23. Krishmini - Pandavas or Panchali ? (Single Part)

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Chapter 1 :

Next morning - Maharishi (sage) of Panchal came to the palace to meet Maharaj Drupad. Drupad and his wife Prishati welcomed him and asked him to sit. Maharishi sat down and said with folded hands, "May you be well, Maharaj". Drupad said "Thank you Maharishi". Drupad said, "Maharishi, please tell me a solution to my problems". The royal sage, after thinking for a while, said, "Your Majesty, the marriage of your daughter, Princess Draupadi, is the only option of change for you at this time". Drupad and Prishati were amazed. Standing far away, Panchali, who had heard all this, ran to the hall and said nervously "my marriage...how can this happen". Everyone started looking towards Panchali. Shikhandi placed her hand on Panchali's shoulder from behind and said "Draupadi calm down". "But Jiji (Sister) my marriage...." Panchali said. "Panchali, Putri (Daughter) calm down" said Prishati. Then Krishna came to the hall with Dhrishtadyumna. He greeted everyone. "Sakhi... please pay attention to the words of the sage once," said Krishna. "But Govind" said Panchali. "Sakhi... listen once." Panchali somehow agreed. Maharishi said "Putri (Daughter), your marriage will be in a very good state.. You will be called Maharani (Queen) and your name will be remembered for ages". "But with whom will our daughter get married, Maharishi..... who is a suitable groom for Panchali," said Drupad. Maharishi said "Your daughter will become the bride of the royal family of Maharaj (King) Pandu". Drupada was shocked and said, "Impossible... Will that Dronacharya's student get married to my daughter? Never." Hearing this, there was a different silence on everyone's face. Krishna said "Maharaj... Calm down". "How can I stay calm after listening the words of maharishi.. Vasudev, Have you heard what Maharishi said?" said Drupad. "My daughter,,,,, my daughter's marriage..... with the student of that.... Dronacharya" whispered Drupad. Keeping his hands on both the shoulders of Drupad, Krishna said, "Maharaj, a student always obeys his guru (Teacher) and giving Gurudakshina (fee paid to a spiritual guide or teacher) after completion of education is the duty of every student and the Pandavas also did the same".
"But what about the humiliation of Panchal? Even after this behavior of Dronacharya, I will hand over my daughter to his students?" Drupad said. "Maharaj.... the Pandavas have always followed the path of Dharma and will follow the same in future also," said Krishna. After explaining for a long time, Drupad calmed down and said, "If this is the destiny then it is fine, but the Pandavas are not even in Hastinapur at this time, even there has been no news of them from a few months, people even say that they're not even alive". Listening to him, Krishna said, "People do not spare God and here we are talking about humans. Do not believe what you heard, Maharaj, organize a swayamvar.. I have full faith that if Panchali is in the destiny of the Pandava son, then this marriage will definitely happen." Drupad nodded. Everyone was satisfied. Panchali also agreed to the marriage. Drupad asked Maharishi to find out the auspicious time for Swayamvar. Said. Maharishi meditated and said "After 5 weeks very auspicious time. Maharaj". Drupad nodded with a slight smile. Keeping her hand on Panchali's cheeks, Prishati got emotional saying "My daughter's marriage". Panchali hugged her emotionally. Shikhandi and Dhrishtadyumna smiled.

Chapter 2 :

Dwarka - Rukmini had returned to the palace after finishing the work of the royal court. She was very tired so without having food she came to her chamber and lay down on the bed to take rest but after sometime she fell asleep due to fatigue. After a few moments, Devaki asked the maid about Rukmini and said, "Listen... did Putri Rukmini come back from the royal court?". The maid replied, "Yes, Rajmata... Maharani Rukmini has returned from the royal court and she is in her room". Devaki nodded happily. The maid left from there.
Devaki was worried about Rukmini, so she went to her chamber to see him. As soon as Devaki came to the chamber, she saw that the chamber was very quiet and there was no maidservant there. Devaki's eyes turned towards Rukmini, Rukmini was sleeping. Devaki smiled at Rukmini and covered her properly with a blanket. Then Devaki sat on Rukmini's side and lovingly caressed her forehead. Suddenly Rukmini lost her sleep, she saw Devaki sitting next to her, she said in a sleepy voice "Mata (Mother)...". Devaki smiled and said "Putri (Daughter).. you got up". Rukmini nodded slowly and got up and sat down. Rukmini was looking very weak. "Putri (Daughter)... are you okay?" Devaki said lovingly, placing her hand on Rukmini's cheek. "Yes Mata, I am fine," said Rukmini softly. Devaki asked "Did you eat anything or not". Rukmini said hesitantly "not yet".
"But why? Putri (Daughter)... you ate only a few fruits in the morning, didn't have breakfast and still haven't eaten," said Devaki in concern. Rukmini did not say anything because she did not understand how to tell what and why she was feeling. Devaki said "Putri (Daughter)... you should take care of yourself". Rukmini smiled and nodded. "Well.. well.. after 2 days.. Krishna is coming back to Dwarka" Devaki said to Rukmini. Rukmini said happily, "yes Mata (Mother), I remember".
Devaki laughed and said, "Who is not happy about the arrival of her husband?". Rukmini blushed and said "mata....". "Okay now listen, I'm sending you some juice and some snacks, eat it now, don't stay hungry for a long time," said Devaki. Rukmini nodded.
Devaki left the chamber. After some time a maid came with a plate of fruits and juice in her hand and said "Maharani (Queen)...". Looking at her, Rukmini said, "Keep it here". The maid kept the fruit and juice there and left from there. After the maid left, Rukmini was looking at the fruits but she did not feel like eating anything.

Chapter 3 :

In the evening - Draupadi and Shikhandi were talking. Draupadi asked Shikhandi about the Pandavas. Shikhandi replied saying "I don't know much about Pandavas but yes even when they attacked at the behest of Guru Dronacharya, they did not lack courage". Draupadi was astonished. When she wanted to know more about the Pandavas, she came to Krishna. Seeing Draupadi lost in thoughts, Krishna said, "What happened Sakhi? In whose thoughts are you lost?". Draupadi blinked and said, "Govind, can I ask you something?". "Sure, ask," said Krishna with a smile. "Govind... is the mother of the Pandavas your Bua (aunt)?". "Yes Sakhi" replied Krishna. Panchali was satisfied and she said, "Then you must have met the Pandava sons?". Krishna laughed at this and said "Many times, friend, infact Pandava's son Arjun even went to my in-laws' house to take Rukmini with me". "Really..." Draupadi said with a smile. Krishna nodded. "How is their nature? Govind.. and what are the names of all of them?" Draupadi asked. When asked by Panchali, Krishna introduced the nature and identity of the Pandavas and said, "Pandavs have always considered dharma as their life". Panchali seriously listened and understood all the words of Krishna.
Krishna and Draupadi kept talking for some time. "I am having a strange concern about swayamvar.. Govind" said Draupadi. Krishna said seriously, "All will be well friend, have faith". Draupadi nodded And went from there. Krishna started thinking of the Pandavas. Krishna knew how Panchali's marriage would change the future of Aryavrata. Pandavas were about to leave Hidimbi's cave soon.

Chapter 4 :

The five Pandavas were waiting outside Hidimbi's's chamber, after a few moments Kunti came out of Hidimbi's chamber running towards the pandavas and hugged Bheem and happily said "You have become a father son... Hidimbi has given birth to a son." ". Bheem got emotional and said "Really?... Mata (Mother)". "And we became Chachashree (uncles)" said Arjun, Nakula and Sahadeva together. Kunti nodded happily. Yudhishthira said "This occasion is really very happy mata". Bheem hugged all his brothers, Kunti became emotional seeing this. After some time Bheem went to meet Hidimbi in her room. Hidimbi was sleeping due to fatigue. Bheem saw his son lying next to Hidimbi. He picked up the son in his lap and started playing with him. But after a few moments the child started crying, hearing which Hidimbi woke up. Hidimbi became emotional seeing Bheem with her son because she knew that the Pandavas would now have to leave from there. Bheem's eyes went towards Hidimbi and she said smilingly, "Our son is crying and you are looking at both of us". On this Hidimbi smiled and said "Give it to me". Hidimbi took the son from Bhima's lap and pacified him. Hidimbi and Bheem spent time with each other for some time. "Swami... Now you and your brothers have to leave from here." Hidimbi said getting emotional. Bheem became silent on this matter. Bheem said with some courage, "But as long as he is here, he will make many memories". Hidimbi hugged Bheem.
After some time - Kunti and other 4 Pandavas were sitting and talking. Everyone was very happy and sad too. Sad because Pandavas will have to leave after naming Bheem's son. Thinking about all these things, Yudhishthira said, "Everything has a time, but this time will come so soon, I had not thought". Kunti wiped her tears but could not say anything. Seeing everyone's sad face, Arjun said, "If we all sit like this, then Bhaiya Bheem and Hidimbi Bhabhi will feel very bad". Everyone nodded. "It doesn't matter as long as we are all here, no one will be sad or cry," said Nakul. "Yes, and we will all give Hidimbi Bhabhi some happy moments before we leave," said Sahadev. Everyone happily agreed.

- The End -

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