Subhadra did not say anything on this. Subhadra saw a frog and cried loudly. "Rajkumar Arjun, get this frog out of here," said Subhadra. Arjun drove the frog away. In the meantime, Rukmini Krishna came there. "Subhadra are you alright?" Rukmini asked. Subhadra nodded. "Nothing Bhabhi, a frog had come to meet Subhadra," said Arjun. Krishna said with a mischievous smile "Parth, don't speak like this, poor Subhadre". Subhadra got angry at this and Arjun started laughing. "Arya you too" Rukmini said to Krishan. "Ok.. ok i'm sorry Subhadre, please forgive me" Krishna said smilingly. "Fine Krishna Bhaiya" Subhadra said. Then everyone started laughing. After sometime everyone came back to the palace.

Swastika :

The symbol of Swastika is considered very auspicious. It is made on festivals or on auspicious work.

 It is made on festivals or on auspicious work

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Krishna - Rukmini (Krishmini) Mahabharat 2013Where stories live. Discover now