12. Krishmini - A Visit To Hastinapur (Part 1)

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Chapter 1 :

In Vidarbha - King Bhishmaka was very happy when he came to know that Krishna had made Rukmini the queen of the court of Dwarka. He immediately called his wife Shuddhamati and other four sons and gave them this good news. King Bhishmaka said "See Rukmi is so hostile to Krishna, but still how much Krishna cares for our Rukmini" King Bhishmaka further said, "Rukmi left Kundinpur after being defeated by Krishna in the war, but Krishna never kept hatred in his mind for him, Krishna gives us all a lot of respect and his family has accepted Rukmini as a daughter." . King Bhishmaka and his family became emotional. "Our daughter is very lucky," said Shuddhamati. "Our sister is the most beloved, mata" Rukmini's 4 brothers said together. "You are right, Putron, Krishna loves Rukmini very much," said Shuddhamati. King Bhishmaka and his entire family were very happy today. King Bhishmaka decided to write a letter to Rukmini and also to send some gifts to Dwarka. King Bhishmaka decided to write a letter to Rukmini and also to send some gifts to Dwarka. When Rukmani got the letter from her father. She was very happy, she first showed that letter to Krishna and said "Arya, you were absolutely right that everything will be fine". Krishna was also very happy. He hugged Rukmini and said "time will bring more happiness to us".

Chapter 2 :

In Hastinapur - Pandavas were considering going to Varnavat. But once they wanted to meet Krishna before leaving, they asked Dhritarashtra on this subject. Dhritarashtra said "As you like, send an invitation letter to Krishna to Dwarka and yes also invite Krishna's wife Rukmini as well, they have a new marriage, call both of them together". The Pandavas happily agreed. "Thank you very much tatshree" said Yudhishthira, joining his palms together. Duryodhan was smiling standing away with Shakuni.
Duryodhan said "Mamashree, let them be as happy as they are, death is waiting for them in Varanavat". "Keep calm Mere Bachhe (my child)," said Shakuni happily. Duryodhan had built a Lakshagriha in Varnavat so that he would burn the Pandavas there. Angraj Karna also knew this But Duryodhan did not let anyone know about this in the palace. Everyone was very happy that Rukmini and Krishna will come to Hastinapur for the first time.

Chapter 3 :

Krishna received an invitation from the Pandavas. Seeing the letter in Krishna's hand, Balaram asked, "What is this Kanha?". "This is a letter from the Pandavas, they want to meet me and Rukmini before going to Varanavat," replied Krishna. "That's really great, Kanha, so when are you both going to Hastinapur?" asked Balaram. "Dau, next week," said Krishna. Putting his hand on Krishna's shoulder, Balaram said, "Okay as you like, but once send the message of your arrival to the Pandavas". Krishna happily nodded.
Krishna was writing letter to the Pandavas in his chamber with Rukmini. Then Subhadra came there. Subhadra stood at the door and said "Bhabhi, can I come in?. Rukmini turned her face towards Subhadra and said "Subhadra, come in.. Why are you standing there at the door". Subhadra happily went to Rukmini and Said "bhabhi, can I make a request from you?". Krishna smiled at Subhadra because he knew her request. "Say Subhadra, what happened, do you want something?" Rukmini asked.
"Bhabhi, actually I wanted to ask that...." Subhadra hesitated to say. Then Rukmini said "What happened Subhadra, tell me". "Can I also go to Hastinapur with you and Krishna Bhaiya, please I want to meet my friend Dushala" Subhadra said pleadingly. Rukmini looked at Krishna and said "Subhadra, ask Arya once". Krishna smiled and said "Why not, you can definitely go with us, Subhadre". "Thank you bhaiya bhabhi, you both are very nice," said Subhadra, jumping with joy.
Krishna and Rukmini smiled looking at Subhadra. Then Subhadra left from Krishna's chamber. "Arya, Subhadra is so eager to meet Rajkumari Dushala," said Rukmini smiling. Krishna shook his head happily looking at Rukmini.

Chapter 4 :

A week later - the night before leaving for Hastinapur. Rukmini and Krishna were looking at the remaining documents of the court, Krishna was a little tired, Rukmini said to Krishna "Arya, you go to sleep, I will do all this". "How will you do all this alone, all this will take a lot of time, tomorrow morning we have to go to Hastinapur" Krishna said smilingly. "No problem Arya, you wake me up early in the morning," said Rukmini.
"Are you sure, Rukmini?" asked Krishna. Rukmini nodded her head happily.
In the morning - Krishna woke up and saw Rukmini was sleeping. Krishna kissed on Rukmini's forehead. Then Krishna woke Rukmini and said "Rukmini.. Rukmini wake up it is morning". Rukmini got up and started looking at Krishna. "You woke me up so easily, you know? Before marriage, when Mother used to come to wake me up, she had to make a lot of effort," said Rukmini. At this Krishna started laughing and said "If efforts are to be made for you then I am always ready". "Arya" Rukmini blushed and said. Then Rukmini quickly got ready. Krishna helped her to wear the jewellery. "Arya, by when will we reach Hastinapur?" asked Rukmini. "We will reach Hastinapur before sunset," said Krishna.

Chapter 5 :

Rukmini took everyone's blessings before leaving. Devaki hugged Rukmini. Then Devaki told Krishna "Take care of Putri Rukmini". "As your order" said Krishna smilingly. "Take care of Subhadra also and don't let her do any mischief, she is exactly like you, Kanha, both of you are mischievous" said Balaram. Balaram further said, "Rukmini, you should take full care of these two, do not let them go here and there at all". Rukmini smiled and said "Dau Bhaiya, as you say". Subhadra did not speak on Balaram's words because she was excited to meet Arjun. Then Subhadra sat on the chariot with Satyaki and Krishna Rukmini sat on Krishna's chariot and left. As soon as the chariot went some distance, Devaki said "Hope all these will come soon"

Chapter 6 :

On the way. Rukmini Krishna was very happy. This was their first journey after marriage. Krishna was driving his own chariot while Satyaki was driving Subhadra's chariot. The weather was also very nice, the wind was blowing. Krishna looked at Rukmini and started smiling. After some time they all stopped on the way to rest for some time. Subhadra said "Bhabhi, today is a very good day, I am very happy". "It's a good thing, Subhadra, but you haven't slept all night," said Rukmini. "how do you know ?" Subhadra said in surprise."When I came to you in your room in the morning, you told me that I am so happy today that I didn't sleep the whole night Bhabhi, remember Subhadra" said Rukmini raising her eyebrows. Subhadra said while hitting her head "oh yes I had forgotten". Everyone started laughing. Then after resting for some time, everyone sat on the chariot and proceeded towards Hastinapur.

Chapter 7 :

When finally reached Hastinapur in the evening, Gandhari, Dhritarashtra, Duryodhan, Shakuni, Pitamah Bhishma, Dushala, Kunti, Vidura and Pandavas were standing at the door to welcome them all. Rukmini, Krishna, Satyaki and Subhadra got down from the chariot. Gandhari performed aarti of Krishna and Rukmini and said "Dwarkadhish and Dwarkeshwari welcome to Hastinapur". Rukmini and Krishna touched the feet of Gandhari and Dhritarashtra.
Then Rukmini Krishna touched the feet of grandfather Bhishma. kunti hugged Rukmini. "Welcome to Hastinapur, Putri," said Kunti. Rukmini happily nodded. "Bua" said Subhadra and she hugged Kunti.
Meanwhile, Subhadra's attention was only on Arjun, she kept looking at him. Arjun was also looking at Subhadra, he was also very happy. in his mind he said " it's great that Subhadra has also come. Than Arjun hugged Krishna and said "Madhav is very good that you and bhabhi Rukmini came". Krishna was also very happy. "Pranipat Vasudev Krishna" said Shakuni, folding his palms. "Pranipat Mamashree" Krishna said smilingly. "Finally you came, we are all very happy Bhaiya Krishna," said Duryodhan. Krishna Happily nodded. Dushala hugged Subhadra and said "Finally you have got time to come Subhadra". Then Subhadra introduced Rukmini to Dushala and said "Bhabhi, this is my friend, Dushala". Rukmini folded her palms and said "Pranipat" to Dushala. "Pranipata bhabhi" Dushala said smiling. Then everyone went inside to the palace.

Chapter 8 :

Rukmini with Kunti and Gandhari. And Subhadra was busy with Dushala. Gandhari placed her hand on Rukmini's hand and said, "Dwarkeshwari, we are all very happy with your arrival". "Thank you Rajmata" said Rukmini smiling. "Putri, How is everyone in Dwarka? Balaram, Revati, Rohini Bhabhi, Devaki Bhabhi, Bhaiya are all okay?" Kunti asked. "Yes bua all are good, they all miss you and the Pandav sons very much" said Rukmini happily. "I have heard that you also take care of the royal court with Krishna," said Gandhari. "Yes Rajmata, I, Arya and Dau Bhaiya, we all take care of it together," said Rukmini.
Here Krishna and Satyaki were sitting with the Pandavas. Yudhishthira was telling Krishna about Varnavata. "Jyeshth, all of you are going but be careful there because it will be a new place for all of you" said Krishna. "Krishna Bhaiya is right, you all have to take great care of yourself there" said Satyaki. Pandavas nodded. Arjun said "Madhav, I don't know why the mind is saying that something is going to happen". "Look Partha, sometimes the situation is not understood, but it is definitely resolved," said Krishna. Krishna further said, "And why do you worry, Parth, there are still a few days to go to Varanavat". Arjun shook his head with a slight smile. "And are you not thinking that leaving me and Rukmini at Hastinapur and you all will go to Varanavat tomorrow" Krishna said laughing. "Oh no no, Krishna Bhaiya, there is nothing like this, there are many things to do with you now" Nakula and Sahadev said together. Everyone started laughing.
On the other hand - Duryodhan and Shakuni was conspiring against the Pandavas. Both of them were sitting with Angraj Karna. Karna did not like all this but he was compelled because of his promise to Duryodhan.

Krishna - Rukmini (Krishmini) Mahabharat 2013Where stories live. Discover now