19. Krishmini - Its Our 1st Anniversary

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Chapter 1 :

It's first wedding anniversary of Krishna and Rukmini.
Today was a very happy day for Dwarka. The preparations for the celebration were going on in the entire palace.
In the morning - Krishna woke up early today because he was very excited for his and Rukmini's first anniversary. Krishna smiled and looked at Rukmini, Rukmini was still sleeping. Putting his hand on Rukmini's forehead, Krishna said, "Meri Rukmini, Mera Prem, Meri Sab Kuch (My Rukmini, my love, my everything)", saying this, Krishna kissed Rukmini's cheek. As soon as Rukmini opened her eyes, she looked at Krishna and happily said "Arya...". Rukmini got up and sat on the bed and said "Happy anniversary Arya". Saying this, Rukmini hugged Krishna. Krishna kissed Rukmini on her forehead and said, "This is my favorite day because I got my Rukmini on this day". Rukmini blushed. Krishna Rukmini looked into each other's eyes.
Krishna placing his hand on Rukmini's shoulders and looking into her eyes said lovingly "Rukmini, Priye (dear) thank you for coming into my life.. for completing me.. without you I am absolutely incomplete dear". Keeping a hand on Krishna's cheek, Rukmani said, looking into his eyes, "Arya.. It is a matter of greatest privilege for me to be your wife.. without you I have no existence.. From you is my world, all the happiness is from you." Krishna and Rukmini remembered many lovely moments. Then both got ready and came down to the hall.

Chapter 2 :

The whole palace is decorated with flowers, Rangoli was made on the door. All these preparations were for the first anniversary of Rukmini Krishna. Devaki also organized a puja for Krishna Rukmini. When Krishna Rukmini was coming down, they could see decorations everywhere. Everyone was very happy in the palace. Krishna and Rukmini first touched Vasudev's feet. Blessing them both, Vasudev said, "Always be happy children, may you both get the happiness of the whole world". Then Rukmini Krishna touched the feet of Rohit and Devaki. Devaki hugged Rukmini and said "putri, from the day you came to Dwarka, our Dwarka has become more beautiful than heaven". Devaki further said, "Revati and you, both of you have the beauty of Dwarka". Rukmini and Revathi smile looking at each other. "Devki is absolutely right, without both of you our family is completely incomplete, putriyon (daughters)" said Rohini. Then Balaram blinks and says, "Mother, it has been a whole year today since Rukmini took care of Kanha".
"Dau..." Krishna said with a laugh. Krishna Rukmini's first anniversary had to be memorable, so Subhadra had decided that she would not be sad by remembering Arjun on this day. Subhadra hugged Krishna and wished. Rukmini was very happy to see Subhadra happy. Then everyone sat on the ground for worship. Panditji asked Krishna and Rukmini to pour ghee into the Havan Kund. Krishna and Rukmini did the same. After the completion of the havan, Panditji gave Rukmini five items of omen given by Devaki. (Five items - 1. Red Chunari 2. Bracelet Pair 3. Coconut 4. Necklace Set 5. Waistband.) Rukmini got a little emotional and started smiling looking at Krishna.

Chapter 3 :

On the other hand the Pandavas reached Hidimba's cave. Hidimba insisted on marrying Prince Bheem because he had defeated her brother. But Bheema refused this relationship and Kunti was thinking what to do. When the Pandavas were sitting down to eat, Arjun said, "Jyesht, do you know what is today?". "No Arjun" said Yudhishthira, placing his hand on Arjun's shoulder. Nakul and Sahdev said "What is it today?". "Today is the first anniversary of Madhav and Rukmini bhabhi," said Arjun. Everyone said "ohhhh.....". Then Bhima said "You must remember, after all you went to Vaidrabh to pick up Rukmini with Vasudev". Arjun laughed and said "hahaha.... Bhaiya Bheem, I can't forget that day in my life". All the Pandavas started looking towards Arjun. Bheem said while raising his eyebrows, "What did Vasudev get you done? You are smiling so much". "Nothing..." said Arjun with a big smile. Arjun was remembering the whole story of that day, but he did not want to tell anyone but he was feeling very happy remembering all that. Suddenly Arjun's smile turned to sadness as soon as he remembered Subhadra. He wanted to marry Subhadra as soon as possible but was compelled by the circumstances. Then Kunti said "Krishna Rukmini is made for each other, you all remember how happy Krishna was when he came to Hastinapur with Rukmini". All the Pandavas nodded their heads happily. Kunti further said "I wish Duryodhan had not done all that, today we would not have had to hide like this..... but now....." Interfering with Kunti, Yudhishthira said, "Mata, worrying so much is not good for your health". Kunti nodded her head with a slight smile. Then Hidimba came there to meet everyone. On seeing him, Bhima got angry and started running towards him, then Nakul Sahdev stopped him and said slowly, "Bheem Bhaiya, calm down." Nakul Sahdev caught Bheem by the arms. Bheem started trying to free himself. Then Kunti said "son Bheem calm down". "But mother" said Bheem, breathing heavily. "Mother is right, Bheem, calm down," said Yudhishthira. Hidimba was standing with her head bowed. Kunti went to him and said "What happened, what is the reason for your coming here?". When asked about Kunti's love, Hidimba said nervously "Mata, I have to talk to you in private". Hearing this, all the Pandavas were astonished.
Seeing this, Hidimba said with folded hands, "You don't worry everyone. I just want to talk". Seeing all this Kunti said "Don't panic putro (sons), let me talk to her". Then Kunti put her hand on Hidimba's cheek and said, "Say what do you want to say?" Kunti said lovingly. Hidimba became emotional and wiping her tears said "Not here Mata, you come with me to my room". "Okay" said Kunti. As Kunti started going with Hidimba, Hidimba said, looking at a Pandavas, "You all do not worry, I will take full care of her".

Krishna - Rukmini (Krishmini) Mahabharat 2013Where stories live. Discover now