27. Krishmini - Good News (Part - 2)

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Chapter 5 :

Rukmini Krishna was all alone after Subhadra and Devaki left the chamber. Rukmini's eyelids were lowered, Rukmini was blushing and Krishna was looking at her. Krishna lovingly held her hand and said "Priye (Dear)...". Rukmini looked at him shyly, Krishna slowly moved towards her and kissed her forehead and said "Priye (Dear).. I do not understand how to thank you.. You have always given me many happiness And today you gave me the opportunity to see and live my childhood again in our child.. Priye (Dear).. I am very thankful to you that you accepted me as your husband.. I am super blessed to have you". Rukmini became very emotional after hearing all this, she slowly got up and sat properly on the bed and looking at Krishna who was sitting next to her, said in an emotional voice "Arya.. I should say thanks to you.. Thank you Arya for loving me so much, without you my life is incomplete". After saying Rukmini, she hugged Krishna. Then looking at Krishna, Rukmini smiled and said, "This day has become very special for us". Krishna nodded with a smile , he kissed Rukmini's forehead again. Then Rukmini Krishna spent some loving time together, after a few moments a maid brought a plate of fruits and stood at the door and said "Maharani (Queen).. Maharani Devaki has sent these fruits for you". Krishna himself got up and took a plate of fruits from the hand of the maidservant and sat down on the bed beside Rukmini. Krishna asked Rukmini to eat fruits but Rukmini refused. Krishna said lovingly "But why?". "Because I don't feel like eating anything at all," replied Rukmini. Krishna put his hand on her cheek and said "Priye (Dear), you haven't eaten anything since morning and in this condition you should not stay hungry for long." "But Arya" Rukmini said emotionally.
Krishna was understanding Rukmini's situation and softly said "Priye (Dear), please eat some fruits". "Arya.." said Rukmini. "Priye (Dear).." Krishna said while placing the fruit plate in front of Rukmini. Looking at Krishna, Rukmini said "Okay but not much". Krishna shook his head happily and said "as you wish".

Chapter 6 :

Here - Devaki and Vasudev were talking. "Arya, I cannot believe that our Krishna is going to be the father.. We will be able to live his childhood again" Devaki said emotionally. Vasudev nodded and happily said "You are telling the truth Priye (Dear).. It seems as if it was yesterday when Krishna was born and today he himself is about to become a father. Time has passed so quickly". "Arya, time has passed so quickly" said Devaki. While Devaki and Vasudev were talking, a maidservant came and told Devaki that Rohini had returned from the temple and was looking for Devaki. Hearing this, Devaki said to Vasudev "Arya, I should meet Rohini Didi.. She was also very worried for Rukmini". Vasudev happily nodded. Then Devaki went from there to meet Rohini. Rohini was waiting for Devaki in the hall. Devaki came and got emotional and hugged Rohini and said "Didi..". Rohini got a little nervous seeing Devaki getting emotional and said "Devki is all right?.. Rukmini's health is fine?"."All is well didi," said Devaki. "Then why are these tears in your eyes?" Rohini asked in concern. "These are tears of happiness, Our Rukmini is about to become a mother," said Devaki, wiping her tears happily. Rohini was very happy to hear this and said "This is such a great news". Devaki nodded happy. Rohini asked "Does Kanha know about this?". Devaki said "Yes, Krishna knows this and he is with Rukmini right now". Rohini Happily nodded and said "Today has proved to be a very good day for Dwarka.. After a long time a child will be born in this palace". Devaki nodded. Rohini further said "Devki, let's go to Rukmini.. I want to see her". Devaki nodded and said "Okay let's go". Then Rohini and Devaki went straight from the hall to Rukmini and Krishna's chamber. Reaching the door of the chamber, Rohini and Devaki saw that Rukmini Krishna was talking to each other, Devaki and Rohini looked at each other and happily nodded and went inside the chamber. Rohini said "Putra (Son)..". Looking at Devaki and Rohini, Rukmini Krishna stood up from the bed and both happily said "Mata (Mother)..". Rohini hugged Rukmini and said "Putri (Daughter).. you have given great happiness to all of us, After waiting so many years because of you this day has come.. Be happy always.. May God fulfill all your wishes." Rukmini smiled and felt blessed. Devaki asked Rukmini "Putri (Daughter), Have you eaten the fruit?" Rukmini nodded yes. "Mata (Mother), I am also here." Krishna said with a mischievous smile. Rohini laughed and said, "We see that you are also here. Putri (Daughter) Rukmini You know, your husband used to do the same in childhood". Rukmini smiled and asked "I know". "Mata (Mother).." Krishna said with a cute face. Everyone started laughing.

Krishna - Rukmini (Krishmini) Mahabharat 2013Where stories live. Discover now