29. Krishmini - Work Will Continue

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Chapter 1 :

Rukmini decided to continue her royal court work from the next day, although her health was not very good, she was feeling tired and vomiting due to pregnancy. Seeing all this, Krishna asked her if she really wanted to work even during pregnancy, then Rukmini insisted, "Arya, all these problems will continue for the next 9 months, so will I keep postponing all the work like this everyday ?". Krishna did not say anything after listening to Rukmini. Rukmini said with a slight smile "No no.. Everyday responsibilities cannot be left unfinished". "But what about your health?" Krishna asked, folding his arms. Rukmini said lovingly "
You are there for that and I know that you will take care of me better than me." On hearing this Krishna opened his arms and hugged Rukmini tightly. "I will do that because you are my world." Krishna said in a romantic voice. Rukmini blushed. After a few moments, when Devaki came to know about Rukmini's decision, she was a little nervous, but Vasudev explained to her that Rukmini's happiness is the most important thing at this time and if she gets happiness from something then she should be allowed to do it. Devaki said "But how will Rukmini handle herself alone in this state?". "Where is Rukmini alone? Krishna will be there with her," said Vasudeva with care. "But" Devaki said in concern. Vasudev smiled and placed his hand on Devaki's cheek and said "Devaki Priye (Devaki Dear) I know you love Rukmini very much and do not want Rukmini to face any kind of trouble in this condition, but look nothing will happen to Rukmini because your motherly love, Krishna's love and all our prayers are with her". Devaki understood and said "You are right Arya, but after coming from the royal court, Rukmini will only take rest and this is my final decision". "All right," Vasudev said lovingly. Devaki smiled.

Chapter 2 :

Panchal - Drupad wanted that Panchali should go to Mahadev's temple outside the city to see Mahadev before Swayamvar.
He told his wife Prishati about this.
Hearing this, Queen Prishati said, "This is a very good idea Arya, I will make arrangements for it as soon as possible". Drupad smiled with a faint smile and then started looking down and was completely silent. Seeing them like this, Prishati said, "What happened Arya? Are you okay?".
Drupad nodded and said "I feel very strange". Hearing this, Prishati got confused and seeing Drupad in such concern, she said, "Are you worried about anything?". Drupad said "No, there is nothing to worry about, but I did not think that the time of daughter's marriage will come so soon, soon our daughter will go to her in-laws' house". Prishati got emotional thinking about Panchali's marriage and said "You are right, only 1 month is left in her marriage, after that she will leave us and go to in-laws' house". Drupad nodded and said "Don't know why but I have a different restlessness in my mind about this marriage". Prishati said, "Every father feels like this before the daughter's marriage, don't worry, everything will be fine". "You are right, maybe I am thinking too much" said Drupad. Prishati smiled a little and said "You have to control your feelings for Panchali at this time or else Panchali will be very sad to see you getting sad like this". Prishati further said "we should keep Panchali as happy as possible before marriage". Drupad nodded and said "Yes, I will try my best that Panchali is as happy as possible before marriage". Prishati agreed with Drupad's point and then for some time Prishati and Drupad kept discussing the list of preparations for Panchali's swayamvara.

Chapter 3 :

Here - of course everyone was taking care of Rukmini even in the royal court, Balram had given good instructions to his team i.e. Satyaki, Kritvarma, Uddhav and Subhadra that they would not put too much workload on Rukmini. And Krishna, he was already taking care of Rukmini.
Rukmini was very happy. After a few moments, Balram was looking for the chart of the ups and downs in the business, when he asked Uddhav about the chart, Uddhav started sweating because he had forgotten to make the chart. Rukmini Krishna shared a look with each other. Uddhav said in fear, "Elder brother.. Actually...". Balram said in a stern voice "Where is that chart Uddhav?". "That chart is kept there on the shelf," said Rukmini, pointing at the shelf on the left side. "I bring that chart" Rukmini started getting up from her place saying this, then Balram said "No, you sit Uddhav will bring that chart". Rukmini sat down, Krishna smiled seeing all this because he knew that once again Rukmini saved Uddhav. Uddhav got confused and said "But that chart...." Before he finished his talk, Rukmini interrupted him and said, "It is kept there, look at the top page". Uddhav got a hint that Rukmini made this chart in his place so that Balaram would not get angry with him. On the other hand, Balaram was standing with his arms folded, looking at Uddhav with stern eyes. Finally Uddhav was relieved after seeing the chart, he happily brought the chart and while handing it over to Balaram, he happily said "Take it". Balaram started reading the chart. Keeping one hand on his chest, Uddhav murmured while breathing rapidly, "Today I have survived.
Otherwise, Balram Bhaiya would have been very angry." Balram looking at him with pity and smiling said "Uddhav at least now thank Rukmini." Uddhav was shocked to hear how Balaram came to know. "But I What did you do?" Rukmini immediately said.
"You always save them all," said Balram laughing. Krishna started laughing with a mischievous smile. Rukmini lovingly said "I did not have much work, so I also completed this work". Uddhav thanks Rukmini for saving him. Krishna teasing Uddhav said "Look, your Bhabhi (sister-in-law) is the best". Rukmini blushed. Uddhav agreed with Krishna and said "No doubt about it, you have got a very good wife". Rukmini said while changing the matter, "If the praise is complete, can we do some work now?".
Then everyone started work again. After some time, Rukmini was feeling a little tired, she was feeling dizzy again, Rukmini tried to handle herself. On seeing all this, Krishna immediately said softly to Rukmini "Priye (Dear), are you all right?. Rukmini nodded with a slight smile.
Keeping his hand on his shoulder, Krishna said, "If you are not feeling well, then tell, we will go back to the palace right now". "Arya, I am fine," said Rukmini. Balaram noticed Rukmini Krishna from afar, he understood Krishna very well and knew that Krishna loves Rukmini very much and at this time he wants to take care of Rukmini as much as he can.

Chapter 4 :

After some time - all the work of the court was done, then Krishna asked Rukmini about going back to the palace. Rukmini started staring at him. Then Balarama said "Krishna is right, Rukmini, you go back to the palace with him and now rest for some time". "But..." Rukmini started speaking but Krishna interrupted and said "Priye (Dear).. Your health is more important than these things". Rukmini agreed to Krishna and left for the palace with him. Krishna was holding Rukmini's hand all the way.
Both reached the palace. Devaki was very pleased to see both of them and first asked Rukmini about her health and said "Putri (Daughter) Are you well?". Rukmini smiled and nodded although she was feeling a little weak. Rohini asked the maid to serve food for Rukmini Krishna. Krishna and Rukmini asked both Devaki and Rohini to have food with them. Devaki, Rohini, Rukmini and Krishna all sat down for a meal together but Rukmini ate very little food as she did not feel like eating anything due to the changes in her body during pregnancy. Seeing this, Devki and Rohini started worrying a lot about Rukmini, but Rohini gestured to Devaki not to express her stress in front of Rukmini. Devaki smiled very lightly.
Krishna understood Rukmini's problem, so he did not force Rukmini much to eat food.
After some time - Balram had to go to the market of Dwarka for the problem of merchants, for this he wanted to take Krishna with him too, so he asked a servant from the royal court to give his message to Krishna. The slave came to the entrance of the palace, the soldiers stopped him and asked politely, "For what purpose have you come?". The servant told them that Balarama has asked him to give a message to Krishna. The soldiers allowed him to enter the palace. As soon as the servant reached the hall he asked another servant to call Krishna. The second servant went inside and told Krishna about the servant who had come from the royal court. Krishna came to that servant, seeing Krishna, he folded his hands and said in a very gentle voice "Pranipat Dwarkadhish". Krishna smiled. Then the servant gave the message of Balarama to Krishna, hearing this, Krishna said, "Tell Dau, I will come in some time". The servant nodded and left from there. Krishna went inside and told Devaki, Rohini and Rukmini that he and Balarama were going to town for an important state work and that they would both come back by night. After Krishna's departure, Rohini lovingly said to Rukmini, "Putri (Daughter), take some rest for a while or else your health will be affected due to excessive fatigue". Devaki agreed with Rohini and said "Jiji (Sister) is absolutely right, you need rest at this time". Rukmini nodded and said softly "As you say, Mata (Mother)".
Then Rukmini came to her chamber, she put a pillow behind her waist before sitting on the bed because Devaki, Rohini had advised her to sit with a pillow behind her waist in pregnancy. She rested her head on the headboard of the bed and closed her eyes and started thinking, after a few moments suddenly she opened her eyes and started smiling softly looking at her womb. She began to caress her womb with her hand and said "I am so excited to have you in my arms" with the intention of talking to her unborn baby.

- The End -

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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