20. Krishmini - A Night to Remember (Single Part)

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Chapter 1 :

late night - As soon as Rukmini came to her chamber, she saw that the whole chamber was decorated with flowers, even the bed was decorated with rose petals. The moonlight was coming from the balcony in the whole chamber. Today there was not a single servant in Rukmini and Krishna's chamber because Krishna had already given the command of "parihar" to all the servants.
Rukmini understood that all this was done by Krishna. Rukmini saw something placed on the table, it was covered with silk cloth. Rukmini removed that cloth from that thing and saw that there were flower ornaments and pink silk clothes which Krishna had kept for Rukmini.
Rukmani got ready for Krishna. She kept her hair open, her beautiful silky straight hair coming down to her knees. Rukmini wore floral ornaments. She was looking very beautiful. She stood in the balcony and waited for Krishna. Rukmini's beautiful eyes like a lake She was looking at the light of the moon. A different glow on her face today. After some time Krishna came to the chamber, he saw Rukmini standing in the balcony waiting for him. He saw Rukmini's hair was open but Krishna was still unable to see Rukmini's face because Rukmini was looking out from the balcony. Krishna slowly took off his crown and placed it on the table. Hearing the sound, Rukmini looked back and seeing Krishna, she said "Arya...". Krishna kept looking at Rukmini. He could not say anything. Just kept looking at Rukmini with love. Rukmini was looking at Krishna shyly, her heart was beating fast. "Priye...(dear)" said Krishna, smiling softly.
"Arya..." Rukmini said, bowing her eyelids. Krishna knew that Rukmini is very shy in these matters, so Krishna will have to do something. Keeping his hand on Rukmini's cheeks, he kissed her forehead. Rukmini closed her eyes shyly. Krishna did a deep kiss on Rukmini's neck. Rukmini's breathing was getting faster. Krishna held Rukmini tightly by her waist. Rukmini's dupatta slipped and fell down. Seeing this, Rukmini went 2 steps away from Krishna and started covering herself with her hands in panic. But Krishna kissed her while hugging her from behind. Rukmini somehow made eye contact with him. He made Rukmini feel comfortable. Looking into Rukmini's eyes, Krishna lifted Rukmini in his arms and laid her on the bed. Rukmini continued to look into Krishna's eyes. Rukmini also knew this thing was about to happen but she was very shy. Then Krishna kissed on Rukmini's forehead. Moments of love, meeting from heart to soul and story of eyes That moonlit night became a memorable one for Krishna Rukmini.

Chapter 2 :

Next morning - Rukmini woke up from sleep and sat on the bed. She started looking here and there. Seeing the decoration of the room, she remembered the scenes of the previous night. As soon as Rukmini pulled her hair back from her face, A rose petal from Rukmini's hair fell on her hand. Rukmini blushed seeing that rose petal. Then she smiled and looked at Krishna, he was still sleeping. Krishna looked so cute as he slept, his curly hair and that calm and wonderful smile. Rukmini was looking at Krishna and was smiling.
After sometime Rukmini came after taking bath. Krishna was still sleeping.
Rukmini tried to wake Krishna from his sleep. "Arya, wake up Arya, it is morning," said Rukmini, placing her hand on Krishna's shoulder. Krishna opened his eyes and saw Rukmini was sitting in front of him. Rukmini's eyes rolled down. "Priye (dear)... let me sleep for a while" said Krishna with a mischievous smile. Rukmini blinked and said, "You are already up late Arya". Krishna smiled and said "Last night.....". Rukmini blushed and started getting up from the bed when Krishna grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him. Rukmini said shyly "Arya.. what are you doing". "Try to catch a lovely glimpse of my wife," said Krishna looking into Rukmini's eyes.

Chapter 3 :

Here today was the marriage of Bheem and Hidimba. Kunti had somehow convinced Bheem. Hidimba sent wedding clothes for Bhima. Nakul and Sahdev teasing Bheem and said "Bheem Bhaiya, Hidimba Bhabhi has really fallen in love with you". Bheem said while eating laddus, "That was to happen". Arjun laughed and said "Bhaiya Bheem, now focus on your bride and not on food". "That is impossible, food is life," said Bhima, laughing loudly. Kunti was looking at her sons from afar, tears of joy came in her eyes. Keeping a hand on Kunti's shoulder, Yudhishthira said, "Mata, are you crying?". While holding Yudhishthira's hand, Kunti said, "When all of you are happy, that moment is the most precious thing for me". Yudhishthira also shook his head emotionally. Kunti wiped her tears and said, "I wish Bheem and Hidimba would get the blessings of Tatshree too". After some time Bheem and Hidimba garlanded each other. After a long time, some happiness came in the life of Pandavas. After the marriage was over, Hidimba and Bheem took Kunti's blessings. "Always be happy children," said Kunti. "We are sorry putri, we could not even arrange any gift for you," said Kunti, placing her hand on Hidimba's cheek.
"Mata, please don't apologize, you accepted me, that's what matters a lot to me." Everyone praised Hidimba. Nakul, Sahdev and Arjun also welcomed Hidimba into the family happily.

Chapter 4 :

3/4 day later -
Krishna received a letter from Panchal, a letter from Maharaja Drupad. In which Maharaj Drupad wrote, "You know how Guru Dronacharya handed over half of Panchal to his son Ashwathama, because of all this, my wife and I performed a yajna after doing severe penance and got a son and a daughter. On this auspicious occasion, I want Vasudev, you yourself should inspire my son by instructing him. We will be waiting for you Vasudev Shri Krishna". Krishna knew that now once again religion is going to be re-established and the reason for this will be the daughter of Maharaja Drupad. But at this time he was reading this letter very seriously while standing in the royal court. Rukmini, Balaram, Kritavarma, Satyaki and Uddhav were sitting on their throne looking at him. Balaram asked Rukmini about the letter in gesture. Rukmini shook her head while saying no in gestures. Uddhav and Satyaki were also very surprised. Clearing his throat, Dau said, "Kanha what is it in this letter, which you are reading so seriously".
Krishna blinked and looked at Balaram, pointing to the letter and said, "This letter has come from Panchal, Dau, the Panchal king needs our help". "But Krishna Bhaiya, we have not had any relation with Panchal till today, then why suddenly?" Uddhav said. "Uddhav, whether there has been a relation or not, but it is our religion to help someone in the time of need" said Krishna. "Krishna Bhaiya is right Uddhav" said Kritavarma. "So you will go Kanha to his aid?" Dau said raising his eyebrows. On this, Krishna said, "Definitely Dau, I will definitely go". Rukmini was very happy with this decision of Krishna but was also sad because Krishna will now have to go to Panchal.

- The End -

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