6. Krishmini - We Are One (Part 2)

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Chapter 6 :

Everyone came back from the temple to Dwarka. Everyone was very happy today. Meanwhile, Balaram came to Krishna's chamber. Krishna was sitting on his royal bed. As soon as he saw Dau coming, he stood up from the bed. Balaram smiled and said "Kanha". Than Balaram Hugged Krishna. "Dau, I am very happy today" said Krishna to Balaram.
Balaram said "Why not, after all its your marriage ". Krishna Happily nodded. "I am still astonished that how did you get such a good bride Kanha, even she herself wrote the letter to you," said Balaram. "Dau, I am unique, so my love story must also be unique," said Krishna with a mischievous smile. On this Balaram said "Yes, yes I know how unique you are, and I also know how dear you are to sweets". Then both the brothers started laughing. "Well Kanha, it is better to forget what happened to Rukmi, and I would say you should invite Rukmini's Parents for marriage," said Balaram. Krishna said "I am also thinking the same thing, what is the fault of Rukmini's Parents and other Brothers in whatever Rukmi did, in fact they all were very happy with Me and Rukmini's escape". "Oh wow Kanha, that means everyone has accepted you in Vidarbha except Rukmi," said Balaram in astonishment.
"Yes Dau" said Krishna with a smile. Krishna further said "Dau, after talking to the parents, you send an invitation to Vidarbha soon". Dau nodded happily and left from there.

Chapter 7 :

Next Day -Subhadra said to Rukmini "Bhabhi close your eyes". Rukmini asked "But why Subhadra". "You do this please" Subhadra said. Rukmini said "Okay all right". Then Rukmini closed her eyes. Subhadra took Rukmini's hand and brought her towards Krishna's chamber. "Subhadra where are we going?" asked Rukmini. "Surprise for you Bhabhi" replied Subhadra. As soon as Subhadra reached the door of Krishna's chamber with Rukmini. Krishna was surprised to see Subhadra, Rukmini. Subhadra pointed towards Krishna with her eyebrows. Krishna smiled at this mischief of Subhadra. Subhadra stopped and said to Rukmini "Bhabhi now you can open your eyes". As soon as Rukmini opened her eyes, Krishna was standing in front of her. "Arya" said Rukmini. "Look Bhabhi, this is Krishna Bhaiya's room" Subhadra said smiling. Rukmini smiled. On this Krishna said "Subhadre, you have done at least one good thing". "Krishna Bhaiya" Subhadra said with a cute face. Krishna Rukmini started laughing.
Then Subhadra, looking at Rukmini and Krishna said, "Bhabhi I am going now, you talk to your husband". Rukmini nodded. Subhadra left from Krishna's chamber. Krishna started looking at Rukmini. "Rukmini, do you like this room?" Krishna asked. "Yes Arya, this room is very nice" Rukmini. Then Krishna showed Rukmini his entire chamber and asked her if she wanted to change anything. Rukmini refused to change anything as she already liked everything very much.
Suddenly Rukmini's eyes fell on the "sharang bow". "Is this your bow? Arya" Rukmini asked. Krishna nodded happily. Krishna asked "Do you know archery? Rukmini". "Yes Arya" Rukmini replied. (Although Krishna knew that Rukmini must have learned archery as she is an incarnation of Lakshmi, yet Krishna asked). "Do you know I also know sword fighting Arya" Rukmini told Krishna. "Wonderful Rukmini," said Krishna. Rukmini smiled.
"I heard that you also use Sudarshan Chakra, but when you used Sudarshan on Rukmi Bhaiya, I saw it for the first time," said Rukmini. Krishna said "I am sorry for what happened to your brother". Putting her hand on Krishna's hand, Rukmini said, "Don't worry Arya, some things are not in our control, Forget what happened, and anyway this is not the time to be sad, this is the time to be happy." Krishna said "You are the first best bride in the world." Rukmini laughed and asked "Why". "Usually boys express their love to the girl, but in our case it is you who were ready to abduct happily," said Krishna. Rukmini laughed and said, "Because I knew that you would never leave my side and you like to do different things according to what I have heard about you."

Chapter 8 :

Wedding preparations started in Dwarka. The whole palace was decorated with flowers. There was happiness everywhere. Devaki and Vasudev distributed jewelry and clothes among the entire people. The whole Dwarka was glowing.
Today was the Mehndi of Rukmini and Krishna. Relatives from Hastinapur including Kunti, Yudhishthira, Bhima, Nakul and Sahadev had come for the mehendi ceremony. Rukmini's parents and her other brothers also came for the mehendi ceremony. Rohini, Devaki and Vasudev welcomed Them. Krishna touched the feet of Rukmini's parents. Then Krishna introduced Them to his family. King Bhishmak said with folded palms "My Putri Rukmini is very lucky that she got such a good family". Vasudeva hugged him and said "Maharaj, it is our and our Krishna's good fortune that we got Rukmini. Rukmini is not only your daughter, but now she is my daughter too. King Bhishmak became emotional. Queen Shuddhamati was also very happy for her daughter. Devaki said, "Sister Shuddhamati, you Come with me, I'll take you to Rukmini." Shuddhamati nodded emotionally. On the way, Devaki tells Shuddhamati "Sister we are all blessed to have Rukmini, Rukmini is very sweet, you have given her very good values. Shuddhamati said "My daughter is blessed to have you all, Krishna is very nice." ". Rukmini got emotional as soon as she saw Shuddhamati. Shuddhamati hugged Rukmini. Devaki and Subhadra smiled at each other. Shuddhamati saw Rukmini's look. Rukmini wore a green lehenga with heavy jewellery. Shuddhamati placed her hand on Rukmini's head and said "Putri you are looking very cute today". Devaki introduced Shuddhamati to Subhadra "Sister, this is our princess of Dwarka, Subhadra, she is the only daughter of Rohini didi". Subhadra touched Shuddhamati's feet. Shuddhamati blessed him. Then Devaki said "You and Rukmini talk, I have some work, Subhadra, you come with me, Revathi was looking for you". Subhadra nodded and went with Devaki. After the departure of Devaki and Subhadra. Shuddhamati told Rukmani that Krishna had invited her for marriage. Rukmini was very happy. After that Rukmini and Shuddhamati talked for a while.
Here Krishna was sitting with the Pandavas. But Krishna's attention was somewhere else. So Bheem said "Krishna, will you not introduce us to Rukmini?". "I will definitely introduce her to you all, Bhaiya Bheem, let Rukmini come." Yudhishthira said, "How long have you known Rukmini, Krishna?". "I have known her for a long time....." Arjuna said while cutting Krishna's talk, "But Madhav saw Rukmini bhabhi only 2 days ago". Everyone was surprised at this. Everyone said "How is it possible?". Krishna said "Love comes from the heart, not by meeting or not meeting". Everyone started laughing.

Krishna - Rukmini (Krishmini) Mahabharat 2013Where stories live. Discover now