8. Krishmini - Its Our Marriage (Part - 2) Final Part

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Chapter 8 :

After completion of marriage. Krishna and Rukmini took everyone's blessings. Then Krishna introduced Rukmini to Yashoda and Nandalal and said "Rukmini this is my Yashoda maiya and my Nanda Baba, she brought me up from childhood and took care of me". Rukmini touched the feet of Yashoda and Nandalal. Yashoda said "My Kanhaiya is very lucky that he got you". Rukmini blushed. Subhadra said to Yashoda "You are absolutely right maiya". Then Krishna said, "Maiya, why did you and Baba come so late, I have been waiting for you since long". "Kanhaiya you know, as more residents are coming to Vrindavan, your Baba's work is also increasing, that's why it got delayed," Yashoda said to Krishna. "No problem maiya, you and Baba came, that's enough for me," said Krishna. Then Krishna hugged Yashoda. "Sister Yashoda, now you and Nanda bhaiya stay with us for a few days in Dwarka," said Devaki. Yashoda and Nandalal happily nodded.

Chapter 9 :

Now many of the guests had left. Now Rukmini's parents were also about to leave. Rukmini gets emotional. Shuddhamati Hugged Rukmini. "Take care of everyone daughter" King Bhishmak said to Rukmini. Rukmini emotionally nodded. Shuddhamati said to Krishna "I know you will take great care of my daughter, but what should I do, she is my only daughter, she is very dear to me". On this, Krishna, holding Shuddhamati's hand, said, "Mother, you should not worry at all, I will take full care of Rukmini". "Yes sister, don't worry at all, Rukmini will always be our daughter for us," said Devaki to Shuddhamati. Then as soon as Rukmini's parents reached the door, Rukmini became very emotional. Krishna understood Rukmini's condition and placed his hand on her shoulder. Rukmini wiped her tears and smiled looking at Krishna.

Chapter 10 :

Now it was time for the Griha Pravesh
(Entry ceremony of the new bride)
Devaki and Yashoda performed the aarti of Rukmini Krishna. "Putri, enter after pushing this kalash with the right foot". Rukmini did the same. Then the whole family went to the temple with Krishna Rukmini. Krishna Rukmini worshiped in the temple. Then Krishna said to Devaki "Mata, how many more rituals are there now?". Everyone laughed at this. "Krishna have some patience," said Devaki. Now everyone has entered the hall. "Krishna Rukmini, both of you sit down, there is still one more ritual left," said Rohini. Krishna Rukmini sat down. Then Subhadra came with a tub which was full of milk. "Now Subhadra will put this ring in it 3 times and whoever finds this ring more times among you will win" said Rohini. Although most of the guests had left, Kuruvansh, Pandavas and many other guests were still in Dwarka. As the ring game started and Subhadra put the ring for the first time. Krishna Rukmini started looking for the ring with one hand. Uddhava, Satyaki, Kritavarma, Bheem, Nakul, Sahadev and Arjun were all on the side of Krishna, they were repeatedly saying to Krishna "Krishna Bhaiya victory should be yours". Subhadra, Revathi, Rohini, Devaki, Yashoda were all on the side of Rukmini and were saying to Rukmini that "Victory should be yours". But while looking for the ring for the first time, Krishna kept looking at Rukmini and lost. "Madhav, Can you see Rukmini Bhabhi later?" said Arjun. Krishna started laughing. Rukmini got the ring for the second time, and she gave it to Krishna. Because along with the milk in the tub, there was also rose petals, so no one even came to know. Kritavarma, Uddhava, Nakula, Sahadev, Satyaki, Bhima and Arjun said "Krishna Bhaiya, this time your victory is yours". But Krishna kept smiling towards Rukmini because he knew that Rukmini had given him the ring. When Subhadra put on the ring for the third time, Krishna Rukmini looked at each other and found the ring together. Devaki said on this
"Look, you were all wishing for one victory and both of them won together". Krishna Rukmini smiled looking at each other.

Chapter 11 :

The evening had passed after completing all the rituals. It was night time everyone was having food. Rukmini was with Revathi because Devaki had asked Revathi to change Rukmini's clothes and also get her ready for the first night. Revathi fed Rukmini food and then helped her in getting ready. Here Krishna was sitting with Yudhishthira. Subhadra Arjun was helping Devaki. Balaram and everyone else were busy looking after the guests. Yudhishthira said to Krishna "Krishna, now when is your idea to come to Hastinapur". "Soon jyeshth, but I will not come alone," replied Krishna. Yudhishthira smiled and said "I know now you will bring Rukmini along". Krishna happily nodded.

Chapter 12 :

Rukmini was waiting for Krishna sitting on the bed in the chamber. She was adorned with very beautiful floral ornaments. As soon as Krishna came. Her heartbeat became very fast. She was blushing too. Krishna came and sat beside her and said "Rukmini". "Yes Arya" Rukmini said and blushed. "Today I am very happy, finally we got married" said Krishna. Rukmini smiled. Rukmini Krishna kept talking for a while
Rukmini had sleep in her eyes as she was very tired. As soon as Krishna notices that Rukmini is very tired. he said "You must be very tired, you rest". "You too must be getting tired Arya, you should also rest now," said Rukmini. "You are right Rukmini, I feel like I have worked a lot since morning" said Krishna. "I didn't know that the bride and groom have to perform so many rituals," said Krishna laughing. Rukmini also laughed. Then Krishna helped Rukmini to take off her jewellery. Then both fell asleep.

- The End -

Krishna - Rukmini (Krishmini) Mahabharat 2013Where stories live. Discover now