17. Krishmini - A Strom is Coming (Part - 2) Final Part

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Chapter 7 :

It was night time - Pandavas and Kunti were resting in the palace. Then the soldier sent by Vidur sent a mouse inside the palace. As soon as that mouse came inside, Nakul saw him. Nakul held him in his hands and said "Look, he is very cute like me". Then all the Pandavas started laughing. Bheem said "Nakul, you keep looking at yourself in the mirror all day, sometimes look at the other side too". "Bhaiya Bheem, I am handsome, that's why I keep looking at myself," said Nakul. Everyone started laughing looking at each other. Suddenly the mouse jumped out of Nakul's hand and ran towards the dinner table and licked the kheer bowl. That rat died after licking the kheer. Pandavas and Kunti were shocked to see this. He understood that this was a conspiracy against him. "We have to run away from here soon," said Arjun in concern. "Yes, let's get out of here soon," said everyone. Seeing all this, Kunti became silent. "Mata.. mata are you okay?" Sahadev said shaking Kunti from her shoulders. But Kunti could not say anything. "What to do now?" said Nakul. Bheem said "Nakul, I will lift the mother in my arms, you all hurry up from here now". All the Pandavas nodded their heads in yes. Then all the Pandavas started towards the main gate. But by the time the Pandavas reached there, the messenger of Duryodhan had closed the main door and set it on fire and the Pandavas got trapped inside. Kunti fainted seeing the fire. "Mata.. Mata.." Nakul and Sahadev said nervously. Seeing all this, Yudhishthira whispered, "What will we do now, why have we come here". Then Arjun remembered the story of the Gupt (secret) Saraswati told by Krishna. Arjuna then asked the Pandavas to build a cave, telling the story of the Gupt (secret) Saraswati. All the Pandavas agreed. And made a cave and fled from there. Vidur's soldier saw all this. He also tried to save the Pandavas, but he failed because the flames were very strong. Vidur's soldier quickly went towards Hastinapur so that he could inform Vidur about the whole incident.

Chapter 8 :

On the other hand - Krishna was standing in the balcony, he could not sleep. Rukmini was also preparing the documents of the royal court. Rukmini knew that Krishna was a little upset from inside, so she did not ask Krishna for work. Rukmini herself finished all the work and went to Krishna in the balcony. Rukmini placed her hand on Krishna's shoulder and said "Arya". Krishna turned his face towards Rukmini. "Arya, are you okay?" Rukmini said in concern, placing her hand on Krishna's cheek. "Hmm.." said Krishna. "Are you worried about something?" Rukmini asked. Krishna knew that Rukmini knew his condition by seeing his face. So he thought it appropriate to tell Rukmini. He looked into Rukmini's eyes. Rukmini blinked and said, "What happened Arya, tell me something."
Putting his hand on Rukmini's shoulders, Krishna said, "I don't know why but I am worried about the Pandavas, Rukmini". "Why worry about the Pandavas? Arya, they are in Varnavarat right now," said Rukmini. Krishna did not say anything because he knew the future and then he did not want to disturb Rukmini. But seeing him, Rukmini suddenly said, "Do you also think that the Pandavas are in danger?". "What do you mean by that?" Krishna said in amazement. "I mean, I feel the same way that something bad is going to happen to the Pandavas," replied Rukmini. Listening to Rukmini, Krishna went 2 steps ahead and said "whatever it is, Priye.. Just somehow the troubles of the Pandavas should end. They have suffered lifelong suffering and now their own people are against them". "I can understand Arya, The aunt was also very upset about Varnavarat." said Rukmini. "Yes Priye, we can just hope that the Pandavas come back safely," said Krishna. Rukmini shook her head getting emotional. Krishna Rukmini hugged each other.

Chapter 9 :

Here Vidur's soldiers reached Hastinapur somehow. As soon as he informed Vidur about the incident. Vidur went to Bhishma Pitamah and told the whole thing to Bhishma Pitamah. Then Vidura and Bhishma Pitamah did not delay and left for Varnavarat. There was a bustle in the Palace. Everyone wanted to know what happened to the Pandavas and Kunti. But nobody knew anything at the moment. Only Duryodhan, Dushasan and Mama Shakuni were very happy because their plan was successful. Karna knew what had happened but because of the promise given to Duryodhan, he was silent. Shakuni was repeatedly explaining to Duryodhana to remain silent so that no one doubts him. But slowly this news spread everywhere. By the time Vidura and Bhishma Pitamah reached Varnavarta, the Lakshagriha was completely burnt to ashes. But no one knew that the Pandavas had already fled from there. Vidura and Bhishma Pitamah were completely broken after seeing all this, they felt that the Pandava brothers and Kunti had died. Bhishma Pitamah knew that all this was a conspiracy of Duryodhana and Shakuni. "Vidura, today I was completely defeated, could not make Yudhishthira sit on the throne of Hastinapur, Vidura, I was defeated" said Bhishma Pitamah, tears were flowing from his eyes. "Tatashree, you calm down, what is your fault in whatever happened, the fault is that of Duryodhana and his brothers, they hatched such a conspiracy against their own brothers," said Vidur with wet eyes. Bhishma Pitamah said in a helpless voice "No Vidur, if I had stopped the sons of Maharaja Dhritarashtra and Gandhari from the very beginning, today the situation would have been different". Somehow Vidur and Pitamah took care of themselves and came back to Hastinapur and gave this news to everyone. Everyone broke down after hearing this news. But Duryodhan showed false sorrow and said "Who can change what has happened now".
To support Duryodhan, Shakuni also said "whatever had to happen. It happened, perhaps this was the fate of the Pandavas". Hearing this, Vidura and Bhishma Pitamah got very angry but they did not say anything and went to their chamber. Slowly this news spread in the neighboring states as well. When everyone came to know about this in Dwarka, everyone became silent. No one could believe that such an accident happened to the Pandavas. Subhadra was completely broken because she felt that Arjun left her forever. Rukmini was also repeatedly saying to Krishna "Arya, what has happened". Devaki, Rohini and Vasudev were also very sad to hear this news. Even Balaram could not say anything. Krishna knew everything, but he did not have the answer to anyone's question at this time. No one had eaten that night, neither in Hastinapur nor in Dwarka. Ever since Subhadra had heard the news, she was sitting completely silent. Rukmini kept crying all night. Krishna hugged Rukmini and sat beside her.

- The End-

Krishna - Rukmini (Krishmini) Mahabharat 2013Where stories live. Discover now